Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 CAJAAncDataLocDefines where the ancillary data can be found within a video stream
 CAJAAncillaryDataI am the principal class that stores a single SMPTE-291 SDI ancillary data packet OR the digitized contents of one "analog" raster line (e.g. line 21 captions or VITC). Since I'm payload-agnostic, I serve as the generic base class for more specific objects that know how to decode/parse specific types of ancillary data
 CAJAAncillaryData_Cea608This is the base class for handling CEA-608 caption data packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_Cea608_Line21This class handles "analog" (Line 21) based CEA-608 caption data packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_Cea608_VancThis class handles VANC-based CEA-608 caption data packets (not "analog" Line 21)
 CAJAAncillaryData_Cea708This class handles CEA-708 SMPTE 334 packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_FrameStatusInfo524DThis class handles "524D" Frame Status Information packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_FrameStatusInfo5251This class handles "5251" Frame Status Information packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_HDMI_AuxThis class handles HDMI Auxillary packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_HDR_HDR10This class handles "5251" Frame Status Information packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_HDR_HLGThis class handles "5251" Frame Status Information packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_HDR_SDRThis class handles "5251" Frame Status Information packets
 CAJAAncillaryData_TimecodeThis is the base class for the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode_ATC and AJAAncillaryData_Timecode_VITC classes, because they share the same "payload" data (i.e. timecode) and only differ in the transport (ancillary packets vs. "analog" coding)
 CAJAAncillaryData_Timecode_ATCI am the ATC-specific (analog) subclass of the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode class
 CAJAAncillaryData_Timecode_VITCThis is the VITC-specific subclass of the AJAAncillaryData_Timecode class
 CAJAAncillaryDataFactoryUse my AJAAncillaryDataFactory::GuessAncillaryDataType method to determine what kind of ancillary data is being held by a (generic) AJAAncillaryData object. Use my AJAAncillaryDataFactory::Create method to instantiate a new AJAAncillaryData object specific to a given type
 CAJAAncillaryListI am an ordered collection of AJAAncillaryData instances which represent one or more SMPTE 291 data packets that were captured from, or destined to be played into, one video field or frame. I can be built from the ancillary data received by the hardware during one field/frame, and/or built "from scratch" and used as the source of outgoing ancillary data to hardware
 CAJACircularBufferI am a circular frame buffer that simplifies implementing a type-safe producer/consumer model for processing frame-based streaming media. I can be used with any client-defined "frame", be it a struct or class. To use me:
 CAJAPixelFormatStorage and utility class for AJA_PixelFormat defines. This class provides a means of storing and querying facts about the various AJA_PixelFormat values
 CAJAPnpThis is a platform-agnostic plug-and-play class that notifies a client when AJA devices are attached/detached, powered on/off, sleep/wake, etc
 CAJARefPtrI am a reference-counted pointer template class. I am intended to be a proxy for an underlying object, whose lifespan is automatically managed by the Referent template class that I work with
 CAJARTPAncPacketHeaderI represent the 4-byte header of an anc packet that's inside an RTP packet
 CAJARTPAncPayloadHeaderI represent the header of a SMPTE 2110 compliant RTP Anc network packet
 CAJATimeCollection of platform-independent host system clock time functions
 CAJATimeCodeUtility class for timecodes
 CAJAVariantA simple Variant class
 CAUTOCIRCULATE_STATUSThis is returned from the CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateGetStatus function
 CAUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFERThis object specifies the information that will be transferred to or from the AJA device in the CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer function call
 CAUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER_STATUSThis object is embedded in the AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER struct that's returned from the CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer function, and contains status information about the transfer and the state of AutoCirculate
 CAVDataBufferThis structure encapsulates the video, audio and anc buffers used in the AutoCirculate demos. These demos use a fixed number (CIRCULAR_BUFFER_SIZE) of these buffers in an AJACircularBuffer, which greatly simplifies processing frames between producer and consumer threads
