Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #pragma warning(disable: 4800)
21 #define AUDFAIL(__x__) AJA_sERROR (AJA_DebugUnit_AudioGeneric, " " << HEX0N(uint64_t(this),16) << "::" << AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__)
22 #define AUDWARN(__x__) AJA_sWARNING(AJA_DebugUnit_AudioGeneric, " " << HEX0N(uint64_t(this),16) << "::" << AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__)
23 #define AUDNOTE(__x__) AJA_sNOTICE (AJA_DebugUnit_AudioGeneric, " " << HEX0N(uint64_t(this),16) << "::" << AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__)
24 #define AUDINFO(__x__) AJA_sINFO (AJA_DebugUnit_AudioGeneric, " " << HEX0N(uint64_t(this),16) << "::" << AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__)
25 #define AUDDBUG(__x__) AJA_sDEBUG (AJA_DebugUnit_AudioGeneric, " " << HEX0N(uint64_t(this),16) << "::" << AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__)
150 if (regAudControl == 0)
152 else if (inNumChannels == 6 || inNumChannels == 8)
160 else if (inNumChannels == 16)
172 size_t numFailures(0);
174 if (!SetNumberAudioChannels (inNumChannels, *it))
176 return numFailures == 0;
186 if (regAudControl == 0)
236 if ((rateLow == 0) && (rateHigh == 0))
238 else if ((rateLow == 1) && (rateHigh == 0))
240 else if ((rateLow == 0) && (rateHigh == 1))
260 size_t numFailures(0);
262 if (!SetAudioBufferSize (inMode, *it))
264 return numFailures == 0;
283 if (IsBreakoutBoardConnected())
293 if (IsBreakoutBoardConnected())
313 size_t numFailures(0);
315 if (!SetAudioLoopBack (inMode, *it))
317 return numFailures == 0;
357 switch (inAudioInput)
367 default:
return false;
390 ULWord sparse1(0), sparse2(0);
393 if (!sparse1 && !sparse2)
395 else if (sparse1 && !sparse2)
397 else if (!sparse1 && sparse2)
399 else if (sparse1 && sparse2)
436 if (!GetAudioBufferSize (bufferSize, inAudioSystem))
452 if (!GetAudioBufferSize (bufferSize, inAudioSystem))
479 #if !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_0)
482 #endif // !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_0)
490 static const ULWord sAudioSourceToRegValues [] = { 0x1,
499 sAudioSourceToRegValues [inAudioSource],
504 if (SetEmbeddedAudioInput (inEmbeddedSource, inAudioSystem))
510 result = EnableBOBAnalogAudioIn(
512 result = EnableBOBAnalogAudioIn(
533 switch (regValue & 0x0000000F)
540 default:
return false;
544 GetEmbeddedAudioInput(outEmbeddedSource, inAudioSystem);
653 vector<uint32_t> & outLevels)
665 if (inChannelPairs.empty())
668 chanPairs.insert(chPr);
671 chanPairs = inChannelPairs;
675 std::set<ULWord> regsToRead;
681 uint32_t regNum(gAudMxrMainOutLvlRegs[chanPair]);
682 regsToRead.insert(regNum);
684 for (std::set<ULWord>::const_iterator it(regsToRead.begin()); it != regsToRead.end(); ++it)
688 const bool result(ReadRegisters(regs));
692 ULWord rawLevels(it->IsValid() ? it->registerValue : 0);
697 while (outLevels.size() < chanPairs.size() * 2)
698 outLevels.push_back(0);
725 unsigned long ulongvalue(0);
766 vector<uint32_t> & outLevels)
780 if (inChannelPairs.empty())
786 chanPairs.insert(chPr);
789 chanPairs = inChannelPairs;
793 std::set<ULWord> regsToRead;
799 uint32_t regNum(gAudMxrMainInLvlRegs[chanPair]);
808 regsToRead.insert(regNum);
810 for (std::set<ULWord>::const_iterator it(regsToRead.begin()); it != regsToRead.end(); ++it)
814 const bool result(ReadRegisters(regs));
818 ULWord rawLevels(it->IsValid() ? it->registerValue : 0);
823 while (outLevels.size() < chanPairs.size() * 2)
824 outLevels.push_back(0);
833 outSampleCount = 1 << outSampleCount;
841 if (inSampleCount > 0x00008000)
843 ULWord result(0), sampleCount(inSampleCount);
844 while (sampleCount >>= 1)
871 ULWord channelSelect =
static_cast<ULWord>(inValue) % 4;
879 const ULWord encoding ((
ULWord (inAudioSystem) << 4) | inValue);
890 ULWord engineSelect (0), channelSelect(0), bankSelect(0);
945 ULWord engineSelect (0), channelSelect(0);
965 outAudioSystem =
static_cast <NTV2AudioSystem> ((encoding & 0xC) >> 2);
1002 const ULWord encoding ((
ULWord(inAudioSystem) << 4) | inChannelPair);
1040 for (
size_t ndx(0); ndx < badRgns.size(); ndx++)
1041 {
const ULWord rgnInfo(badRgns.at(ndx));
1042 const UWord startBlk(rgnInfo >> 16), numBlks(
