CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708 Class Reference

#include <ntv2captiontranslatorchannel608to708.h>

Inheritance diagram for CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708:
Collaboration diagram for CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708 ()
virtual void Reset (void)
 Restores my state – caption channel CC1, screen 0, cursor at row 15 column 1, pop-on mode, default CEA-608 character set, roll-up base at row 15, and a 15-row Text Mode. More...
virtual void Set708ServiceNumber (int serviceNum)
virtual int Get708ServiceNumber (void) const
virtual void Set708TranslateEnable (bool enable)
virtual bool Get708TranslateEnable (void) const
virtual bool SetChannel (const NTV2Line21Channel inChannel)
 Changes the caption channel that I handle. More...
virtual bool Init608CCWindowStatus (int winID, NTV2Line21Mode mode=NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn)
virtual bool Init608CCWindowParms (CC708WindowParms &outParms, const NTV2Line21Mode inMode=NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn) const
virtual bool Init608CCWindowAttributes (CC708WindowAttr &outAttr, const NTV2Line21Mode inMode=NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn) const
virtual bool Init608CCPenAttributes (CC708PenAttr &outAttr, const NTV2Line21Mode inMode=NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn) const
virtual bool Init608CCPenColor (CC708PenColor &outColor, const NTV2Line21Mode inMode=NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn) const
virtual bool Init608CCPenLocation (CC708PenLocation &outLoc, const NTV2Line21Mode inMode=NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn) const
virtual bool DeleteWindow (int winID)
virtual bool IsWindowDefined (const int winID) const
virtual bool IsWindowDirty (const int winID) const
virtual bool GetCurrentEditWindowID (int *pWindowID=0, NTV2Line21Mode mode=NTV2_CC608_CapModeUnknown, bool *pbNewWindow=0)
virtual int GetCurrentModeWindowID (void)
virtual bool GetNextServiceBlockInfoFromQueue (size_t &outBlockSize, size_t &outDataSize, int &outServiceNum, bool &outIsExtended)
virtual size_t GetNextServiceBlockFromQueue (UByte *pOutDataBuffer)
virtual size_t GetNextServiceBlockDataFromQueue (UByte *pOutDataBuffer)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608
virtual ~CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 ()
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > GetStats (void) const
virtual bool SubscribeChangeNotification (NTV2Caption608Changed *pInCallback, void *pInUserData=0)
virtual bool UnsubscribeChangeNotification (NTV2Caption608Changed *pInCallback, void *pInUserData=0)
virtual bool IsTextChannel (void) const
 Answers true if the caption channel I'm currently handling is Tx1, Tx2, Tx3 or Tx4. More...
virtual NTV2Line21CharacterSet GetCurrentCharacterSet (void) const
 Answers with my current character set. More...
virtual NTV2Line21Channel GetCurrentChannel (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, NTV2Line21Field field)
virtual bool Parse608Data (const UByte inByte1, const UByte inByte2, std::string &outDebugStr)
 This method pushes caption data into me. It should be called when two new bytes of CEA-608 caption data arrive for this channel. The caller should have already filtered out any "duplicate" commands (i.e. commands that are sent twice on adjacent frames) before calling this method. There's no need to call this if there's no new data for my channel. More...
virtual UWord GetRow (void) const
 Answers with the row at which the next caption character will be inserted. More...
virtual UWord GetColumn (void) const
 Answers with the column at which the next caption character will be inserted. More...
virtual UByte GetOnAirCharacter (const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const
 Returns the "ASCII-like" character code at the given screen position (including its attributes). More...
virtual std::string GetOnAirCharacter (const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol) const
 Returns a string containing the UTF-8 character sequence that best represents the caption character at the given screen position. More...
virtual std::string GetOnAirCharacterWithAttributes (const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const
 Returns a string containing the UTF-8 character sequence that best represents the caption character at the given screen position. More...
virtual UWord GetOnAirUTF16CharacterWithAttributes (const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const
 Returns the UTF-16 character that best represents the caption character at the given screen position. More...
virtual NTV2Line21CharacterSet GetOnAirCharacterSet (const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol) const
 Returns the NTV2Line21CharacterSet of the caption character that's currently at the given screen position. More...
virtual bool GetCharacterAttributes (const UWord screen, const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const
