Go to the documentation of this file.
17 #define NTV2_BUFFER_LOCK
55 while (mConsumerThread.
58 while (mProducerThread.
83 const bool isKonaHDMI (mDevice.
features().GetNumHDMIVideoInputs() > 1);
84 if (!mDevice.
88 { cerr <<
"## ERROR: '" << mDevice.
GetDisplayName() <<
"' doesn't support '"
102 cerr <<
"## ERROR: Unable to acquire '" << mDevice.
GetDisplayName() <<
"' because another app (pid " << appPID <<
") owns it" << endl;
109 if (mDevice.
122 else if (mDevice.
150 cerr <<
"## WARNING: Specified channel Ch" <<
DEC(origCh+1) <<
" corrected to use Ch"
176 if (mDevice.IsRemote())
177 cerr <<
"Device Description: " << mDevice.
GetDescription() << endl << endl;
178 #endif // defined(_DEBUG)
205 {cerr <<
"## ERROR: No input signal or unknown format" << endl;
232 if (mDevice.
features().GetNumAudioSystems() > 1)
262 ULWord F1AncSize(0), F2AncSize(0);
265 ULWord F1OffsetFromEnd(0), F2OffsetFromEnd(0);
269 F1AncSize = F2OffsetFromEnd > F1OffsetFromEnd ? 0 : F1OffsetFromEnd - F2OffsetFromEnd;
270 F2AncSize = F2OffsetFromEnd > F1OffsetFromEnd ? F2OffsetFromEnd - F1OffsetFromEnd : F2OffsetFromEnd;
284 mAVCircularBuffer.
286 #ifdef NTV2_BUFFER_LOCK
333 mConsumerThread.
"Thread completed, will exit");
387 mProducerThread.
410 static const UWord startFrame12g[] = {0, 7, 64, 71};
411 static const UWord startFrame[] = {0, 7, 14, 21};
413 if (mDevice.
"Thread completed, will exit");
Declares the NTV2Capture class.
virtual bool SubscribeOutputVerticalEvent(const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Causes me to be notified when an output vertical blanking interrupt is generated for the given output...
virtual bool SetVANCMode(const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode, const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Sets the VANC mode for the given FrameStore.
bool fDoMultiFormat
If true, use multi-format/multi-channel mode, if device supports it; otherwise normal mode.
std::string NTV2ChannelSetToStr(const NTV2ChannelSet &inObj, const bool inCompact=true)
virtual bool SetMultiFormatMode(const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables multi-format (per channel) device operation. If enabled, each device channel can ...
NTV2InputSource NTV2ChannelToInputSource(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const NTV2IOKinds inKinds=NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI)
NTV2Channel NTV2InputSourceToChannel(const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2Channel value.
ULWord GetCapturedAudioByteCount(void) const
@ AJA_ThreadPriority_High
UWord firstFrame(void) const
virtual bool SetVideoFormat(const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const bool inIsAJARetail=(!(0)), const bool inKeepVancSettings=(0), const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Configures the AJA device to handle a specific video format.
virtual bool Set4kSquaresEnable(const bool inIsEnabled, const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Enables or disables SMPTE 425 "2K quadrants" mode for the given FrameStore bank on the device....
Declares device capability functions.
virtual bool ReadRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0)
Reads all or part of the 32-bit contents of a specific register (real or virtual) on the AJA device....
I encapsulate the video, audio and anc host buffers used in the AutoCirculate demos....
bool SetAudioBuffer(ULWord *pInAudioBuffer, const ULWord inAudioByteCount)
Sets my audio buffer for use in a subsequent call to CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer.
These enum values are mostly used to identify a specific widget_framestore. They're also commonly use...
virtual void SetupHostBuffers(void)
Sets up my circular buffers.
virtual void Quit(void)
Gracefully stops me from running.
virtual AJAStatus Attach(AJAThreadFunction *pThreadFunction, void *pUserContext)
virtual bool WaitForInputVerticalInterrupt(const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1, UWord inRepeatCount=1)
Efficiently sleeps the calling thread/process until the next one or more field (interlaced video) or ...
virtual bool EnableInputInterrupt(const NTV2Channel channel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Allows the CNTV2Card instance to wait for and respond to input vertical blanking interrupts originati...
NTV2Buffer & AncBuffer2(void)
static bool GetFirstDeviceFromArgument(const std::string &inArgument, CNTV2Card &outDevice)
Rescans the host, and returns an open CNTV2Card instance for the AJA device that matches a command li...