UWord(rgnInfo & 0x0000FFFF));
1045 const string infoStr (
", "));
1046 ostringstream acLabel; acLabel <<
"Aud" <<
1047 if (infoStr.find(acLabel.str()) != string::npos)
1048 { ostringstream warning;
1050 warning <<
"8MB Frms " <<
DEC0N(startBlk,3) <<
"-" <<
1052 warning <<
"8MB Frm " <<
"Aud" <<
DEC(inAudioSystem+1) <<
" memory overlap/interference: " << warning.str() <<
": " << infoStr);
1068 bool isStopped (
1073 outIsRunning = !isStopped;
1129 for (
size_t ndx(0); ndx < badRgns.size(); ndx++)
1130 {
const ULWord rgnInfo(badRgns.at(ndx));
1131 const UWord startBlk(rgnInfo >> 16), numBlks(
UWord(rgnInfo & 0x0000FFFF));
1134 const string infoStr (
", "));
1135 ostringstream acLabel; acLabel <<
"Aud" <<
1136 if (infoStr.find(acLabel.str()) != string::npos)
1137 { ostringstream warning;
1139 warning <<
"8MB Frms " <<
DEC0N(startBlk,3) <<
"-" <<
1141 warning <<
"8MB Frm " <<
"Aud" <<
DEC(inAudioSystem+1) <<
" memory overlap/interference: " << warning.str() <<
": " << infoStr);
1159 bool isStopped (
1164 outIsRunning = !isStopped;
1267 const bool isNonPCM (inNonPCMChannelPairs.find (chanPair) != inNonPCMChannelPairs.end ());
1292 ULWord numAudioChannels (0);
1293 bool isNonPCM (
1295 outNonPCMChannelPairs.clear ();
1298 if (!GetNumberAudioChannels (numAudioChannels, inAudioSystem))
1302 if (!GetAudioPCMControl (inAudioSystem, isNonPCM))
1307 for (
UWord chPair (0); chPair <= maxPair; chPair++)
1318 if (regVal &
BIT(inAudioSystem * 8 + chanPair))
1319 outNonPCMChannelPairs.insert (chanPair);
1338 outIsPresent =
1339 if (!GetDetectedAudioChannelPairs (inAudioSystem, activeChannelPairs))
1341 if (activeChannelPairs.find (inChannelPair) != activeChannelPairs.end ())
1342 outIsPresent =
1349 outDetectedChannelPairs.clear ();
1359 if (detectBits &
BIT(bitGroup * 8 + chanPair))
1360 outDetectedChannelPairs.insert (chanPair);
1367 uint32_t valLo8(0), valHi8(0);
1368 outDetectedChannelPairs.clear ();
1376 const uint32_t detectBits (((valLo8 >> 24) & 0x0000000F) | ((valHi8 >> 24) & 0x000000F0));
1378 if (!(detectBits &
1379 outDetectedChannelPairs.insert(chPair);
1434 const ULWord maxNumAudioChannelsForQuad ((inAESAudioChannels + 1) * 4);
1439 if (numAESAudioOutputChannels < 4)
1441 if (maxNumAudioChannelsForQuad > numAESAudioOutputChannels)
1473 if (inBitMask &
BIT (channelPair))
1474 result.insert (channelPair);
1475 if (inExtendedBitMask)
1477 if (inExtendedBitMask &
BIT (channelPair))
1478 result.insert (channelPair);
1494 if (!GetInputAudioChannelPairsWithPCM (inSDIInputChannel, withPCMs))
1497 outHasPCM = withPCMs.find (inAudioChannelPair) != withPCMs.end ();
1504 outPCMPairs.clear ();
1514 const bool isExtended (numChannels > 16);
1518 if (!ReadRegister (regNum, mask))
1521 if (!ReadRegister (regNum + 1, extMask))
1532 outNonPCMPairs.clear ();
1542 const bool isExtended (numChannels > 16);
1546 if (!ReadRegister (regNum, mask))
1549 if (!ReadRegister (regNum + 1, extMask))
1563 outIsEnabled =
1574 outIsEnabled = value ?
false :
1593 outEraseModeEnabled =
1629 outXmitEnabled =
1639 outXmitEnabled = !outXmitEnabled;
1659 #if !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_1)
1670 bool xlr14Xmit(
false), xlr58Xmit(
1675 if (xlr14Xmit && xlr58Xmit)
1677 else if (xlr14Xmit && !xlr58Xmit)
1679 else if (!xlr14Xmit && xlr58Xmit)
1685 #endif // !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_1)
1696 outAESSyncModeBitSet = regValue ?
true :
1726 outAbsByteOffset = 0;
1733 const ULWord EIGHT_MEGABYTES (0x800000);
1735 const ULWord engineOffset (memSize - EIGHT_MEGABYTES *
1736 outAbsByteOffset = inOffsetBytes + engineOffset;
1742 if (!GetFrameGeometry (fg,
NTV2Channel(inAudioSystem)) || !GetFrameBufferFormat (
NTV2Channel(inAudioSystem), fbf))
1749 if (inCaptureBuffer)
1750 {
ULWord rdBufOffset(0x400000);
1751 GetAudioReadOffset (rdBufOffset, inAudioSystem);
1752 outAbsByteOffset += rdBufOffset;
1758 #pragma warning(default: 4800)
@ kRegShiftAud4PlayCapMode
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P9_10
@ kK2RegShiftAudioBufferSize
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P15_16
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P1_2
@ kDeviceGetNumVideoInputs
The number of SDI video inputs on the device.