virtual UWord GetTextModeDisplayRowCount (void) const
 Returns the number of rows used for displaying Text Mode captions (Tx1/Tx2/Tx3/Tx4). More...
virtual bool SetTextModeDisplayRowCount (const UWord inNumRows)
 Changes the number of rows used for displaying Text Mode captions (Tx1/Tx2/Tx3/Tx4). More...
virtual const NTV2Line21AttrsGetTextModeDisplayAttributes (void) const
 Returns the display attributes that Text Mode captions are currently using (assuming my caption channel is Tx1/Tx2/Tx3/Tx4). More...
virtual void SetTextModeDisplayAttributes (const NTV2Line21Attrs &inAttributes)
 Sets the display attributes that Text Mode captions will use henceforth. More...
virtual std::string GetDebugPrintRow (const UWord inRow, const bool inShowChars=true) const
virtual std::string GetDebugPrintScreen (const bool inShowChars=true) const
virtual void SetDebugRowsOfInterest (const UWord inFromRow, const UWord inToRow, const bool inAdd=false)
virtual void SetDebugColumnsOfInterest (const UWord inFromCol, const UWord inToCol, const bool inAdd=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CNTV2CaptionLogConfig
 CNTV2CaptionLogConfig (const std::string inLogLabel=std::string())
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~CNTV2CaptionLogConfig ()
virtual NTV2CaptionLogMask SetLogMask (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask)
 Specifies what, if any, debug information I will write to my log stream. More...
virtual NTV2CaptionLogMask GetLogMask (void) const
 Answers with my current caption logging bit mask. More...
virtual bool TestLogMask (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask, const bool inExact=false) const
 Answers true if the given log mask bits are set in my current log mask. More...
virtual void SetLogLabel (const std::string &inNewLabel)
 Specifies my logging label. More...
virtual void AppendToLogLabel (const std::string &inString)
 Appends the given string to my current log label. More...
virtual const std::string & GetLogLabel (void) const
 Answers with my current logging label. More...
virtual void SetLogStream (std::ostream &inOutputStream)
virtual std::ostream & LogIf (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) const
virtual std::ostream & Log (void) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool Create (CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708Ptr &outInstance)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608
static bool Create (CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608Ptr &outInstance)
 Creates and returns a new CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 instance. More...
static std::string GetStatTitle (const CaptionDecode608Stats inStat)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CNTV2CaptionLogConfig
static std::ostream & DumpMemory (const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, std::ostream &inOutputStream=std::cout, const size_t inRadix=16, const size_t inBytesPerGroup=4, const size_t inGroupsPerLine=8, const size_t inAddressRadix=16, const bool inShowAscii=true, const size_t inAddrOffset=0)
 Dumps a contiguous chunk of memory in hex, octal, decimal, with or without ascii, to the given output stream. More...
static std::string HexDump32Bytes (const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, const size_t inLimitBytes=32)
static std::ostream & DumpYBytes_2vuy (const UByte *pInVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const unsigned inFromPixel=0, const unsigned inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const unsigned inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const unsigned inHiliteRangeTo=9999)
 Dumps the luma values in hexadecimal from the given line of '2vuy' video to the given output stream. More...
static std::ostream & DumpYBytes_2vuy (const std::vector< uint8_t > &inVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const size_t inFromPixel=0, const size_t inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const size_t inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const size_t inHiliteRangeTo=9999)
 Dumps the luma values in hexadecimal from the given line of '2vuy' video to the given output stream. More...
static std::string GetSeverityLabel (const unsigned inSeverity)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool Parse608CharacterData (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool Parse608TabOffsetCommand (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool Parse608CharacterSetCommand (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool Parse608AttributeCommand (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool Parse608PACCommand (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool Parse608MidRowCommand (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool Parse608SpecialCharacter (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool DoBackspace (void)
virtual bool DoDeleteToEndOfRow (void)
virtual bool DoRollUpCaption (const UWord inRowCount)
virtual bool DoFlashOn (void)
virtual bool DoTextRestart (void)
