▼ doxygen | |
demos | |
devices | |
▼ libajacc | |
▼ includes | |
ajacc.h | The public interface to the AJA closed-captioning library. It currently supports the CEA-608 standard |
ccfont.h | Declaration of NTV2CCFont |
ntv2caption608dataqueue.h | Declaration for the CNTV2Caption608DataQueue class |
ntv2caption608message.h | Declares the CNTV2Caption608Message class |
ntv2caption608messagequeue.h | Declares the CNTV2Caption608MessageQueue class |
ntv2caption608types.h | Declares several data types used with 608/SD captioning |
ntv2caption708service.h | Declares the CNTV2Caption708Service class |
ntv2caption708serviceblockqueue.h | Declares the CNTV2Caption708ServiceBlockQueue class |
ntv2caption708serviceinfo.h | Declares the CNTV2Caption708ServiceInfo class |
ntv2caption708window.h | Declares the CNTV2Caption708Window class |
ntv2captiondecodechannel608.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 class |
ntv2captiondecoder608.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionDecoder608 class |
ntv2captiondecoder708.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionDecoder708 class |
ntv2captionencoder608.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionEncoder608 class |
ntv2captionencoder708.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionEncoder708 class |
ntv2captionlogging.h | Declares the NTV2CaptionLogMask, and the CNTV2CaptionLogConfig class |
ntv2captionrenderer.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionRenderer class |
ntv2captiontranslator608to708.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionTranslator608to708 class |
ntv2captiontranslator708to708.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionTranslator708to708 class |
ntv2captiontranslatorchannel608to708.h | Declares the CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708 class |
ntv2line21captioner.h | Declares the CNTV2Line21Captioner class |
ntv2smpteancdata.h | Declares the CNTV2SMPTEAncData class |
ntv2srt.h | Declares SubRipText codec classes |
ntv2xdscaptiondecodechannel608.h | Declares the CNTV2XDSDecodeChannel608 class |
▼ libajantv2 | |
▼ ajaanc | |
► includes | |
ancillarydata.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData class |
ancillarydata_cea608.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Cea608 class |
ancillarydata_cea608_line21.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Cea608_line21 class |
ancillarydata_cea608_vanc.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Cea608_Vanc class |
ancillarydata_cea708.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Cea708 class |
ancillarydata_framestatusinfo524D.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_FrameStatusInfo524D class |
ancillarydata_framestatusinfo5251.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_FrameStatusInfo5251 class |
ancillarydata_hdmi_aux.h | |
ancillarydata_hdr_hdr10.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_HDR_HDR10 class |
ancillarydata_hdr_hlg.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_HDR_HLG class |
ancillarydata_hdr_sdr.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_HDR_SDR class |
ancillarydata_timecode.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode class |
ancillarydata_timecode_atc.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode_ATC class |
ancillarydata_timecode_vitc.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode_VITC class |
ancillarydatafactory.h | Declaration of the AJAAncillaryDataFactory class |
ancillarylist.h | Declares the AJAAncillaryList class |
► src | |
ancillarydata.cpp | Implementation of the AJAAncillaryData class |
ancillarydata_cea608.cpp | Declares the AJAAncillaryData_Cea608 class |
ancillarydata_cea608_line21.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_Cea608_line21 class |
ancillarydata_cea608_vanc.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_Cea608_Vanc class |
ancillarydata_cea708.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_Cea708 class |
ancillarydata_framestatusinfo524D.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_FrameStatusInfo524D class |
ancillarydata_framestatusinfo5251.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_FrameStatusInfo5251 class |
ancillarydata_hdmi_aux.cpp | |
ancillarydata_hdr_hdr10.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_HDR_HDR10 class |