@ kRegShiftEmbeddedAudioInput
virtual bool IsAudioOutputRunning(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outIsRunning)
Answers whether or not the playout side of the given NTV2AudioSystem is currently running.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P13_14
virtual bool StopAudioInput(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem)
Stops the capture side of the given NTV2AudioSystem, and resets the capture position (i....
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P11_12
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P11_12
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P9_10
@ kDeviceCanDoStackedAudio
True if device uses a "stacked" arrangement of its audio buffers.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P15_16
virtual bool SetAudioOutputDelay(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const ULWord inDelay)
Sets the audio output delay for the given Audio System on the device.
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerChannelSelect
virtual bool GetInputAudioChannelPairsWithPCM(const NTV2Channel inSDIInputConnector, NTV2AudioChannelPairs &outChannelPairs)
For the given SDI input (specified as a channel number), returns the set of audio channel pairs that ...
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P11_12
@ kRegMaskHDMIOutAudioFormat
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P13_14
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P7_8
static const ULWord kAudCtrlRegsForSDIOutputs[]
@ kRegShiftOutputStartAtVBI
@ kRegShiftHDMIOutAudioCh
@ kRegMaskAud6PlayCapMode
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P5_6
static const ULWord gChannelToAudioOutLastAddrRegNum[]
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerMainInputSelect
@ kDeviceCanDoIP
True if device has SFP connectors.
@ kRegShiftAud2PlayCapMode
@ kRegAudioMixerAux1GainCh2
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P5_6
virtual bool SetAudioOutputMonitorSource(const NTV2AudioChannelPair inChannelPair, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Sets the audio monitor output source to a specified audio system and channel pair....
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerOutputChannelsMute
@ NTV2_AudioChannel13_16
This selects audio channels 13 thru 16.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P9_10
@ NTV2_HDMIAudio2Channels
2 audio channels
@ kRegAudioMixerAux1InputLevels
virtual bool GetAudioSystemInputSource(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, NTV2AudioSource &outAudioSource, NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput &outEmbeddedSource)
Answers with the device's current NTV2AudioSource (and also possibly its NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput) for ...
virtual bool SetEmbeddedAudioClock(const NTV2EmbeddedAudioClock inValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Sets the NTV2EmbeddedAudioClock setting for the given NTV2AudioSystem.
Declares device capability functions.
virtual bool SetAudioMixerInputChannelsMute(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, const NTV2AudioChannelsMuted16 inMutes)
Mutes (or enables) the given output audio channel of the Audio Mixer.
std::set< std::string > NTV2StringSet
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P1_2
ULWord NTV2DeviceGetNumberFrameBuffers(NTV2DeviceID id, NTV2FrameGeometry fg, NTV2FrameBufferFormat fbf)
@ kRegMaskRotaryEncoderGain
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P5_6
static const ULWord gAudioPlayCaptureModeShifts[]
virtual bool SetAudioMixerInputChannelSelect(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, const NTV2AudioChannelPair inChannelPair)
Specifies the Audio Channel Pair that will drive the given input of the Audio Mixer.
std::set< NTV2AudioChannelPair > NTV2AudioChannelPairs
A set of distinct NTV2AudioChannelPair values.
@ kRegMaskAud8PlayCapMode
These enum values are mostly used to identify a specific widget_framestore. They're also commonly use...
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerChannelSelect
@ kRegAudioMixerAux1GainCh1
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P5_6
Identifies the Audio Mixer's audio inputs.
Declares common audio macros and structs used in the SDK.
@ kRegShiftAud6PlayCapMode
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P9_10
std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > &parts, const std::string &delim)
static const ULWord sAudioMixerInputSelectMasks[]
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerAux2InputEnable
#define NTV2_ASSERT(_expr_)
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P3_4
virtual bool StopAudioOutput(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem)
Stops the playout side of the given NTV2AudioSystem, parking the "Read Head" at the start of the play...
ULWord NTV2DeviceGetFrameBufferSize(NTV2DeviceID id, NTV2FrameGeometry fg, NTV2FrameBufferFormat fbf)
@ NTV2_MAX_NUM_AudioChannelPair
virtual bool GetAudioBufferSize(NTV2AudioBufferSize &outSize, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Retrieves the size of the input or output audio buffer being used for a given Audio System on the AJA...
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P1_2
virtual bool SetSuspendHostAudio(const bool inSuspend)
Suspends or resumes host OS audio (e.g. CoreAudio on MacOS) for the AJA device.
static const ULWord sAudioMixerInputGainCh1Regs[]
@ kRegMaskHDMIOutAudioSource
@ kRegShiftBOBAnalogInputSelect
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P3_4
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P13_14
virtual bool GetAudioMixerInputAudioSystem(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, NTV2AudioSystem &outAudioSystem)
Answers with the Audio System that's currently driving the given input of the Audio Mixer.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P13_14
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P3_4
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P13_14
Obtain audio samples from the device microphone input, if available.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P13_14
@ kRegShiftHDMIOut8ChGroupSelect
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoMultiLinkAudio(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
virtual bool GetAudioWrapAddress(ULWord &outWrapAddress, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
For the given Audio System, answers with the wrap address, the threshold at which input/record or out...