virtual bool DoResumeTextDisplay (void)
virtual bool DoEraseDisplayedMemory (void)
virtual bool DoCarriageReturn (void)
virtual bool DoEraseNonDisplayedMemory (void)
virtual bool DoEndOfCaption (void)
virtual bool GetCurrentPenLocation (CC708PenLocation &outLoc, int inWindowID=NTV2_CC708WindowIDMin - 1) const
virtual UWord GetWindowRowOffset (int windowID) const
virtual bool GetCurrentPenColor (CC708PenColor &outColor) const
virtual bool GetCurrentPenAttributes (CC708PenAttr &outAttr) const
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_CharacterData (int serviceNum, UByte ccChar)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_TwoByteData (int serviceNum, UByte ccChar1, UByte ccChar2)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_SetCurrentWindow (int serviceNum, int windowID)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_DefineWindow (const int inServiceNum, const int inWindowID, const CC708WindowParms &inParms)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_ClearWindows (int serviceNum, UByte windowMap)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_DeleteWindows (int serviceNum, UByte windowEnables)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_DisplayWindows (int serviceNum, UByte windowMap)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_HideWindows (int serviceNum, UByte windowMap)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_ToggleWindows (int serviceNum, UByte windowMap)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_SetWindowAttributes (const int inServiceNum, const CC708WindowAttr &inAttr)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_SetPenAttributes (const int inServiceNum, const CC708PenAttr &inAttr)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_SetPenColor (const int inServiceNum, const CC708PenColor &inColor)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_SetPenLocation (const int inServiceNum, const CC708PenLocation &pLoc)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_Delay (int serviceNum, const UByte delay)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_DelayCancel (int serviceNum)
virtual bool QueueServiceBlock_Reset (int serviceNum)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608
virtual bool Parse608MiscCommand (UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr)
virtual bool DoResumeCaptionLoading (void)
virtual bool DoResumeDirectCaptioning (void)
virtual void SetAttributes (const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, const NTV2Line21Attrs inAttr)
virtual bool EraseScreen (const UWord screen)
virtual bool SetRow (const UWord inNewRow)
virtual bool IncrementRow (const int inDelta=1)
virtual bool SetColumn (const UWord inNewCol)
virtual bool IncrementColumn (const int inDelta=1)
virtual bool SetCaptionMode (const NTV2Line21Mode inNewCaptionMode)
virtual NTV2Line21Mode GetCaptionMode (void) const
virtual UWord GetCurrentScreen (void) const
virtual bool SetCurrentScreen (const UWord inNewScreen)
virtual void MoveRollUpWindow (const UWord inNewBaseRow)
virtual void InsertCharacter (const UByte char608_1, const UByte char608_2, const NTV2Line21Attrs inAttr)
virtual void InsertCharacter (const UByte char608_1, const UByte char608_2)
virtual void InsertTextCharacter (const UByte inASCIIChar)
virtual void Notify_ChannelChanged (const NTV2Line21Channel inOldChannel, const NTV2Line21Channel inNewChannel) const
virtual void Notify_CurrentRowChanged (const UWord inOldRow, const UWord inNewRow) const
virtual void Notify_CurrentColumnChanged (const UWord inOldCol, const UWord inNewCol) const
virtual void Notify_CurrentScreenChanged (const UWord inOldScreen, const UWord inNewScreen) const
virtual void Notify_CaptionModeChanged (const NTV2Line21Mode inOldMode, const NTV2Line21Mode inNewMode) const
virtual void Notify_ScreenCharChanged (const UWord inScreenNum, const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, const NTV2_CC608_CodePoint inOldCodePoint, const NTV2_CC608_CodePoint inNewCodePoint) const
virtual void Notify_ScreenAttrChanged (const UWord inScreenNum, const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, const NTV2Line21Attrs &inOldAttr, const NTV2Line21Attrs &inNewAttr) const
 CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool Convert608CharacterTo708 (const UByte inChar608, UByte &outChar708_1, UByte &outChar708_2)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608
static bool sStaticBackBufferTestMode
- Protected Types inherited from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608
typedef NTV2_CC608_CodePoint NTV2CC608CodePoint
- Protected Attributes inherited from CNTV2CaptionLogConfig
NTV2CaptionLogMask mLogMask
 Determines what messages are logged. More...
std::string mLogLabel
 My debug label. More...
void * mpLabelLock
 Protects my debug label from simultaneous access by more than one thread. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 124 of file ntv2captiontranslatorchannel608to708.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708()