ULWord GetProcessedFrameCount(void) const
This identifies the first Audio System.
FrameDataPtr StartConsumeNextBuffer(void)
The thread that's responsible for processing incoming frames – the consumer – calls this function to ...
NTV2PixelFormat fPixelFormat
Pixel format to use.
ULWord GetBufferLevel(void) const
virtual bool AutoCirculateInitForInput(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const UWord inFrameCount=7, const NTV2AudioSystem inAudioSystem=NTV2_AUDIOSYSTEM_INVALID, const ULWord inOptionFlags=0, const UByte inNumChannels=1, const UWord inStartFrameNumber=0, const UWord inEndFrameNumber=0)
Prepares for subsequent AutoCirculate ingest, designating a contiguous block of frame buffers on the ...
virtual bool ReleaseStreamForApplication(ULWord inApplicationType, int32_t inProcessID)
Releases exclusive use of the AJA device for the given process, permitting other processes to acquire...
static void ConsumerThreadStatic(AJAThread *pThread, void *pContext)
This is the consumer thread's static callback function that gets called when the consumer thread runs...
NTV2Buffer fAncBuffer2
Additional "F2" host anc buffer.
Use this to AutoCirculate with base audiosystem controlling base AudioSystem + 3.
void EndProduceNextBuffer(void)
The producer thread calls this function to signal that it has finished populating the frame it obtain...
bool Allocate(const size_t inByteCount, const bool inPageAligned=false)
Allocates (or re-allocates) my user-space storage using the given byte count. I assume full responsib...
virtual bool ApplySignalRoute(const CNTV2SignalRouter &inRouter, const bool inReplace=(0))
Applies the given routing table to the AJA device.
bool SetAncBuffers(ULWord *pInANCBuffer, const ULWord inANCByteCount, ULWord *pInANCF2Buffer=NULL, const ULWord inANCF2ByteCount=0)
Sets my ancillary data buffers for use in a subsequent call to CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer.
NTV2Buffer fAncBuffer
Host ancillary data buffer.
Specifies channel or Frame Store 1 (or the first item).
virtual bool SetFrameBufferFormat(NTV2Channel inChannel, NTV2FrameBufferFormat inNewFormat, bool inIsAJARetail=(!(0)), NTV2HDRXferChars inXferChars=NTV2_VPID_TC_SDR_TV, NTV2HDRColorimetry inColorimetry=NTV2_VPID_Color_Rec709, NTV2HDRLuminance inLuminance=NTV2_VPID_Luminance_YCbCr)
Sets the frame buffer format for the given FrameStore on the AJA device.
virtual bool SetSDITransmitEnable(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inEnable)
Sets the specified bidirectional SDI connector to act as an input or an output.
bool WithAudio(void) const
virtual bool RouteInputSignal(void)
Sets up device routing for capture.
static bool Get4KInputFormat(NTV2VideoFormat &inOutVideoFormat)
Given a video format, if all 4 inputs are the same and promotable to 4K, this function does the promo...
bool fWithAnc
If true, also capture Anc.
static void ProducerThreadStatic(AJAThread *pThread, void *pContext)
This is the capture thread's static callback function that gets called when the capture thread runs....
NTV2Buffer & VideoBuffer(void)
@ kVRegAncField2Offset
Anc Field2 byte offset from end of frame buffer (GUMP on all boards except RTP for SMPTE2022/IP)
virtual bool DMABufferLock(const NTV2Buffer &inBuffer, bool inMap=(0), bool inRDMA=(0))
Page-locks the given host buffer to reduce transfer time and CPU usage of DMA transfers.
Use this to AutoCirculate with base audiosystem controlling base AudioSystem + 1.
Specifies channel or Frame Store 5 (or the 5th item).
NTV2AudioSystemSet NTV2MakeAudioSystemSet(const NTV2AudioSystem inFirstAudioSystem, const UWord inCount=1)
virtual class DeviceCapabilities & features(void)
Use this to AutoCirculate with ancillary data.
virtual std::string GetDisplayName(void)
Answers with this device's display name.
virtual AJAStatus Init(void)
Initializes me and prepares me to Run.
Declares the AJAProcess class.
static void Sleep(const int32_t inMilliseconds)
Suspends execution of the current thread for a given number of milliseconds.
AJAStatus Add(FrameDataPtr pInFrameData)
Appends a new frame buffer to me, increasing my frame storage capacity by one frame.