@ kRegMaskAnalogIOControl_58
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerAux2x2CHInput
static const PCM_CONTROL_INFO gAudioEngineChannelPairToFieldInformation[][8]
@ NTV2_AudioMixerChannel1
@ NTV2_AudioChannel17_18
This selects audio channels 17 and 18.
virtual bool GetEncodedAudioMode(NTV2EncodedAudioMode &outValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Indicates or specifies the HDMI audio channel count.
bool GetTagsForFrameIndex(const UWord inIndex, NTV2StringSet &outTags) const
Answers with the list of tags for the given frame number.
This identifies the first Audio System.
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerAux1InputEnable
@ kRegShiftAud1PlayCapMode
virtual bool EnableBOBAnalogAudioIn(bool inEnable)
Enables breakout board analog audio XLR inputs.
@ kRegMaskAud7PlayCapMode
@ kRegShiftHDMIOutAudioFormat
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P15_16
static const ULWord gAudioRateHighMask[]
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P9_10
Identifies a specific AJA NTV2 device model number. The NTV2DeviceID is actually the PROM part number...
virtual bool GetHDMIOutAudioRate(NTV2AudioRate &outValue)
Answers with the HDMI output's current audio rate.
#define DEC0N(__x__, __n__)
@ kRegMaskHDMIOutAudioRate
@ kRegMaskBOBAnalogLevelControl
@ kDeviceGetNumVideoOutputs
The number of SDI video outputs on the device.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P3_4
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P5_6
@ kRegAudioOutputSourceMap
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P15_16
Identifies a particular video frame buffer format. See Device Frame Buffer Formats for details.
virtual bool GetAudioMixerOutputLevels(const NTV2AudioChannelPairs &inChannelPairs, std::vector< uint32_t > &outLevels)
Answers with the Audio Mixer's current audio output levels.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P15_16
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P15_16
@ kRegShiftAudio16Channel
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P5_6
@ kRegShiftHDMIOutSourceSelect
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P11_12
@ kRegAudioMixerAux2GainCh1
std::bitset< 16 > NTV2AudioChannelsMuted16
Per-audio-channel mute state for up to 16 audio channels.
@ kRegShiftAud8PlayCapMode
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P5_6
static const ULWord sAudioMixerInputSelectShifts[]
virtual bool GetAudioOutputAESSyncModeBit(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outAESSyncModeBitSet)
Answers with the current state of the AES Sync Mode bit for the given Audio System's output.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair0
@ kDeviceGetNumAESAudioOutputChannels
The number of AES/EBU audio output channels on the device.
@ kDeviceCanDoAudioMixer
True if device has a firmware audio mixer.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P3_4
virtual bool SetAudioLoopBack(const NTV2AudioLoopBack inMode, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Enables or disables NTV2AudioLoopBack mode for the given NTV2AudioSystem.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair6
bool NTV2DeviceHasBiDirectionalAnalogAudio(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
virtual bool GetAudioInputDelay(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, ULWord &outDelay)
Answers with the audio input delay for the given Audio System on the device.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair1
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P5_6
@ kRegShiftEmbeddedAudioClock
Audits an NTV2 device's SDRAM utilization, and can report contiguous regions of SDRAM,...
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair5
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P3_4
virtual bool SetAnalogAudioIOConfiguration(const NTV2AnalogAudioIO inConfig)
#define NTV2_IS_AUDIO_MIXER_CHANNELS_1_OR_2(__p__)
virtual bool GetHDMIOutAudioChannels(NTV2HDMIAudioChannels &outValue)
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P3_4
@ NTV2_HDMIAudio8Channels
8 audio channels
virtual bool SetAudioMixerOutputGain(const ULWord inGainValue)
Sets the gain for the output of the Audio Mixer.
@ kRegShiftAud5PlayCapMode
virtual bool SetAudioPlayCaptureModeEnable(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables a special mode for the given Audio System whereby its embedder and deembedder bot...
@ kDeviceGetNumBufferedAudioSystems
The total number of audio systems on the device that can read/write audio buffer memory....
virtual bool SetAudioSystemInputSource(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const NTV2AudioSource inAudioSource, const NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput inEmbeddedInput)
Sets the audio source for the given NTV2AudioSystem on the device.
@ kRegShiftInputStartAtVBI
virtual bool IsAudioChannelPairPresent(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const NTV2AudioChannelPair inChannelPair, bool &outIsPresent)
Answers whether or not the given NTV2AudioChannelPair in the given NTV2AudioSystem on the device is p...
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P1_2
virtual bool GetAudioCaptureEnable(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outEnable)
Answers whether or not the Audio System is configured to write captured audio samples into device aud...
static NTV2RegisterNumber GetNonPCMDetectRegisterNumber(const NTV2Channel inSDIInputChannel, const bool inIsExtended=(0))
@ kRegAudioMixerAux2GainCh2
@ kDeviceCanDoAudioDelay
True if Audio System(s) support an adjustable delay.
virtual bool GetAudioMixerLevelsSampleCount(ULWord &outSampleCount)
Answers with the Audio Mixer's current sample count used for measuring audio levels.
virtual bool GetDetectedAudioChannelPairs(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, NTV2AudioChannelPairs &outDetectedChannelPairs)
Answers which audio channel pairs are present in the given Audio System's input stream.