 CAVHevcDataBufferThis structure encapsulates the video and audio buffers used by the HEVC demo applications. The demo programs that employ producer/consumer threads use a fixed number of these buffers
 CBouncerA handy class that makes it easy to "bounce" an unsigned integer value between a minimum and maximum value using sequential calls to its Next method
 CBurnConfigConfigures an NTV2Burn or NTV2FieldBurn instance
 CCaptionChannelPacketInfoI am a container for a "Caption Channel Packet" – i.e., a wrapper for a clump of CEA-708 caption data. By CEA-708 rules, Caption Channel Packets are independent ("asynchronous") of video frame boundaries, which means a single Caption Channel Packet could span more than one frame, and/or multiple Caption Channel Packets can be sent in a single frame. Since we tend to parse things on a frame-by-frame basis (how quaint...), this means that at the beginning of each frame we could have an incomplete Caption Channel Packet (i.e. one that was started last frame but not yet completed), and at the end of each frame we could have zero, one or more completed Caption Channel Packets, and zero or one incomplete Packets (Caption Channel Packets that have been started but not completed)
 CCaptionDataThis structure encapsulates all possible CEA-608 caption data bytes that may be associated with a given frame or field
 CCaptureConfigThis class is used to configure an NTV2Capture instance
 CCBaseMachineControlA base class for deck control
 CCCGenConfigThis class is used to configure a caption generator for a single caption channel
 CCCGrabberConfigThis class is used to configure an NTV2CCGrabber instance
 CCCPlayerConfigConfigures an NTV2CCPlayer instance
 CCNTV2BareMetalDriverInterfaceBareMetal implementation of CNTV2DriverInterface
 CCNTV2BitfileInstances of me can parse a bitfile
 CCNTV2BitfileManagerI manage and cache any number of bitfiles for any number of NTV2 devices/designs
 CCNTV2Caption608DataQueueI am a simple, thread-safe queue of CEA-608 caption byte pairs
 CCNTV2Caption608MessageQueueI am a thread-safe queue of caption messages. Internally, I maintain two queues: one for high-priority messages, another for low-priority ones. Calling CNTV2Caption608MessageQueue::GetNextCaptionMessage will never return a low-priority message if a high-priority message is waiting to go out
 CCNTV2Caption708ServiceBlockQueueI am a simple, thread-safe queue of CEA-708 caption service blocks
 CCNTV2Caption708ServiceInfoI am a container for all of the CEA-708 "Service Information" that a decoder or encoder needs to keep track of. This typically means a database containing the current status of up 63 "services", as defined in CEA-708 and SMPTE-334
 CCNTV2CaptionDecoder708I am a CEA-708 captioning decoder used primarily to obtain CEA-608 captions carried in CEA-708 anc data packets
 CCNTV2CardI interrogate and control an AJA video/audio capture/playout device
 CCNTV2Config2022Interface to Kona-IP network I/O using SMPTE 2022
 CCNTV2Config2110Inquires and configures SMPTE 2110 network I/O for KONA IP and Io IP
 CCNTV2ConfigTs2022Interface to Kona-IP SMPTE 2022 J2K encoder and TS chips
 CCNTV2CSCMatrixThis class supports the color space conversion matrix described below
 CCNTV2DemoCommonA set of common convenience functions used by the NTV2 Demonstration Applications. Most are used for converting a command line argument into NTV2VideoFormat, NTV2FrameBufferFormat, etc. types
 CCNTV2DeviceScannerThis class is used to enumerate AJA devices that are attached and known to the local host computer
 CCNTV2DriverInterfaceI'm the base class that undergirds the platform-specific derived classes (from which CNTV2Card is ultimately derived)
 CCNTV2EnhancedCSCThis class controls the enhanced color space converter
 CCNTV2Line21CaptionerInstances of me can encode two ASCII characters into a "line 21" closed-captioning waveform. Conversely, my CNTV2Line21Captioner::DecodeLine class method can decode a "line 21" waveform to the two characters it contains
 CCNTV2LinuxDriverInterfaceLinux implementation of CNTV2DriverInterface
 CCNTV2MacDriverInterfaceA Mac-specific implementation of CNTV2DriverInterface
 CCNTV2MCSfileInstances of me can parse an MCS file
 CCNTV2RegisterExpertI provide "one-stop shopping" for information about registers and their values
 CCNTV2SerialControlThis sample class demonstrates how to use the Corvid/Kona/Io UART RS422 port(s). It is NOT intended to be an extensive machine control implementation
 CCNTV2SignalRouterThis class is a collection of widget input-to-output connections that can be applied all-at-once to an NTV2 device. Call AddConnection to connect a widget input (specified by NTV2InputXptID) to a widget's output (specified by NTV2OutputXptID). Call the CNTV2Card::ApplySignalRoute function to apply this route to the device