ancillarydata_hdr_hlg.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_HDMI_Aux class |
ancillarydata_hdr_sdr.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_HDR_SDR class |
ancillarydata_timecode.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode class |
ancillarydata_timecode_atc.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode_ATC class |
ancillarydata_timecode_vitc.cpp | Implements the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode_VITC class |
ancillarydatafactory.cpp | Implementation of the AJAAncillaryDataFactory class |
ancillarylist.cpp | Implementation of the AJAAncillaryList class |
▼ ajabase | |
► common | |
ajamovingavg.h | Declares the AJAMovingAvg class |
ajarefptr.h | Defines the AJARefPtr template class |
audioutilities.cpp | Implementation of AJA_GenerateAudioTone function |
audioutilities.h | Declaration of AJA_GenerateAudioTone function |
buffer.cpp | Implementation of AJABuffer class |
buffer.h | Implementation of AJABuffer class |
bytestream.h | Declaration of AJAByteStream class |
circularbuffer.h | Declaration of AJACircularBuffer template class |
cli_utils.h | Declaration of GetNumber, GetString and GetCharAsInt functions |
commandline.cpp | Definition of Command Line classes |
commandline.h | Declaration of Command Line classes |
common.cpp | Generic helper functions |
common.h | Private include file for all ajabase sources |
dpx_hdr.cpp | Implementation of DpxHdr class adapted from STwo's dpx file I/O |
dpx_hdr.h | Declaration of DpxHdr class adapted from STwo's dpx file I/O |
dpxfileio.cpp | Implementation of the AJADPXFileIO class, for low level file I/O |
dpxfileio.h | Declaration of the AJADPXFileIO class, for low level file I/O |
export.h | Declares system-dependent import/export macros and libraries |
guid.cpp | Generates a new, unique UUID as an STL string |
guid.h | Generates a new, unique UUID as an STL string |
json.hpp | |
options_popt.cpp | |
options_popt.h | |
performance.cpp | Monitors the operational performance, timing, and stats of an arbitrary module |
performance.h | Declaration of the AJAPerformance class |
pixelformat.cpp | Contains the implementation of the AJAPixelFormat class |
pixelformat.h | Contains the declaration of the AJAPixelFormat class |
public.h | Master header for the ajabase library |
rawfile.h | Defines data structures used to read and write AJA raw files |
timebase.cpp | Implements the AJATimeBase class |
timebase.h | Declares the AJATimeBase class |
timecode.cpp | Implements the AJATimeCode class |
timecode.h | Declares the AJATimeCode class |
timecodeburn.cpp | Implements the AJATimeCodeBurn class |
timecodeburn.h | Declares the AJATimeCodeBurn class |
timer.cpp | Implements the AJATimer class |
timer.h | Declares the AJATimer class |
types.h | Declares common types used in the ajabase library |
variant.cpp | Implements the AJAVariant class |
variant.h | Declares the AJAVariant class |
videotypes.h | Declares the enumeration constants used in the ajabase library |
videoutilities.cpp | Declares the ajabase library's video utility functions |
videoutilities.h | Declares the ajabase library's video utility functions |
wavewriter.cpp | Implements the AJAWavWriter class |
wavewriter.h | Declares the AJAWavWriter class |
► pnp | |
► linux | |
pnpimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAPnpImpl class on the Linux platform |
pnpimpl.h | Declares the AJAPnpImpl class |
► mac | |
devicenotifier.cpp | Implements the MacOS-specific KonaNotifier and DeviceNotifier classes, which invoke a client-registered callback function when devices are attached and/or detached |
devicenotifier.h | Declares the MacOS-specific KonaNotifier and DeviceNotifier classes, which invoke a client-registered callback function when devices are attached and/or detached |
masterport.cpp | Implements the MasterPort class |
masterport.h | Declares the MasterPort class |
pnpimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAPnpImpl class on the Mac platform |
pnpimpl.h | Declares the AJAPnpImpl class |
► windows | |
pnpimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAPnpImpl class on the Windows platform |
pnpimpl.h | Declares the AJAPnpImpl class |
pnp.cpp | Implements the AJAPnp (plug-and-play) class |
pnp.h | Declares the AJAPnp (plug-and-play) class |
► system | |
► bm | |
eventimpl.cpp | |
eventimpl.h | |
infoimpl.cpp | |
infoimpl.h | |
lockimpl.cpp | |
lockimpl.h | |
