Go to the documentation of this file.
20 #define HEX2(__x__) "0x" << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (0x00FF & uint16_t(__x__)) << dec
21 #define HEX4(__x__) "0x" << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << (0xFFFF & uint16_t(__x__)) << dec
22 #define HEX8(__x__) "0x" << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << (0xFFFFFFFF & uint32_t(__x__)) << dec
23 #define HEX16(__x__) "0x" << hex << setw(16) << setfill('0') << uint64_t(__x__) << dec
24 #define KR(_kr_) "kernErr=" << HEX8(_kr_) << "(" << ::GetKernErrStr(_kr_) << ")"
25 #define INST(__p__) "Ins-" << hex << setw(16) << setfill('0') << uint64_t(__p__) << dec
26 #define THRD(__t__) "Thr-" << hex << setw(16) << setfill('0') << uint64_t(__t__) << dec
28 #define PNPLOGS(__lvl__, __x__) AJA_sREPORT(AJA_DebugUnit_PnP, (__lvl__), __func__ << ": " << __x__)
AJAStatus Uninstall(void)
void(* AJAPnpCallback)(AJAPnpMessage inMessage, void *inRefCon)
If installed (see AJAPnp::Install) in an AJAPnp instance, this function is called when an AJA device ...
@ AJA_DebugSeverity_Error
Subclass of DeviceNotifier that notifies clients when Kona/Corvid/Io/TTap devices are attached/detach...
void PCIDeviceNotifierCallback(unsigned long message, void *refcon)
@ AJA_Pnp_PciVideoDevices
#define kAJADeviceInitialOpen
Declares the MacOS-specific KonaNotifier and DeviceNotifier classes, which invoke a client-registered...
virtual bool Install(CFMutableDictionaryRef dict=NULL)
AJAStatus Install(AJAPnpCallback callback, void *refCon, uint32_t devices)
#define PNPLOGS(__lvl__, __x__)
#define kAJADeviceTerminate
Private include file for all ajabase sources.
Declares the AJAPnpImpl class.
virtual ~AJAPnpImpl(void)
AJAPnpCallback GetCallback()
Declares the AJADebug class.