virtual void | Reset (void) |
| Resets me, clearing all of my channel decoders, and flushing any/all in-progress data. More...
virtual bool | SetDisplayChannel (const NTV2Line21Channel chan) |
| Specifies the CEA-608 channel to focus debugging on. More...
virtual bool | Set708ServiceNumber (const NTV2Line21Channel chan, const int serviceNum) |
| Maps the specified CEA-608 caption channel to the specified CEA-708 service number. More...
virtual int | Get708ServiceNumber (const NTV2Line21Channel chan) const |
| Returns the CEA-708 caption "service number" that's currently mapped to the given CEA-608 caption channel. More...
virtual bool | Set708TranslateEnable (const NTV2Line21Channel chan, bool bEnable) |
| Controls whether or not the given CEA-608 caption channel will be translated into an equivalent CEA-708 caption service. More...
virtual bool | Get708TranslateEnable (const NTV2Line21Channel chan) const |
| Returns true if the given CEA-608 caption channel is currently being translated to an equivalent CEA-708 caption service. More...
virtual bool | GetCaptionChannelPacket (UBytePtr &outDataPtr, size_t &outByteCount) |
| Returns a non-const pointer to my CEA-708 caption encoder's data packet buffer and also returns the number of data bytes it currently contains. This gives clients the ability to interrogate the Ancillary data and/or modify it, if needed. More...
virtual bool | Translate608CCData (const CaptionData &inCC608Data) |
| Translates the given CEA-608 caption data bytes for a full frame of video. More...
virtual bool | CreateSMPTE334Anc (const NTV2FrameRate frameRate, const NTV2Line21Field field, UWordPtr &outAncPacketData, size_t &outSize) |
| Builds and returns a SMPTE 334 ancillary data packet that contains the latest translated CEA-708 caption message. More...
virtual bool | InsertSMPTE334AncPacketInVideoFrame (void *pFrameBuffer, const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inPixelFormat, const ULWord inLineNumber) const |
| Inserts any translated CEA-708 caption data into the given host frame buffer's VANC area with the given line offset. More...
virtual NTV2CaptionLogMask | SetLogMask (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) |
| Specifies what, if any, debug information I will write to my log stream. More...
virtual void | Set608TestIDMode (bool bTest) |
virtual | ~CNTV2CaptionTranslator608to708 () |
| CNTV2CaptionLogConfig (const std::string inLogLabel=std::string()) |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~CNTV2CaptionLogConfig () |
virtual NTV2CaptionLogMask | GetLogMask (void) const |
| Answers with my current caption logging bit mask. More...
virtual bool | TestLogMask (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask, const bool inExact=false) const |
| Answers true if the given log mask bits are set in my current log mask. More...
virtual void | SetLogLabel (const std::string &inNewLabel) |
| Specifies my logging label. More...
virtual void | AppendToLogLabel (const std::string &inString) |
| Appends the given string to my current log label. More...
virtual const std::string & | GetLogLabel (void) const |
| Answers with my current logging label. More...
virtual void | SetLogStream (std::ostream &inOutputStream) |
virtual std::ostream & | LogIf (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) const |
virtual std::ostream & | Log (void) const |
static bool | Create (CNTV2CaptionTranslator608to708Ptr &outInstance) |
| Creates an instance of me. More...
static std::ostream & | DumpMemory (const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, std::ostream &inOutputStream=std::cout, const size_t inRadix=16, const size_t inBytesPerGroup=4, const size_t inGroupsPerLine=8, const size_t inAddressRadix=16, const bool inShowAscii=true, const size_t inAddrOffset=0) |
| Dumps a contiguous chunk of memory in hex, octal, decimal, with or without ascii, to the given output stream. More...
static std::string | HexDump32Bytes (const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, const size_t inLimitBytes=32) |
static std::ostream & | DumpYBytes_2vuy (const UByte *pInVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const unsigned inFromPixel=0, const unsigned inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const unsigned inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const unsigned inHiliteRangeTo=9999) |
| Dumps the luma values in hexadecimal from the given line of '2vuy' video to the given output stream. More...
static std::ostream & | DumpYBytes_2vuy (const std::vector< uint8_t > &inVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const size_t inFromPixel=0, const size_t inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const size_t inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const size_t inHiliteRangeTo=9999) |
| Dumps the luma values in hexadecimal from the given line of '2vuy' video to the given output stream. More...
static std::string | GetSeverityLabel (const unsigned inSeverity) |