 CCNTV2SupportLoggerGenerates a standard support log (register log) for any NTV2 device attached to the host. To write the log into a file, open a std::ofstream, then stream this object into it
 CCNTV2TaskThe AutoCirculate "task" facility is deprecated. Use the new AutoCirculate APIs
 CCNTV2VPIDA convenience class that simplifies encoding or decoding the 4-byte VPID payload that can be read or written from/to VPID registers
 CCNTV2WinDriverInterfacePhysical device implementations of CNTV2DriverInterface methods through AJA Windows driver
 CCUtf8HelpersA small collection of UTF-8 utility functions
 CDeviceCapabilitiesConvenience class/API for inquiring about device capabilities of physical and virtual devices. Instead of calling the old global ::NTV2DeviceCanDoXXX(mDeviceID) functions, call mCard.features().CanDoXXX(). Instead of calling ::NTV2DeviceGetNumYYY(mDeviceID), call mCard.features().GetNumYYY()
 CDeviceNotifierMac-specific class that notifies clients when AJA devices are attached/detached, etc
 CDolbyCaptureConfigThis class is used to configure an NTV2Capture instance
 CDolbyPlayerConfigConfigures an NTV2DolbyPlayer instance
 CFRAME_STAMPThis is returned by the CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateGetFrameStamp function, and is also embedded in the AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER struct returned from CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer. If used as its own CNTV2DriverInterface::NTV2Message (the new API version of the old CNTV2Card::GetFrameStamp call), pass the NTV2Channel in the least significant byte of FRAME_STAMP::acFrameTime, and the requested frame in FRAME_STAMP::acRequestedFrame
 CKonaNotifierSubclass of DeviceNotifier that notifies clients when Kona/Corvid/Io/TTap devices are attached/detached
 CMasterPortDestroyerI sit around waiting for main() to exit(), whereupon I destroy the gMasterPort singleton
 CNTV2_HEADERAll new NTV2 structs start with this common header
 CNTV2_RP188This struct replaces the old RP188_STRUCT
 CNTV2_TRAILERAll new NTV2 structs end with this common trailer
 CNTV2ACFrameRangeAutoCirculate Frame Range
 CNTV2BankSelGetSetRegsThis is used to atomically perform bank-selected register reads or writes
 CNTV2BitfileHeaderParserKnows how to extract information from a bitfile header
 CNTV2BitfileInfoBitfile information
 CNTV2BitstreamThis is used for bitstream maintainance. (New in SDK 16.0)
 CNTV2BufferA generic user-space buffer object that has an address and a length. Used most often to share an arbitrary-sized chunk of host memory with the NTV2 kernel driver through a CNTV2DriverInterface::NTV2Message call
 CNTV2BufferLockThis is used to prelock a video/audio/anc buffer used as the source or target of DMA transfers. The driver will page-lock the buffer immediately, so it won't have to be done for each DMA transfer. This will reduce transfer time and CPU overhead at the cost of locking physical memory
 CNTV2BurnI capture frames from a video signal provided to an AJA device's video input. I burn timecode into those frames, then deliver them to an output of the same AJA device with a 7-frame latency (by default). I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, which simplifies implementing a producer/consumer model, in which a "consumer" thread delivers burned-in frames to the AJA device output, and a "producer" thread captures raw frames from the AJA device input. I also demonstrate how to detect if an SDI input has embedded timecode, and if so, how AutoCirculate makes it available. I also show how to embed timecode into an SDI output signal using AutoCirculate during playout
 CNTV2Burn4KQuadrantInstances of me can capture 4K/UHD video from one 4-channel AJA device, burn timecode into one quadrant, then play it to a second 4-channel AJA device ... in real time
 CNTV2Caption608ChangeInfoThis class is used to respond to dynamic events that occur during CEA-608 caption decoding
 CNTV2CaptureInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2Capture4KInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2Capture8KInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2CCFontThis is the font used when rendering CEA-608 captions into a frame buffer. I define a "dot" map having a fixed width and height, plus a fixed set of glyphs, each with a particular dot pattern. Each glyph corresponds to an NTV2_CC608_CodePoint
 CNTV2CCGrabberI can decode captions from frames captured from an AJA device in real time. I can optionally play the captured video with captions "burned" in on-screen using the device's mixer
 CNTV2CCPlayerI am an object that can inject text captions into an SDI output of an AJA device in real time. I'm capable of simultaneously generating and injecting text into more than one NTV2Line21Channel, at independent rates, and NTV2Line21Modes. Each caption channel's configuration is specified by a CCGeneratorConfig struct. I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, which simplifies implementing a producer/consumer model, in which a "producer" thread produces the background video frames, and a "consumer" thread (i.e., the "play" thread) sends those frames to the AJA device. I demonstrate how to use the "AJA CC LIB" caption library to embed captions into an SDI output signal