@ kRegMaskBOBAnalogInputSelect
This enum value determines/states the device audio clock reference source. It was important to set th...
virtual bool ReadRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0)
Reads all or part of the 32-bit contents of a specific register (real or virtual) on the AJA device....
ULWord NTV2DeviceGetHDMIVersion(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
virtual bool GetHDMIOutAudioSource8Channel(NTV2Audio8ChannelSelect &outValue, NTV2AudioSystem &outAudioSystem)
Answers with the HDMI output's current 8-channel audio source.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P7_8
virtual bool SetAudioOutputEraseMode(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool &inEraseModeEnabled)
Enables or disables output erase mode for the given Audio System, which, when enabled,...
@ NTV2_AudioChannel9_10
This selects audio channels 9 and 10 (Group 3 channels 1 and 2)
virtual bool IsAudioInputRunning(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outIsRunning)
Answers whether or not the capture side of the given NTV2AudioSystem is currently running.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P11_12
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerInputLeftLevel
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P5_6
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P9_10
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P5_6
@ kRegShiftResetAudioOutput
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P3_4
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P11_12
@ kDeviceGetNumAudioSystems
The number of independent Audio Systems on the device.
virtual bool SetHDMIOutAudioChannels(const NTV2HDMIAudioChannels inNewValue)
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P15_16
Audio clock derived from the device reference.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P9_10
@ NTV2_AnalogAudioIO_4Out_4In
virtual bool GetNumberAudioChannels(ULWord &outNumChannels, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Returns the current number of audio channels being captured or played by a given Audio System on the ...
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P5_6
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerInputRightLevel
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P13_14
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P9_10
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P15_16
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P1_2
virtual bool GetAudioOutputEraseMode(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outEraseModeEnabled)
Answers with the current state of the audio output erase mode for the given Audio System....
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P7_8
@ kRegMaskInputStartAtVBI
@ kRegShiftEncodedAudioMode
virtual bool GetRawAudioTimer(ULWord &outValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Answers with the current value of the 48kHz audio clock counter.
virtual bool GetAudioReadOffset(ULWord &outReadOffset, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
For the given Audio System, answers with the byte offset from the start of the audio buffer to the fi...
virtual bool GetAudioMixerOutputGain(ULWord &outGainValue)
Answers with the current gain setting for the Audio Mixer's output.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P11_12
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P3_4
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P11_12
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P9_10
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P3_4
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P11_12
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair5
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerLevelSampleCount
@ kRegFirstNonPCMAudioDetectRegister
virtual bool GetAESOutputSource(const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect inAESAudioChannels, NTV2AudioSystem &outSrcAudioSystem, NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect &outSrcAudioChannels)
Answers with the current audio source for a given quad of AES audio output channels....
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P11_12
virtual bool GetInputAudioChannelPairsWithoutPCM(const NTV2Channel inSDIInputConnector, NTV2AudioChannelPairs &outChannelPairs)
For the given SDI input (specified as a channel number), returns the set of audio channel pairs that ...
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P15_16
std::set< NTV2AudioSystem > NTV2AudioSystemSet
A set of distinct NTV2AudioSystem values. New in SDK 16.2.
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerLevelSampleCount
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P11_12
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P15_16
Declares the CNTV2Card class.
@ kRegShiftEmbeddedOutputSupressCh1
@ kRegMaskHDMIOutAudio2ChannelSelect
@ kDeviceCanDoPCMDetection
True if device can detect which audio channel pairs are not carrying PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) audi...
@ NTV2_AudioMixerInputAux1
This selects the Audio Mixer's 1st Auxiliary input.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P5_6
@ kRegShiftHDMIOutAudio2ChannelSelect
virtual bool GetAudioAnalogLevel(NTV2AudioLevel &outValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
@ kDeviceAudioCanWaitForVBI
True if device audio systems can wait for VBI before starting. (New in SDK 17.0)
@ kRegMaskAud1PlayCapMode
NTV2RegWritesConstIter NTV2RegisterReadsConstIter
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P7_8
virtual bool GetAudioOutputDelay(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, ULWord &outDelay)
Answers with the audio output delay for the given Audio System on the device.
virtual bool ReadAudioLastIn(ULWord &outValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
For the given Audio System, answers with the byte offset to the last byte of the latest chunk of 4-by...
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P7_8
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P1_2
virtual bool ReadAudioLastOut(ULWord &outValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
For the given Audio System, answers with the byte offset of the tail end of the last chunk of audio s...
@ kRegAudioMixerInputSelects
Identifies a pair of audio channels.
virtual bool GetAudioOutputEmbedderState(const NTV2Channel inSDIOutputConnector, bool &outIsEnabled)
Answers with the current state of the audio output embedder for the given SDI output connector (speci...
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P13_14
NTV2RegWrites NTV2RegisterReads
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair7
virtual bool GetEmbeddedAudioClock(NTV2EmbeddedAudioClock &outValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
For the given NTV2AudioSystem, answers with the current NTV2EmbeddedAudioClock setting.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P9_10
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P7_8
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P13_14
Audio clock derived from the video input.