virtual CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::~CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708 ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Convert608CharacterTo708()

static bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Convert608CharacterTo708 ( const UByte  inChar608,
UByte outChar708_1,
UByte outChar708_2 

◆ Create()

static bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Create ( CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708Ptr outInstance)

◆ DeleteWindow()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DeleteWindow ( int  winID)

◆ DoBackspace()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoBackspace ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoCarriageReturn()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoCarriageReturn ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoDeleteToEndOfRow()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoDeleteToEndOfRow ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoEndOfCaption()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoEndOfCaption ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoEraseDisplayedMemory()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoEraseDisplayedMemory ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoEraseNonDisplayedMemory()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoEraseNonDisplayedMemory ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoFlashOn()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoFlashOn ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoResumeTextDisplay()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoResumeTextDisplay ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoRollUpCaption()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoRollUpCaption ( const UWord  inRowCount)

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ DoTextRestart()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::DoTextRestart ( void  )

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Get708ServiceNumber()

virtual int CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Get708ServiceNumber ( void  ) const

Definition at line 138 of file ntv2captiontranslatorchannel608to708.h.

◆ Get708TranslateEnable()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Get708TranslateEnable ( void  ) const

Definition at line 141 of file ntv2captiontranslatorchannel608to708.h.

◆ GetCurrentEditWindowID()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetCurrentEditWindowID ( int *  pWindowID = 0,
NTV2Line21Mode  mode = NTV2_CC608_CapModeUnknown,
bool *  pbNewWindow = 0 

◆ GetCurrentModeWindowID()

virtual int CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetCurrentModeWindowID ( void  )

◆ GetCurrentPenAttributes()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetCurrentPenAttributes ( CC708PenAttr outAttr) const

◆ GetCurrentPenColor()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetCurrentPenColor ( CC708PenColor outColor) const

◆ GetCurrentPenLocation()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetCurrentPenLocation ( CC708PenLocation outLoc,
int  inWindowID = NTV2_CC708WindowIDMin - 1 
) const

◆ GetNextServiceBlockDataFromQueue()

virtual size_t CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetNextServiceBlockDataFromQueue ( UByte pOutDataBuffer)

◆ GetNextServiceBlockFromQueue()

virtual size_t CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetNextServiceBlockFromQueue ( UByte pOutDataBuffer)

◆ GetNextServiceBlockInfoFromQueue()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetNextServiceBlockInfoFromQueue ( size_t &  outBlockSize,
size_t &  outDataSize,
int &  outServiceNum,
bool &  outIsExtended 

◆ GetWindowRowOffset()

virtual UWord CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::GetWindowRowOffset ( int  windowID) const