This identifies the mode in which there are no VANC lines in the frame buffer.
static bool ConfigureAudioSystems(CNTV2Card &inDevice, const CaptureConfig &inConfig, const NTV2AudioSystemSet inAudioSystems)
Configures capture audio systems.
virtual bool EnableChannels(const NTV2ChannelSet &inChannels, const bool inDisableOthers=(0))
Enables the given FrameStore(s).
virtual std::string GetDescription(void) const
NTV2Buffer fVideoBuffer
Host video buffer.
This is returned from the CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateGetStatus function.
Declares the CNTV2DeviceScanner class.
This class is used to configure an NTV2Capture instance.
Specifies channel or Frame Store 7 (or the 7th item).
ULWord VideoBufferSize(void) const
@ kVRegAncField1Offset
Anc Field1 byte offset from end of frame buffer (GUMP on all boards except RTP for SMPTE2022/IP)
virtual bool GetStreamingApplication(ULWord &outAppType, int32_t &outProcessID)
Answers with the four-CC type and process ID of the application that currently "owns" the AJA device ...
std::string NTV2DeviceIDToString(const NTV2DeviceID inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::set< NTV2AudioSystem > NTV2AudioSystemSet
A set of distinct NTV2AudioSystem values. New in SDK 16.2.
Instances of me capture frames in real time from a video signal provided to an input of an AJA device...
virtual bool UnsubscribeInputVerticalEvent(const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Unregisters me so I'm no longer notified when an input VBI is signaled on the given input channel.
ULWord AncBufferSize(void) const
virtual bool UnsubscribeOutputVerticalEvent(const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Unregisters me so I'm no longer notified when an output VBI is signaled on the given output channel.
Specifies channel or Frame Store 3 (or the 3rd item).
FrameDataPtr StartProduceNextBuffer(void)
The thread that's responsible for providing frames – the producer – calls this function to populate t...
virtual bool AutoCirculateGetStatus(const NTV2Channel inChannel, AUTOCIRCULATE_STATUS &outStatus)
Returns the current AutoCirculate status for the given channel.
#define NTV2_IS_4K_HFR_VIDEO_FORMAT(__f__)
ULWord AudioBufferSize(void) const
ULWord AncBuffer2Size(void) const
ULWord fNumAudioBytes
Actual number of captured audio bytes.
#define NTV2_IS_VALID_INPUT_SOURCE(_inpSrc_)
Specifies the device's internal clock.
This object specifies the information that will be transferred to or from the AJA device in the CNTV2...
std::string fDeviceSpec
The AJA device to use.
Declares numerous NTV2 utility functions.
virtual void ConsumeFrames(void)
Repeatedly consumes frames from the circular buffer (until global quit flag set).
#define NTV2_INPUT_SOURCE_IS_HDMI(_inpSrc_)
NTV2Buffer & AudioBuffer(void)
bool SetVideoBuffer(ULWord *pInVideoBuffer, const ULWord inVideoByteCount)
Sets my video buffer for use in a subsequent call to CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer.
virtual bool IsDeviceReady(const bool inCheckValid=(0))
static const ULWord kDemoAppSignature((((uint32_t)( 'D'))<< 24)|(((uint32_t)( 'E'))<< 16)|(((uint32_t)( 'M'))<< 8)|(((uint32_t)( 'O'))<< 0))
void EndConsumeNextBuffer(void)
The consumer thread calls this function to signal that it has finished processing the frame it obtain...
virtual bool SetTsiFrameEnable(const bool inIsEnabled, const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Enables or disables SMPTE 425 two-sample interleave (Tsi) frame mode on the device.
Identifies the 1st HDMI video input.
virtual NTV2VideoFormat GetInputVideoFormat(const NTV2InputSource inVideoSource=NTV2_INPUTSOURCE_SDI1, const bool inIsProgressive=(0))
Returns the video format of the signal that is present on the given input source.
virtual bool SetEveryFrameServices(const NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode inMode)
Sets the device's task mode.
virtual void GetACStatus(ULWord &outGoodFrames, ULWord &outDroppedFrames, ULWord &outBufferLevel)
Provides status information about my input (capture) process.
NTV2ACFrameRange fFrames
AutoCirculate frame count or range.
0: Disabled: Device is completely configured by controlling application(s) – no driver involvement.
NTV2Channel fInputChannel
The device channel to use.
Identifies the 2nd HDMI video input.