Declares numerous NTV2 utility functions.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P3_4
virtual bool GetAnalogAudioTransmitEnable(const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect inChannelQuad, bool &outEnabled)
Answers whether or not the specified bidirectional XLR audio connectors are collectively acting as in...
@ NTV2_AnalogAudioIO_4In_4Out
virtual bool ReadAudioSource(ULWord &outValue, const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
@ kRegShiftMultiLinkAudio
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P1_2
virtual bool GetAudio20BitMode(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outEnable)
Answers whether or not the device's NTV2AudioSystem is currently operating in 20-bit mode....
virtual bool StartAudioOutput(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inWaitForVBI=(0))
Starts the playout side of the given NTV2AudioSystem, reading outgoing audio samples from the Audio S...
virtual bool InputAudioChannelPairHasPCM(const NTV2Channel inSDIInputConnector, const NTV2AudioChannelPair inAudioChannelPair, bool &outIsPCM)
For the given SDI input (specified as a channel number), answers if the specified audio channel pair ...
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P15_16
@ kRegShiftEmbeddedOutputSupressCh2
virtual bool StartAudioInput(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inWaitForVBI=(0))
Starts the capture side of the given NTV2AudioSystem, writing incoming audio samples into the Audio S...
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P15_16
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P13_14
virtual bool GetAudioOutputMonitorSource(NTV2AudioChannelPair &outChannelPair, NTV2AudioSystem &outAudioSystem)
Answers with the current audio monitor source. The audio output monitor is typically a pair of RCA ja...
virtual bool SetAudioOutputEmbedderState(const NTV2Channel inSDIOutputConnector, const bool &inEnable)
Enables or disables the audio output embedder for the given SDI output connector (specified as a chan...
virtual bool SetEncodedAudioMode(const NTV2EncodedAudioMode value, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P9_10
@ kDeviceCanDoPCMControl
True if device can mark specific audio channel pairs as not carrying PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) audi...
This enum value determines/states if an audio output embedder will embed silence (zeroes) or de-embed...
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerMainInputEnable
PCM_CONTROL_INFO(ULWord regNum, ULWord mask, ULWord shift)
virtual bool GetEmbeddedAudioInput(NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput &outEmbeddedSource, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Answers with the device's current embedded (SDI) audio source for the given NTV2AudioSystem.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair0
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair3
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P5_6
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerMainInputSelect
virtual bool GetAudioMixerOutputChannelsMute(NTV2AudioChannelsMuted16 &outMutes)
Answers with a std::bitset that indicates which output audio channels of the Audio Mixer are currentl...
@ kRegShiftRotaryEncoderGain
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P11_12
@ kRegShiftAud7PlayCapMode
static const ULWord gAudioRateHighShift[]
virtual bool SetAudio20BitMode(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables 20-bit mode for the NTV2AudioSystem.
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerMainInputEnable
virtual bool SetAudioOutputAESSyncModeBit(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool &inAESSyncModeBitSet)
Sets or clears the AES Sync Mode bit for the given Audio System's output.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P11_12
static const ULWord sAudioMixerInputMuteShifts[]
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P15_16
struct NTV2RegInfo NTV2RegInfo
Everything needed to call CNTV2Card::ReadRegister or CNTV2Card::WriteRegister functions.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P7_8
@ kRegShiftAud3PlayCapMode
virtual bool SetHDMIOutAudioRate(const NTV2AudioRate inNewValue)
Sets the HDMI output's audio rate.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P5_6
@ kRegMaskAud2PlayCapMode
#define NTV2_IS_VALID_CHANNEL(__x__)
virtual bool GetAnalogAudioIOConfiguration(NTV2AnalogAudioIO &outConfig)
virtual bool GetMultiLinkAudioMode(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outEnabled)
Answers with the current multi-link audio mode for the given audio system.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair4
static const unsigned sAudioDetectGroups[]
bool AssessDevice(CNTV2Card &inDevice, const bool inIgnoreStoppedAudioBuffers=(0))
Assesses the given device.
virtual bool GetAudioPlayCaptureModeEnable(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outEnable)
Answers whether or not the device's Audio System is currently operating in a special mode in which it...
@ NTV2_AudioChannel5_8
This selects audio channels 5 thru 8.
@ kRegMaskResetAudioOutput
@ kRegMaskEmbeddedAudioClock
@ kDeviceGetNumHDMIVideoInputs
The number of HDMI video inputs on the device.
@ kDeviceCanDoAESAudioIn
True if device has any AES audio inputs or outputs.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P7_8
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair6
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair2
@ kRegAudioMixerChannelSelect
@ kVRegSuspendSystemAudio
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P3_4
virtual bool SetAudioMixerInputAudioSystem(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem)
Sets the Audio System that will drive the given input of the Audio Mixer.
@ kRegMaskAud3PlayCapMode
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA1P13_14
@ kRegMaskHDMIOutSourceSelect
Obtain audio samples from the device AES inputs, if available.
static const ULWord gAudioDelayRegisterNumbers[]
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P3_4
Obtain audio samples from the device HDMI input, if available.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P1_2
virtual bool GetHDMIOutAudioSource2Channel(NTV2AudioChannelPair &outValue, NTV2AudioSystem &outAudioSystem)
Answers with the HDMI output's current 2-channel audio source.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P5_6
@ kRegShiftBOBAnalogLevelControl
virtual bool SetHDMIOutAudioSource2Channel(const NTV2AudioChannelPair inNewValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Sets the HDMI output's 2-channel audio source.
virtual bool GetAudioOutputPause(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outIsPaused)
Answers if the device's Audio System is currently paused or not.