processimpl.cpp | |
processimpl.h | |
threadimpl.cpp | |
threadimpl.h | |
► linux | |
eventimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAEventImpl class on the Linux platform |
eventimpl.h | Declares the AJAEventImpl class |
infoimpl.cpp | Implements the AJASystemInfoImpl class on the Linux platform |
infoimpl.h | Declares the AJASystemInfoImpl class |
lockimpl.cpp | Implements the AJALockImpl class on the Linux platform |
lockimpl.h | Declares the AJALockImpl class |
processimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAProcessImpl class on the Linux platform |
processimpl.h | Declares the AJAProcessImpl class |
threadimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAThreadImpl class on the Linux platform |
threadimpl.h | Declares the AJAThreadImpl class |
► mac | |
eventimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAEventImpl class on the Mac platform |
eventimpl.h | Declares the AJAEventImpl class |
infoimpl.h | Declares the AJASystemInfoImpl class |
infoimpl.mm | Implements the AJASystemInfoImpl class on the Mac platform |
lockimpl.cpp | Implements the AJALockImpl class on the Mac platform |
lockimpl.h | Declares the AJALockImpl class |
processimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAProcessImpl class on the Mac platform |
processimpl.h | Declares the AJAProcessImpl class |
pthreadsextra.cpp | Declares extra symbols to make the Mac threads implementation look more like Unix |
pthreadsextra.h | Declares extra symbols to make the Mac threads implementation look more like Unix |
threadimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAThreadImpl class on the Mac platform |
threadimpl.h | Declares the AJAThreadImpl class |
► windows | |
eventimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAEventImpl class on the Windows platform |
eventimpl.h | Declares the AJAEventImpl class |
infoimpl.cpp | Implements the AJASystemInfoImpl class on the Windows platform |
infoimpl.h | Declares the AJASystemInfoImpl class |
lockimpl.cpp | Implements the AJALockImpl class on the Windows platform |
lockimpl.h | Declares the AJALockImpl class |
processimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAProcessImpl class on the Windows platform |
processimpl.h | Declares the AJAProcessImpl class |
threadimpl.cpp | Implements the AJAThreadImpl class for the Windows platform |
threadimpl.h | Declares the AJAThreadImpl class |
atomic.cpp | Implements the AJAAtomic class |
atomic.h | Declares the AJAAtomic class |
debug.cpp | Implements the AJADebug class |
debug.h | Declares the AJADebug class |
debugshare.h | Declares the constants used for sharing debug messages. These structures are used to gather debug messages and share them with the applications that report and log |
diskstatus.cpp | Implements the AJADiskStatus class |
diskstatus.h | Declares the AJADiskStatus class |
event.cpp | Implements the AJAEvent class |
event.h | Declares the AJAEvent class |
file_io.cpp | Implements the AJAFileIO class based on platform, Windows/Posix |
file_io.h | Declares the AJAFileIO class |
info.cpp | Implements the AJASystemInfo class |
info.h | Declares the AJASystemInfo class |
lock.cpp | Implements the AJALock class |
lock.h | Declares the AJALock class |
log.cpp | Implements the AJATimeLog class |
log.h | Declares the AJATimeLog class |
make_unique_shim.h | |
memory.cpp | Implements the AJAMemory class |
memory.h | Declares the AJAMemory class |
process.cpp | Implements the AJAProcess class |
process.h | Declares the AJAProcess class |
system.cpp | System specific helper functions |
system.h | System specific functions |
systemtime.cpp | Implements the AJATime class |
systemtime.h | Declares the AJATime class |
thread.cpp | Implements the AJAThread class |
thread.h | Declares the AJAThread class |
▼ ajantv2 | |
► includes | |
ajaexport.h | Defines the import/export macros for producing DLLs or LIBs |
ajatypes.h | Declares the most fundamental data types used by NTV2. Since Windows NT was the first principal development platform, many typedefs are Windows-centric |
basemachinecontrol.h | |
ntv2audiodefines.h | Declares common audio macros and structs used in the SDK |
ntv2bft.h | Handy macros for Basic Functionality Tests |
ntv2bitfile.h | Declares the CNTV2Bitfile class |
ntv2bitfilemanager.h | Declares the CNTV2BitfileManager class that manages Xilinx bitfiles |
ntv2card.h | Declares the CNTV2Card class |