 CNTV2ColorCorrectionDataColor correction data used with AUTOCIRCULATE_WITH_COLORCORRECT option
 CNTV2DebugLoggingThis is used to enable or disable AJADebug logging in the driver
 CNTV2DeviceSpecParserOne-stop shop for parsing device specifications. (New in SDK 16.3) I do very little in the way of validating semantics. I simply do the parsing & provide the info needed to load & operate plugins
 CNTV2DictionaryA simple (not thread-safe) set of key/value pairs. (New in SDK 16.3)
 CNTV2DolbyCaptureI capture HDMI Dolby audio from an HDMI input of an AJA device
 CNTV2DolbyPlayerI am similar to NTV2Player, but I demonstrate how to play/output 8 channels of audio tone (or ramp data, or Dolby audio read from a binary data file) to an AJA device's HDMI output
 CNTV2EncodeHEVCInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2EncodeHEVCFileInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2EncodeHEVCFileAcInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2EncodeHEVCVifInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2EncodeHEVCVifAcInstances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device
 CNTV2FieldBurnI capture individual fields from an interlaced video signal provided to an SDI input. Each frame is captured as two fields in separate host buffers. I burn F1 timecode into the top of F1, and F2 timecode into the bottom half of F2. Then I reassemble both fields and play them through an output of the same device, with a 7-frame latency (by default). I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, which simplifies implementing a producer/consumer model, in which a "consumer" thread delivers burned-in frames to the AJA device output, and a "producer" thread captures raw frames from the AJA device input. I also demonstrate how to detect if an SDI input has embedded timecode, and if so, how AutoCirculate makes it available. I also show how to embed timecode into an SDI output signal using AutoCirculate during playout
 CNTV2FormatDescriptorDescribes a video frame for a given video standard or format and pixel format, including the total number of lines, number of pixels per line, line pitch, and which line contains the start of active video
 CNTV2FrameDataI encapsulate the video, audio and anc host buffers used in the AutoCirculate demos. I'm a more modern version of the AVDataBuffer
 CNTV2FrameDimensionsDescribes the horizontal and vertical size dimensions of a raster, bitmap, frame or image
 CNTV2FrameGrabberA QThread that captures audio/video from NTV2-compatible AJA devices and uses Qt signals to emit ARGB video frames. To simplify things, I assume the input signal is YCbCr, and the input goes through a color space converter (CSC) to an ARGB FrameStore. I can also output 2 channels of Audio to the host audio system using Qt's QAudioOutput device
 CNTV2GetRegistersThis is used by the CNTV2Card::ReadRegisters function
 CNTV2HDMIOutputStatusReports HDMI output status information
 CNTV2Line21AttributePermutationsAn ordered set of all possible NTV2Line21Attributes permutations (excluding the "flashing" attribute, which is not required for glyph rendering). Call size() to discover how many there are. Call GetPermutation with an index >= 0 and < size() to get a specific attribute permutation. Call GetIndexFromAttribute to find out which permutation index corresponds to the given attribute
 CNTV2Line21AttributesCEA-608 Character Attributes
 CNTV2LLBurnCaptures video and audio from a signal provided to an input of an AJA device, burns timecode into the video frames, then plays the captured audio and altered video through an output on the same AJA device, all in real time, with minimal 3 frame latency. Because of the tight latency requirements, AutoCirculate and a ring buffer are not used
 CNTV2OutputTestPatternI generate and transfer a test pattern into an AJA device's frame buffer for steady-state playout using NTV2TestPatternGen::DrawTestPattern and CNTV2Card::DMAWriteFrame
 CNTV2PlayerI play out SD or HD test pattern (with timecode) to an output of an AJA device with or without audio tone in real time. I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, which simplifies implementing a producer/consumer model, in which a "producer" thread generates the test pattern frames, and a "consumer" thread (i.e., the "play" thread) sends those frames to the AJA device. I also show how to embed timecode into an SDI output signal using AutoCirculate during playout