@ NTV2_AudioChannel9_16
This selects audio channels 9 thru 16.
@ kRegMaskOutputStartAtVBI
virtual bool WriteAudioSource(const ULWord inValue, const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
virtual bool SetEmbeddedAudioInput(const NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput inEmbeddedSource, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Sets the embedded (SDI) audio source for the given NTV2AudioSystem on the device.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P3_4
virtual bool GetAudioLoopBack(NTV2AudioLoopBack &outMode, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Answers if NTV2AudioLoopBack mode is currently on or off for the given NTV2AudioSystem.
Private include file for all ajabase sources.
NTV2AudioSystemSet::const_iterator NTV2AudioSystemSetConstIter
A handy const iterator into an NTV2AudioSystemSet. New in SDK 16.2.
@ kRegShiftAudioAutoErase
@ kRegAudioMixerAux2InputLevels
virtual bool GetDetectedAESChannelPairs(NTV2AudioChannelPairs &outDetectedChannelPairs)
Answers which AES/EBU audio channel pairs are present on the device.
Embeds SDI input source audio into the data stream.
@ kRegShiftResetAudioInput
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P7_8
virtual bool SetAudioPCMControl(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inIsNonPCM)
Determines whether or not all outgoing audio channel pairs are to be flagged as non-PCM for the given...
virtual bool GetAudioMixerInputChannelSelect(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, NTV2AudioChannelPair &outChannelPair)
Answers with the Audio Channel Pair that's currently driving the given input of the Audio Mixer.
@ kRegMaskEmbeddedAudioInput
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P11_12
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P3_4
virtual bool SetHeadphoneOutputGain(const ULWord inGainValue)
Sets the gain for the headphone out.
@ kRegMaskEncodedAudioMode
virtual bool SetAnalogAudioTransmitEnable(const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect inChannelQuad, const bool inEnable)
Sets the specified bidirectional XLR audio connectors to collectively act as inputs or outputs.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P1_2
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoBreakoutBoard(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P7_8
#define NTV2_IS_WITHIN_AUDIO_CHANNELS_1_TO_16(__p__)
static const unsigned gAESChannelMappingShifts[4]
Obtain audio samples from the audio that's embedded in the video HANC.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P13_14
std::vector< uint32_t > ULWordSequence
An ordered sequence of ULWord (uint32_t) values.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P9_10
virtual bool SetAESOutputSource(const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect inAESAudioChannels, const NTV2AudioSystem inSrcAudioSystem, const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect inSrcAudioChannels)
Changes the audio source for the given quad of AES audio output channels. By default,...
@ kRegMaskEmbeddedOutputSupressCh1
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA6P1_2
static const ULWord sAudioMixerInputGainCh2Regs[]
virtual bool SetAudioOutputPause(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inPausePlayout)
Pauses or resumes output of audio samples and advancement of the audio buffer pointer ("play head") o...
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA4P7_8
@ kRegMaskAnalogIOControl_14
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair1
virtual bool SetAudioMixerOutputChannelsMute(const NTV2AudioChannelsMuted16 inMutes)
Mutes or enables the individual output audio channels of the Audio Mixer.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P9_10
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerInputLeftLevel
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P1_2
Identifies a particular video frame geometry.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P15_16
static const ULWord gAudioSystemToSrcSelectRegNum[]
virtual bool SetMultiLinkAudioMode(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inEnable)
Sets the multi-link audio mode for the given audio system.
@ kRegMaskResetAudioInput
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerAux1x2CHInput
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P11_12
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair7
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P1_2
@ NTV2_AudioChannel1_8
This selects audio channels 1 thru 8.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA4P9_10
static const ULWord sAudioMixerInputMuteMasks[]
@ kDeviceGetMaxAudioChannels
The maximum number of audio channels that a single Audio System can support on the device.
@ NTV2_AnalogAudioIO_8Out
@ kRegMaskHDMIOut8ChGroupSelect
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerOutputChannelsMute
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P7_8
virtual bool GetAudioRate(NTV2AudioRate &outRate, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Returns the current NTV2AudioRate for the given Audio System.
virtual bool SetAudioMixerInputGain(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, const NTV2AudioMixerChannel inChannel, const ULWord inGainValue)
Sets the gain for the given input of the Audio Mixer.
Identifies a contiguous, adjacent group of four audio channels.
@ kRegMaskEmbeddedOutputSupressCh2
bool NTV2DeviceHasRotaryEncoder(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
@ kRegShiftEmbeddedAudioInput2
@ kRegMaskAud4PlayCapMode
@ kDeviceGetActiveMemorySize
The size, in bytes, of the device's active RAM available for video and audio.