ntv2choosableboard.h | Declares the NTV2ChoosableBoard struct used for "nub" discovery |
ntv2config2022.h | Declares the CNTV2Config2022 class |
ntv2config2110.h | Declares the CNTV2Config2110 class |
ntv2configts2022.h | Declares the CNTV2ConfigTs2022 class |
ntv2cscmatrix.h | Declares the utility class for abstract color space matrix operations |
ntv2debug.h | |
ntv2debugmacros.h | Declares several macros useful for debugging |
ntv2devicecapabilities.h | Declares the DeviceCapabilities class |
ntv2devicefeatures.h | Declares device capability functions |
ntv2devicefeatures.hh | Declares NTV2DeviceCanDo... and NTV2DeviceGetNum... functions. This module is included at compile time from 'ntv2devicefeatures.h' |
ntv2devicescanner.h | Declares the CNTV2DeviceScanner class |
ntv2driverinterface.h | Declares the CNTV2DriverInterface base class |
ntv2endian.h | Defines a number of handy byte-swapping macros |
ntv2enhancedcsc.h | Declares the CNTV2EnhancedCSC class |
ntv2enums.h | Enumerations for controlling NTV2 devices |
ntv2fixed.h | Declares several fixed-point math routines. Assumes 16-bit fraction |
ntv2formatdescriptor.h | Declares the NTV2FormatDescriptor class |
ntv2konaflashprogram.h | Declares the CNTV2KonaFlashProgram class |
ntv2m31enums.h | Enumerations for controlling NTV2 devices with m31 HEVC encoders |
ntv2m31publicinterface.h | Declares structs used for the Corvid HEVC |
ntv2mailbox.h | Declares the CNTV2MailBox class |
ntv2mbcontroller.h | Declares the CNTV2MBController class |
ntv2mcsfile.h | Declares the CNTV2MCSfile class |
ntv2nubaccess.h | Declares NTV2 "nub" client functions |
ntv2nubtypes.h | Declares data types and structures used in NTV2 "nub" packets |
ntv2publicinterface.h | Declares enums and structs used by all platform drivers and the SDK |
ntv2registerexpert.h | Declares the CNTV2RegisterExpert class |
ntv2registers2022.h | Defines the KonaIP/IoIP S2022 registers |
ntv2registers2110.h | Defines the KonaIP/IoIP S2110 registers |
ntv2registersmb.h | Defines the KonaIP/IoIP registers |
ntv2resample.h | Declares a number of pixel resampling functions |
ntv2routingexpert.h | Declares RoutingExpert class used by CNTV2SignalRouter |
ntv2rp188.h | Declares the CRP188 class. See SMPTE RP188 standard for details |
ntv2serialcontrol.h | |
ntv2signalrouter.h | Declares CNTV2SignalRouter class |
ntv2spiinterface.h | Declares the CNTV2SpiFlash and CNTV2AxiSpiFlash classes |
ntv2supportlogger.h | Declares the CNTV2SupportLogger class |
ntv2task.h | Declares the CNTV2Task class (deprecated) |
ntv2testpatterngen.h | Declares the NTV2TestPatternGen class |
ntv2transcode.h | Declares a number of pixel format transcoder functions |
ntv2tshelper.h | Declares Transport Stream helper classes |
ntv2utils.h | Declares numerous NTV2 utility functions |
ntv2version.h | Defines for the NTV2 SDK version number, used by ajantv2/includes/ntv2enums.h . See the ajantv2/includes/ntv2version.h.in template when building with with CMake |
ntv2verticalfilter.h | Declares the VerticalFilterLine and FieldInterpolateLine functions |
ntv2videodefines.h | Declares common video macros and structs used in the SDK |
ntv2virtualregisters.h | Declares enums for virtual registers used in all platform drivers and the SDK |
ntv2vpid.h | Declares the CNTV2VPID class. See SMPTE 352 standard for details |
ntv2vpidfromspec.h | Declares functions for the C implementations of VPID generation from a VPIDSpec |
► src | |
► bm | |
ntv2baremetaldriverinterface.cpp | Implementation of the CNTV2BareMetalDriverInterface class |
ntv2baremetaldriverinterface.h | Declares the CNTV2BareMetalDriverInterface class |
ntv2baremetalpublicinterface.h | Types and defines shared between NTV2 user application interface and BareMetal device driver |
► lin | |
ntv2linuxdriverinterface.cpp | Implementation of the CNTV2LinuxDriverInterface class |
ntv2linuxdriverinterface.h | Declares the CNTV2LinuxDriverInterface class |
ntv2linuxpublicinterface.h | Types and defines shared between NTV2 user application interface and Linux device driver |
► mac | |
ntv2macdriverinterface.cpp | |
ntv2macdriverinterface.h | Implements the MacOS-specific flavor of CNTV2DriverInterface |
ntv2macpublicinterface.h | Declares MacOS-only enums used by the Mac driver and the SDK |
► win | |
dllmain.cpp | Implementation of Windows DLL entry |
ntv2windriverinterface.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2WinDriverInterface |
ntv2windriverinterface.h | Declares the MSWindows-specific flavor of CNTV2DriverInterface |
ntv2winpublicinterface.h | Defines & structs shared between user-space and Windows kernel driver |
ntv2anc.cpp | Implementations of anc-centric CNTV2Card methods |
ntv2audio.cpp | Implementations of audio-centric CNTV2Card methods |
ntv2autocirculate.cpp | Implements the CNTV2Card AutoCirculate API functions |
ntv2aux.cpp | Implementations of HDMI aux-centric CNTV2Card methods |
ntv2bitfile.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2Bitfile class |
ntv2bitfilemanager.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2BitfileManager class |
ntv2card.cpp | Implements several CNTV2Card methods. Other implementation files are 'ntv2audio.cpp', 'ntv2dma.cpp', 'ntv2register.cpp', .. |
ntv2config2022.cpp | Implements the CNTV2Config2022 class |
ntv2config2110.cpp | Implements the CNTV2Config2110 class |
ntv2configts2022.cpp | |
ntv2csclut.cpp | Implements most of CNTV2Card's CSC/LUT-related functions |
ntv2cscmatrix.cpp | Implementation of the CNTV2CSCMatrix class for abstract color space matrix operations |
ntv2debug.cpp | Declares the NTV2 debug output functions, including 'odprintf' |
ntv2devicefeatures.cpp | Implementations of non-auto-generated device capability functions |
ntv2devicefeatures.hpp | Contains implementations of NTV2DeviceCanDo... and NTV2DeviceGetNum... functions. This module is included at compile time from 'ntv2devicefeatures.cpp' |
ntv2devicescanner.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2DeviceScanner class |
ntv2dma.cpp | Implementations of DMA-related CNTV2Card methods |
ntv2driverinterface.cpp | Implements the CNTV2DriverInterface class |
ntv2dynamicdevice.cpp | Implementations of DMA-related CNTV2Card methods |
ntv2enhancedcsc.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2EnhancedCSC class |
ntv2formatdescriptor.cpp | Implementation of the NTV2FormatDescriptor class |
ntv2hdmi.cpp | Implements most of CNTV2Card's HDMI-related functions |
ntv2hevc.cpp | Implementations of HEVC-related CNTV2Card methods |
ntv2interrupts.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2Card's interrupt functions |
ntv2konaflashprogram.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2KonaFlashProgram class |
ntv2mailbox.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2MailBox class |
ntv2mbcontroller.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2MBController class |
ntv2mcsfile.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2MCSfile class |
ntv2nubaccess.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Dictionary, NTV2DeviceSpecParser, NTV2RPCClientAPI & NTV2RPCServerAPI classes |
ntv2publicinterface.cpp | Implementations of methods declared in 'ntv2publicinterface.h' |
ntv2regconv.cpp | CNTV2Card UDC/UFC conversion API implementation |
ntv2register.cpp | Implements most of CNTV2Card's register-based functions |
ntv2registerexpert.cpp | Implements the CNTV2RegisterExpert class |
ntv2regroute.cpp | CNTV2Card widget routing function implementations |
ntv2regvpid.cpp | CNTV2Card VPID API implementation |
ntv2resample.cpp | Implementations for the pixel resampling functions |
ntv2routingexpert.cpp | RoutingExpert implementation used within CNTV2SignalRouter |
ntv2rp188.cpp | Implements the CRP188 class. See SMPTE RP188 standard for details |
ntv2serialcontrol.cpp | Implements the CNTV2SerialControl class |
ntv2signalrouter.cpp | CNTV2SignalRouter implementation |
ntv2spiinterface.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2AxiSpiFlash class |
ntv2stream.cpp | Implementation most of CNTV2Card's streaming functions |
ntv2subscriptions.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2Card's event notification subscription functions |
ntv2supportlogger.cpp | Implementation of CNTV2SupportLogger class |
ntv2task.cpp | Implements the CNTV2Task class. @deprecate Its functionality is deprecated |
ntv2testpatterngen.cpp | Contains the implementation of the NTV2TestPatternGen class |
ntv2transcode.cpp | Implements a number of pixel format transcoder functions |
ntv2utils.cpp | Implementations for the NTV2 utility functions |
ntv2version.cpp | Defines for the NTV2 SDK version helpers. See the ajantv2/includes/ntv2version.h.in template when building with CMake |