NTV2Buffer fAudioBuffer
Host audio buffer.
virtual AJAStatus Run(void)
Runs me.
Use this to AutoCirculate with base audiosystem controlling base AudioSystem + 2.
Use this to AutoCirculate with RP188.
UWord lastFrame(void) const
bool IsRunning(void) const
std::string NTV2FrameBufferFormatToString(const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
bool fDoTSIRouting
If true, do TSI routing; otherwise squares.
std::map< NTV2InputXptID, NTV2OutputXptID > NTV2XptConnections
virtual bool WaitForOutputVerticalInterrupt(const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1, UWord inRepeatCount=1)
Efficiently sleeps the calling thread/process until the next one or more field (interlaced video) or ...
NTV2ChannelSet NTV2MakeChannelSet(const NTV2Channel inFirstChannel, const UWord inNumChannels=1)
virtual bool AutoCirculateTransfer(const NTV2Channel inChannel, AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER &transferInfo)
Transfers all or part of a frame as specified in the given AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER object to/from the ...
virtual void StartConsumerThread(void)
Starts my frame consumer thread.
ULWord GetDroppedFrameCount(void) const
virtual void CaptureFrames(void)
Repeatedly captures frames using AutoCirculate (until global quit flag set).
static bool GetInputRouting4K(NTV2XptConnections &outConnections, const CaptureConfig &inConfig, const NTV2DeviceID inDevID=DEVICE_ID_INVALID, const bool isInputRGB=(0))
Answers with the crosspoint connections needed to implement the given 4K/UHD capture configuration.
virtual bool GetHDMIInputColor(NTV2LHIHDMIColorSpace &outValue, const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Answers with the current colorspace for the given HDMI input.
static const size_t CIRCULAR_BUFFER_SIZE(10)
Number of NTV2FrameData's in our ring.
virtual bool AcquireStreamForApplication(ULWord inApplicationType, int32_t inProcessID)
Reserves exclusive use of the AJA device for a given process, preventing other processes on the host ...
virtual NTV2DeviceID GetDeviceID(void)
bool HasAvailableInputFrame(void) const
virtual bool GetEveryFrameServices(NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode &outMode)
Retrieves the device's current "retail service" task mode.
virtual AJAStatus SetupVideo(void)
Sets up everything I need for capturing video.
UWord fNumAudioLinks
Number of audio links to capture.
bool WithCustomAnc(void) const
void SetAbortFlag(const bool *pAbortFlag)
Tells me the boolean variable I should monitor such that when it gets set to "true" will cause any th...
bool setRangeWithCount(const UWord inCount, const UWord inFirstFrame)
#define NTV2_INPUT_SOURCE_IS_SDI(_inpSrc_)
virtual AJAStatus SetPriority(AJAThreadPriority priority)
virtual bool AutoCirculateStart(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const ULWord64 inStartTime=0)
Starts AutoCirculating the specified channel that was previously initialized by CNTV2Card::AutoCircul...
virtual bool SetReference(const NTV2ReferenceSource inRefSource, const bool inKeepFramePulseSelect=(0))
Sets the device's clock reference source. See Video Output Clocking & Synchronization for more inform...
bool GetInputTimeCodes(NTV2TimeCodeList &outValues) const
Intended for capture, answers with the timecodes captured in my acTransferStatus member's acFrameStam...
NTV2Capture4K(const CaptureConfig &inConfig)
Constructs me using the given settings.
virtual AJAStatus Start()
virtual bool SubscribeInputVerticalEvent(const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Causes me to be notified when an input vertical blanking interrupt occurs on the given input channel.
#define AJA_FAILURE(_status_)
virtual AJAStatus SetupAudio(void)
Sets up everything I need for capturing audio.
bool CanDoFrameBufferFormat(const NTV2PixelFormat inPF)
NTV2Buffer & AncBuffer(void)
NTV2AudioSystem NTV2ChannelToAudioSystem(const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its equivalent NTV2AudioSystem.
virtual bool AutoCirculateStop(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inAbort=(0))
Stops AutoCirculate for the given channel, and releases the on-device frame buffers that were allocat...
Invalid or "not found".
NTV2InputSource fInputSource
The device input connector to use.
2: OEM: Device is configured by controlling application(s), with minimal driver involvement.
virtual void StartProducerThread(void)
Starts my capture thread.
NTV2TimeCodes fTimecodes
Map of TC indexes to NTV2_RP188 values.
bool fWithAudio
If true, also capture Audio.