Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #define AsULWordPtr(_p_) reinterpret_cast<const ULWord*> (_p_)
67 if (!mDevice.
70 const UWord maxNumChannels (mDevice.
75 cerr <<
"## WARNING: '" << mDevice.
GetDisplayName() <<
"' switched to Ch2 (Ch1 is input-only)" << endl;
80 <<
" -- only supports Ch1" << (maxNumChannels > 1 ? string(
"-Ch") + string(1,
'0')) :
"") << endl;
93 if (mDevice.
107 if (it->first.find(
"Device Specifier") == 0)
110 #endif // defined(_DEBUG)
176 if (mDevice.
206 if (mDevice.
215 for (
size_t ndx(0); ndx < sdiOutputs.size(); ndx++)
222 if (mDevice.
226 if (mDevice.
253 uint32_t currentOutputFrame(0);
virtual bool DrawTestPattern(const std::string &inTPName, const NTV2FormatDescriptor &inFormatDesc, NTV2Buffer &inBuffer)
Renders the given test pattern or color into a host raster buffer.
virtual bool GetConnections(NTV2XptConnections &outConnections)
Answers with the device's current widget routing connections.
virtual bool SetMultiFormatMode(const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables multi-format (per channel) device operation. If enabled, each device channel can ...
NTV2InputXptID GetSDIOutputInputXpt(const NTV2Channel inSDIOutput, const bool inIsDS2=false)
bool CanDoVideoFormat(const NTV2VideoFormat inVF)
#define NTV2_IS_VANCMODE_TALLER(__v__)
#define NTV2_FOURCC(_a_, _b_, _c_, _d_)
Specifies channel or Frame Store 2 (or the 2nd item).
virtual bool SetVideoFormat(const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const bool inIsAJARetail=(!(0)), const bool inKeepVancSettings=(0), const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Configures the AJA device to handle a specific video format.
These enum values are mostly used to identify a specific widget_framestore. They're also commonly use...
A generic user-space buffer object that has an address and a length. Used most often to share an arbi...
Configures an NTV2OutputTestPattern instance.
ULWord GetByteCount(void) const
static bool GetFirstDeviceFromArgument(const std::string &inArgument, CNTV2Card &outDevice)
Rescans the host, and returns an open CNTV2Card instance for the AJA device that matches a command li...
NTV2ChannelList NTV2MakeChannelList(const NTV2Channel inFirstChannel, const UWord inNumChannels=1)
Declares the NTV2TestPatternGen class.
virtual bool ReleaseStreamForApplication(ULWord inApplicationType, int32_t inProcessID)
Releases exclusive use of the AJA device for the given process, permitting other processes to acquire...
bool fDoMultiFormat
If true, enable device-sharing; otherwise take exclusive control of device.
virtual bool GetVANCMode(NTV2VANCMode &outVancMode, const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Retrieves the current VANC mode for the given FrameStore.
virtual bool ApplySignalRoute(const CNTV2SignalRouter &inRouter, const bool inReplace=(0))
Applies the given routing table to the AJA device.
NTV2OutputTestPattern(const TestPatConfig &inConfig)
Constructs me using the given configuration settings.
#define NTV2_IS_8K_VIDEO_FORMAT(__f__)
NTV2VANCMode fVancMode
VANC mode to use.
Specifies channel or Frame Store 1 (or the first item).
virtual bool SetFrameBufferFormat(NTV2Channel inChannel, NTV2FrameBufferFormat inNewFormat, bool inIsAJARetail=(!(0)), NTV2HDRXferChars inXferChars=NTV2_VPID_TC_SDR_TV, NTV2HDRColorimetry inColorimetry=NTV2_VPID_Color_Rec709, NTV2HDRLuminance inLuminance=NTV2_VPID_Luminance_YCbCr)
Sets the frame buffer format for the given FrameStore on the AJA device.
virtual bool SetSDITransmitEnable(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inEnable)
Sets the specified bidirectional SDI connector to act as an input or an output.
void RouteOutputSignal(void)
Sets up board routing for playout.
#define NTV2_IS_4K_VIDEO_FORMAT(__f__)
AJAStatus EmitPattern(void)
Generates, transfers and displays the test pattern on the output.