NTV2AudioChannelPairs::const_iterator NTV2AudioChannelPairsConstIter
Handy const iterator to iterate over a set of distinct NTV2AudioChannelPair values.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA8P9_10
This identifies the 5th Audio System.
virtual bool GetHeadphoneOutputGain(ULWord &outGainValue)
Answers with the current gain setting for the headphone out.
static const ULWord sAudioDetectRegs[]
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA2P11_12
virtual bool SetHDMIOutAudioSource8Channel(const NTV2Audio8ChannelSelect inNewValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Changes the HDMI output's 8-channel audio source.
@ kDeviceGetTotalNumAudioSystems
The total number of audio systems on the device, including host audio and mixer audio systems,...
Obtain audio samples from the device analog input(s), if available.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA2P13_14
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P1_2
static const ULWord gAudioSystemToAudioControlRegNum[]
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P1_2
@ NTV2_AudioChannel15_16
This selects audio channels 15 and 16 (Group 4 channels 3 and 4)
virtual bool SetNumberAudioChannels(const ULWord inNumChannels, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Sets the number of audio channels to be concurrently captured or played for a given Audio System on t...
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair3
virtual bool SetAudioBufferSize(const NTV2AudioBufferSize inValue, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Changes the size of the audio buffer that is used for a given Audio System in the AJA device.
virtual bool GetSuspendHostAudio(bool &outIsSuspended)
Answers as to whether or not the host OS audio services for the AJA device (e.g. CoreAudio on MacOS) ...
@ kRegMaskEmbeddedAudioInput2
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA7P7_8
This enum value determines/states which SDI video input will be used to supply audio samples to an au...
bool GetBadRegions(ULWordSequence &outBlks) const
Answers with the list of colliding and illegal memory regions.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P9_10
virtual bool SetAudioInputDelay(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const ULWord inDelay)
Sets the audio input delay for the given Audio System on the device.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainOutputLevelsPair2
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P5_6
@ NTV2_AudioChannel1_4
This selects audio channels 1 thru 4.
Used to identify an Audio System on an NTV2 device. See Audio System Operation for more information.
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA3P1_2
@ NTV2_AudioChannel1_2
This selects audio channels 1 and 2 (Group 1 channels 1 and 2)
static NTV2AudioChannelPairs BitMasksToNTV2AudioChannelPairs(const ULWord inBitMask, const ULWord inExtendedBitMask)
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA6P7_8
@ NTV2_AudioChannel9_12
This selects audio channels 9 thru 12.
virtual bool GetHDMIOutAudioFormat(NTV2AudioFormat &outValue)
Answers with the HDMI output's current audio format.
@ kK2RegMaskAudioBufferSize
Identifies a contiguous, adjacent group of eight audio channels.
virtual bool SetAudioCaptureEnable(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables the writing of incoming audio into the given Audio System's capture buffer.
virtual bool GetAudioPCMControl(const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, bool &outIsNonPCM)
Answers whether or not all outgoing audio channel pairs are currently being flagged as non-PCM for th...
This enum value determines/states where an audio system will obtain its audio samples.
static const ULWord gChannelToAudioInLastAddrRegNum[]
virtual bool SetAudioAnalogLevel(const NTV2AudioLevel value, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA1P13_14
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerAux2x2CHInput
virtual bool SetHDMIOutAudioFormat(const NTV2AudioFormat inNewValue)
Sets the HDMI output's audio format.
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerInputRightLevel
virtual bool GetAudioMemoryOffset(const ULWord inOffsetBytes, ULWord &outAbsByteOffset, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem, const bool inCaptureBuffer=(0))
Answers with the byte offset in device SDRAM into the specified Audio System's audio buffer.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA3P13_14
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P7_8
@ kRegShiftHDMIOutAudioSource
@ kRegShiftAudioMixerAux1InputEnable
virtual bool GetAudioMixerInputLevels(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, const NTV2AudioChannelPairs &inChannelPairs, std::vector< uint32_t > &outLevels)
Answers with the Audio Mixer's current audio input levels.
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA5P7_8
Represents the size of the audio buffer used by a device audio system for storing captured samples or...
Everything needed to call CNTV2Card::ReadRegister or CNTV2Card::WriteRegister functions.
virtual bool SetAudioMixerLevelsSampleCount(const ULWord inSampleCount)
Sets the Audio Mixer's sample count it uses for measuring audio levels.
@ kRegAudioMixerMainInputLevelsPair4
virtual bool GetAudioMixerInputChannelsMute(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, NTV2AudioChannelsMuted16 &outMutes)
Answers with a std::bitset that indicates which input audio channels of the given Audio Mixer input a...
Declares the AJADebug class.
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerAux2InputEnable
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P1_2
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P13_14
@ kRegMaskAud5PlayCapMode
@ kRegMaskPCMControlA7P3_4
static const ULWord gAudioPlayCaptureModeMasks[]
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA5P15_16
@ kRegShiftHDMIOutAudioRate
virtual bool GetAudioMixerInputGain(const NTV2AudioMixerInput inMixerInput, const NTV2AudioMixerChannel inChannel, ULWord &outGainValue)
Answers with the current gain setting for the Audio Mixer's given input.
@ kRegMaskAudioMixerAux1x2CHInput
@ kRegShiftPCMControlA8P15_16
virtual bool SetAudioRate(const NTV2AudioRate inRate, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_1)
Sets the NTV2AudioRate for the given Audio System.