 CNTV2Player4KI am an object that can play out a 4K or UHD test pattern (with timecode) to an output of an AJA device with or without audio tone in real time. I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, which simplifies implementing a producer/consumer model, in which a "producer" thread generates the test pattern frames, and a "consumer" thread (i.e., the "play" thread) sends those frames to the AJA device. I show how to configure 12G-capable devices, or for two-sample-interleave or "squares" (quadrants)
 CNTV2Player8KI am an object that can play out an 8K or UHD2 test pattern (with timecode) to 4 x 12G SDI outputs of an AJA device with or without audio tone in real time. I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, to implement a producer/consumer model, in which a "producer" thread generates the test pattern frames, and a "consumer" thread (i.e., the "play" thread) sends those frames to the AJA device. I show how to configure for two-sample interleave or "squares" (quadrants)
 CNTV2QtMultiInputI am a QDialog that displays, in a 4-up (or 8-up) layout, whatever video is present on each SDI input of an AJA 4-input (or 8-input) device. I also have a popup menu for choosing a different capture device
 CNTV2QtPreviewI am a QDialog that displays whatever video is present on the SDI inputs of an AJA device. I also have a popup menu for choosing a different device, and a button group for choosing a different SDI input
 CNTV2RegInfoEverything needed to call CNTV2Card::ReadRegister or CNTV2Card::WriteRegister functions
 CNTV2RPCBaseCommon base class for NTV2RPCClientAPI and NTV2RPCServerAPI
 CNTV2RPCClientAPIAn object that can connect to, and operate remote or fake devices. I have three general API groups:
 CNTV2RPCServerAPIBase class of objects that can serve device operation RPCs with NTV2RPCClientAPI instances
 CNTV2SDIInputStatusFor devices that support it (see NTV2DeviceCanDoSDIErrorChecks ), this struct reports SDI input error status information
 CNTV2SDIInStatisticsThis is used by the CNTV2Card::ReadSDIStatistics function
 CNTV2SegmentedDMAInfoThis struct is used to augment the default full-frame AutoCirculate DMA transfer to accommodate multiple discontiguous "segments" of a video frame. The NTV2FieldBurn Demo demo app shows how this can be used. Other examples:
 CNTV2SegmentedXferInfoDescribes a segmented data transfer (copy or move) from a source memory location to a destination location, with independent pitch and direction attributes for source and destination. The simplest transfer, of course, has a single segment
 CNTV2SetRegistersThis is used by the CNTV2Card::WriteRegisters function
 CNTV2SmpteLineNumberUsed to describe Start of Active Video (SAV) location and field dominance for a given NTV2Standard. (See GetSmpteLineNumber function.)
 CNTV2StreamGrabberA QThread that captures audio/video from NTV2-compatible AJA devices and uses Qt signals to emit ARGB video frames. To simplify things, I assume the input signal is YCbCr, and the input goes through a color space converter (CSC) to an ARGB FrameStore. I can also output 2 channels of Audio to the host audio system using Qt's QAudioOutput device
 CNTV2StreamPlayerI play out SD or HD test pattern (with timecode) to an output of an AJA device with or without audio tone in real time. I make use of the AJACircularBuffer, which simplifies implementing a producer/consumer model, in which a "producer" thread generates the test pattern frames, and a "consumer" thread (i.e., the "play" thread) sends those frames to the AJA device. I also show how to embed timecode into an SDI output signal using AutoCirculate during playout
 CNTV2StreamPreviewI am a QDialog that displays whatever video is present on the SDI inputs of an AJA streaming device. I also have a popup menu for choosing a different device, and a button group for choosing a different SDI input
 CNTV2TestPatternGenThe NTV2 test pattern generator
 CNTV2VirtualDataThis is used to perform virtual data reads or writes
 CPlayerConfigConfigures an NTV2Player instance
 CQueueData608Each queue entry has two caption data bytes and a flag that indicates if those bytes contain valid data or not
 CReferentI am the referent object that maintains the reference count and the pointer to the underlying object whose lifespan I manage
 Crx_2022_channelConfigures a SMPTE 2022 Receive Channel
 Crx_2110ConfigConfigures a SMPTE 2110 Receive Channel
 CSDRAMAuditorAudits an NTV2 device's SDRAM utilization, and can report contiguous regions of SDRAM, whether unused/free, those being read/written by AutoCirculate, those being read/written by non-AutoCirculating FrameStores, those that are in conflict (AutoCirculate, FrameStore and/or Audio collisions), plus invalid/out-of-bounds regions being accessed
 CSRTCaptionInfoDetailed caption information
 CSRTCaptionsA collection of timed captions
 CTestPatConfigConfigures an NTV2OutputTestPattern instance
 Ctx_2022_channelConfigures a SMPTE 2022 Transmit Channel
 Ctx_2110ConfigConfigures a SMPTE 2110 Transmit Channel
 CVPIDSpecContains all the information needed to generate a valid VPID