◆ Init608CCPenAttributes()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Init608CCPenAttributes ( CC708PenAttr outAttr,
const NTV2Line21Mode  inMode = NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn 
) const

◆ Init608CCPenColor()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Init608CCPenColor ( CC708PenColor outColor,
const NTV2Line21Mode  inMode = NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn 
) const

◆ Init608CCPenLocation()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Init608CCPenLocation ( CC708PenLocation outLoc,
const NTV2Line21Mode  inMode = NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn 
) const

◆ Init608CCWindowAttributes()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Init608CCWindowAttributes ( CC708WindowAttr outAttr,
const NTV2Line21Mode  inMode = NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn 
) const

◆ Init608CCWindowParms()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Init608CCWindowParms ( CC708WindowParms outParms,
const NTV2Line21Mode  inMode = NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn 
) const

◆ Init608CCWindowStatus()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Init608CCWindowStatus ( int  winID,
NTV2Line21Mode  mode = NTV2_CC608_CapModePopOn 

◆ IsWindowDefined()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::IsWindowDefined ( const int  winID) const

◆ IsWindowDirty()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::IsWindowDirty ( const int  winID) const

◆ Parse608AttributeCommand()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608AttributeCommand ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Parse608CharacterData()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608CharacterData ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Parse608CharacterSetCommand()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608CharacterSetCommand ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Parse608MidRowCommand()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608MidRowCommand ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Parse608PACCommand()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608PACCommand ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Parse608SpecialCharacter()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608SpecialCharacter ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Parse608TabOffsetCommand()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Parse608TabOffsetCommand ( UByte  char608_1,
UByte  char608_2,
std::string &  outDebugStr 

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ QueueServiceBlock_CharacterData()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_CharacterData ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  ccChar 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_ClearWindows()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_ClearWindows ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  windowMap 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_DefineWindow()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_DefineWindow ( const int  inServiceNum,
const int  inWindowID,
const CC708WindowParms inParms 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_Delay()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_Delay ( int  serviceNum,
const UByte  delay 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_DelayCancel()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_DelayCancel ( int  serviceNum)

◆ QueueServiceBlock_DeleteWindows()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_DeleteWindows ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  windowEnables 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_DisplayWindows()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_DisplayWindows ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  windowMap 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_HideWindows()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_HideWindows ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  windowMap 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_Reset()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_Reset ( int  serviceNum)

◆ QueueServiceBlock_SetCurrentWindow()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_SetCurrentWindow ( int  serviceNum,
int  windowID 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_SetPenAttributes()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_SetPenAttributes ( const int  inServiceNum,
const CC708PenAttr inAttr 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_SetPenColor()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_SetPenColor ( const int  inServiceNum,
const CC708PenColor inColor 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_SetPenLocation()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_SetPenLocation ( const int  inServiceNum,
const CC708PenLocation pLoc 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_SetWindowAttributes()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_SetWindowAttributes ( const int  inServiceNum,
const CC708WindowAttr inAttr 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_ToggleWindows()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_ToggleWindows ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  windowMap 

◆ QueueServiceBlock_TwoByteData()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::QueueServiceBlock_TwoByteData ( int  serviceNum,
UByte  ccChar1,
UByte  ccChar2 

◆ Reset()

virtual void CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Reset ( void  )

Restores my state – caption channel CC1, screen 0, cursor at row 15 column 1, pop-on mode, default CEA-608 character set, roll-up base at row 15, and a 15-row Text Mode.

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

◆ Set708ServiceNumber()

virtual void CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Set708ServiceNumber ( int  serviceNum)

◆ Set708TranslateEnable()

virtual void CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::Set708TranslateEnable ( bool  enable)

◆ SetChannel()

virtual bool CNTV2CaptionTranslatorChannel608to708::SetChannel ( const NTV2Line21Channel  inNewChannel)

Changes the caption channel that I handle.

[in]inNewChannelSpecifies the caption channel I'll be handling.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Reimplemented from CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: