File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 ajacc.hThe public interface to the AJA closed-captioning library. It currently supports the CEA-608 standard
 ccfont.hDeclaration of NTV2CCFont
 ntv2caption608dataqueue.hDeclaration for the CNTV2Caption608DataQueue class
 ntv2caption608message.hDeclares the CNTV2Caption608Message class
 ntv2caption608messagequeue.hDeclares the CNTV2Caption608MessageQueue class
 ntv2caption608types.hDeclares several data types used with 608/SD captioning
 ntv2caption708service.hDeclares the CNTV2Caption708Service class
 ntv2caption708serviceblockqueue.hDeclares the CNTV2Caption708ServiceBlockQueue class
 ntv2caption708serviceinfo.hDeclares the CNTV2Caption708ServiceInfo class
 ntv2caption708window.hDeclares the CNTV2Caption708Window class
 ntv2captiondecodechannel608.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 class
 ntv2captiondecoder608.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionDecoder608 class
 ntv2captiondecoder708.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionDecoder708 class
 ntv2captionencoder608.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionEncoder608 class
 ntv2captionencoder708.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionEncoder708 class
 ntv2captionlogging.hDeclares the NTV2CaptionLogMask, and the CNTV2CaptionLogConfig class
 ntv2captionrenderer.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionRenderer class
 ntv2captiontranslator608to708.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionTranslator608to708 class
 ntv2captiontranslator708to708.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionTranslator708to708 class
 ntv2captiontranslatorchannel608to708.hDeclares the CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708 class
 ntv2line21captioner.hDeclares the CNTV2Line21Captioner class
 ntv2smpteancdata.hDeclares the CNTV2SMPTEAncData class
 ntv2srt.hDeclares SubRipText codec classes
 ntv2xdscaptiondecodechannel608.hDeclares the CNTV2XDSDecodeChannel608 class
 ntv2democommon.cppCommon implementation code used by many of the demo applications
 ntv2democommon.hThis file contains some structures, constants, classes and functions that are used in some of the demo applications. There is nothing magical about anything in this file. What's in here simply works well with the demos
 ntv2demohevccommon.cppCommon implementation code used by many of the demo applications
 ntv2demohevccommon.hThis file contains some structures, constants, classes and functions that are used in some of the hevc demo applications. There is nothing magical about anything in this file. In your applications you may use a different number of circular buffers, or store different data in the AVDataBuffer. What's listed below are simply values that work well with the demos
 ntv2framegrabber.cppContains the implementation of the NTV2FrameGrabber class
 ntv2framegrabber.hHeader file for the NTV2FrameGrabber class