ntv2verticalfilter.cpp | Implementations of the VerticalFilterLine and FieldInterpolateLine functions |
ntv2vpid.cpp | Implements the CNTV2VPID class. See the SMPTE 352 standard for details |
ntv2vpidfromspec.cpp | Generates a VPID based on a specification struct. See the SMPTE 352 standard for details |
▼ demos | |
► ntv2burn | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that "burns" timecode into frames captured from SDI input, and playout those modified frames to SDI output |
ntv2burn.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Burn demonstration class |
ntv2burn.h | Header file for the NTV2Burn demonstration class |
► ntv2burn4kquadrant | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to "burn" timecode into frames captured from SDI input, and play out the modified frames to SDI output |
ntv2burn4kquadrant.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Burn4KQuadrant demonstration class |
ntv2burn4kquadrant.h | Header file for the NTV2Burn4KQuadrant demonstration class |
► ntv2capture | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture frames from SDI input |
ntv2capture.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Capture class |
ntv2capture.h | Declares the NTV2Capture class |
► ntv2capture4k | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture frames from SDI input |
ntv2capture4k.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Capture class |
ntv2capture4k.h | Declares the NTV2Capture class |
► ntv2capture8k | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture frames from SDI input |
ntv2capture8k.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Capture class |
ntv2capture8k.h | Declares the NTV2Capture class |
► ntv2ccgrabber | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that grabs closed-captioning data from frames captured from SDI input (using AutoCirculate), and writes the captions to standard output |
ntv2ccgrabber.cpp | Implementation of NTV2CCGrabber class |
ntv2ccgrabber.h | Header file for NTV2CCGrabber demonstration class |
► ntv2ccplayer | |
main.cpp | Complex demonstration application that plays synthesized video to SDI output containing NTSC captions derived from standard input or text files |
ntv2ccplayer.cpp | Implementation of NTV2CCPlayer class |
ntv2ccplayer.h | |
► ntv2dolbycapture | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture Dolby audio from HDMI input |
ntv2dolbycapture.cpp | Implementation of NTV2DolbyCapture class |
ntv2dolbycapture.h | Declares the NTV2DolbyCapture class |
► ntv2dolbyplayer | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that uses AutoCirculate to playout video and Doly audio to HDMI |
ntv2dolbyplayer.cpp | Implementation of NTV2DolbyPlayer class |
ntv2dolbyplayer.h | Header file for NTV2DolbyPlayer demonstration class |
► ntv2encodehevc | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture frames from SDI input |
ntv2encodehevc.cpp | Implementation of NTV2EncodeHEVC class |
ntv2encodehevc.h | Declares the NTV2EncodeHEVC class |
► ntv2encodehevcfile | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture frames from SDI input |
ntv2encodehevcfile.cpp | Implementation of NTV2EncodeHEVCFile class |
ntv2encodehevcfile.h | Declares the NTV2EncodeHEVCFile class |
ntv2encodehevcfileac.cpp | Implementation of NTV2EncodeHEVCFileAc class |
ntv2encodehevcfileac.h | Declares the NTV2EncodeHEVCFileAc class |
► ntv2encodehevcvif | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to capture frames from SDI input |
ntv2encodehevcvif.cpp | Implementation of NTV2EncodeHEVCVif class |
ntv2encodehevcvif.h | Declares the NTV2EncodeHEVCVif class |
ntv2encodehevcvifac.cpp | Implementation of NTV2EncodeHEVCVifAc class |
ntv2encodehevcvifac.h | Declares the NTV2EncodeHEVCVifAc class |
► ntv2enumerateboards | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to enumerate the AJA devices for the host system, printing information about each device |
ntv2enumerateboards.cpp | Implementation of NTV2EnumerateDevices class |
ntv2enumerateboards.h | Header file that defines the NTV2EnumerateDevices class |
► ntv2fieldburn | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that "burns" timecode into separate fields captured from interlaced SDI input video, and plays out the modified fields to SDI output |
ntv2fieldburn.cpp | Implementation of NTV2FieldBurn demonstration class |
ntv2fieldburn.h | Header file for the NTV2FieldBurn demonstration class |
► ntv2hdrsetup | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that shows how to enable HDR capabilities of HDMI out |
► ntv2konaipj2ksetup | |
konaipj2ksetup.cpp | |
konaipj2ksetup.h | |
main.cpp | |
► ntv2konaipjsonsetup | |
keywords.h | |
konaipjsonparse.cpp | |
konaipjsonparse.h | |
konaipjsonsetup.cpp | |
konaipjsonsetup.h | |
main.cpp | |
► ntv2llburn | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that "burns" timecode into frames captured from SDI input, and playout those modified frames to SDI output |
ntv2llburn.cpp | Implementation of NTV2LLBurn demonstration class |
ntv2llburn.h | Header file for the low latency NTV2Burn demonstration class |
► ntv2outputtestpattern | |
main.cpp | Simple demonstration application to display a fixed test pattern on an AJA device's output |
ntv2outputtestpattern.cpp | Implementation of NTV2OutputTestPattern demonstration class |
ntv2outputtestpattern.h | |
► ntv2player | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that plays synthesized SD/HD video |
ntv2player.cpp | Implementation of NTV2Player class |
ntv2player.h | |
► ntv2player4k | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that plays synthesized 4K/UHD video |
ntv2player4k.cpp | Implementation of ntv2player4k class |
ntv2player4k.h | Header file for NTV2Player4K demonstration class |
► ntv2player8k | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that plays synthesized 8K/UHD2 video |
ntv2player8k.cpp | Implementation of ntv2player8k class |
ntv2player8k.h | Header file for NTV2Player8K demonstration class |
► ntv2qtmultiinput | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that uses AutoCirculate to capture frames from 1, 2, 3, or 4 SDI inputs and display the captured video in a Qt window, with or without audio |
ntv2qtmultiinput.cpp | Implementation of the NTV2QtMultiInput class |
ntv2qtmultiinput.h | Header file for NTV2QtMultiInput demonstration application. Demonstrates how to capture several SDI AV streams from NTV2-based AJA devices (e.g., Kona3G in Quad mode, and Corvid24). Shows how to make use of the NTV2FrameGrabber class |
► ntv2qtpreview | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that uses AutoCirculate to capture frames from a single SDI input and display the captured video in a Qt window, with or without audio |
ntv2qtpreview.cpp | Implementation of the NTV2QtPreview class |
ntv2qtpreview.h | Header file for NTV2QtPreview demo application. Demonstrates how to capture audio/video from NTV2-based AJA devices |
► ntv2streamplayer | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that plays synthesized SD/HD video |
ntv2streamplayer.cpp | Implementation of NTV2StreamPlayer class |
ntv2streamplayer.h | |
► ntv2streampreview | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application that uses AutoCirculate to capture frames from a single SDI input and display the captured video in a Qt window, with or without audio |
ntv2streamgrabber.cpp | Contains the implementation of the NTV2StreamGrabber class |
ntv2streamgrabber.h | Header file for the NTV2StreamGrabber class |
ntv2streampreview.cpp | Implementation of the NTV2StreamPreview class |
ntv2streampreview.h | Header file for NTV2StreamPreview demo application. Demonstrates how to capture audio/video from NTV2-based AJA devices |
► ntv2switchbitfile | |
main.cpp | Demonstration application to change the active bitfile |
ajapreviewwidget.cpp | |
ajapreviewwidget.h | |
ntv2democommon.cpp | Common implementation code used by many of the demo applications |
ntv2democommon.h | This file contains some structures, constants, classes and functions that are used in some of the demo applications. There is nothing magical about anything in this file. What's in here simply works well with the demos |
ntv2demohevccommon.cpp | Common implementation code used by many of the demo applications |
ntv2demohevccommon.h | This file contains some structures, constants, classes and functions that are used in some of the hevc demo applications. There is nothing magical about anything in this file. In your applications you may use a different number of circular buffers, or store different data in the AVDataBuffer. What's listed below are simply values that work well with the demos |
ntv2framegrabber.cpp | Contains the implementation of the NTV2FrameGrabber class |
ntv2framegrabber.h | Header file for the NTV2FrameGrabber class |