NTV2InputXptID GetOutputDestInputXpt(const NTV2OutputDestination inOutputDest, const bool inIsSDI_DS2=false, const UWord inHDMI_Quadrant=99)
virtual class DeviceCapabilities & features(void)
virtual std::string GetDisplayName(void)
Answers with this device's display name.
Declares the AJAProcess class.
virtual bool GetOutputFrame(const NTV2Channel inChannel, ULWord &outValue)
Answers with the current output frame number for the given FrameStore (expressed as an NTV2Channel).
Identifies a particular video standard.
virtual bool GetVideoFormat(NTV2VideoFormat &outValue, NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
std::string fTestPatternName
Name of the test pattern to use.
static AJALabelValuePairs & append(AJALabelValuePairs &inOutTable, const std::string &inLabel, const std::string &inValue=std::string())
A convenience function that appends the given label and value strings to the provided AJALabelValuePa...
virtual std::string GetDescription(void) const
Declares the CNTV2DeviceScanner class.
virtual bool SetMode(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const NTV2Mode inNewValue, const bool inIsRetail=(!(0)))
Determines if a given FrameStore on the AJA device will be used to capture or playout video.
virtual bool SetSDIOutRGBLevelAConversion(const UWord inOutputSpigot, const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables an RGB-over-3G-level-A conversion at the SDI output widget (assuming the AJA devi...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > AJALabelValuePair
A pair of strings comprising a label and a value.
NTV2OutputXptID GetCSCOutputXptFromChannel(const NTV2Channel inCSC, const bool inIsKey=false, const bool inIsRGB=false)
virtual void ToString(std::string &outAllLabelsAndValues) const
Answers with a multi-line string that contains the complete host system info table.
NTV2VideoFormat fVideoFormat
The video format to use.
std::string NTV2VANCModeToString(const NTV2VANCMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
#define NTV2_IS_VANCMODE_ON(__v__)
Specifies the device's internal clock.
NTV2Channel fOutputChannel
The device channel to use.
AJALabelValuePairs Get(const bool inCompact=(0)) const
Renders a human-readable representation of me.
std::string NTV2VideoFormatToString(const NTV2VideoFormat inValue, const bool inUseFrameRate=false)
NTV2InputXptID GetCSCInputXptFromChannel(const NTV2Channel inCSC, const bool inIsKeyInput=false)
std::pair< NTV2InputXptID, NTV2OutputXptID > NTV2Connection
This links an NTV2InputXptID and an NTV2OutputXptID.
virtual bool IsDeviceReady(const bool inCheckValid=(0))
static const ULWord kDemoAppSignature((((uint32_t)( 'D'))<< 24)|(((uint32_t)( 'E'))<< 16)|(((uint32_t)( 'M'))<< 8)|(((uint32_t)( 'O'))<< 0))
std::set< NTV2Channel > NTV2ChannelSet
A set of distinct NTV2Channel values.
AJAStatus Init(void)
Initializes me and prepares me to Run.
virtual bool SetEveryFrameServices(const NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode inMode)
Sets the device's task mode.
AJALabelValuePairs::const_iterator AJALabelValuePairsConstIter
The NTV2 test pattern generator.
std::vector< NTV2Channel > NTV2ChannelList
An ordered sequence of NTV2Channel values.
void * GetHostPointer(void) const
AJALabelValuePairs Get(const bool inCompact=(0)) const
virtual bool SetSDIOutputStandard(const UWord inOutputSpigot, const NTV2Standard inValue)
Sets the SDI output spigot's video standard.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ioStrm, const TestPatConfig &inObj)
NTV2OutputXptID GetFrameBufferOutputXptFromChannel(const NTV2Channel inFrameStore, const bool inIsRGB=false, const bool inIs425=false)
std::string fDeviceSpec
The AJA device to use.
std::map< NTV2InputXptID, NTV2OutputXptID > NTV2XptConnections
NTV2ChannelSet NTV2MakeChannelSet(const NTV2Channel inFirstChannel, const UWord inNumChannels=1)
bool IsRGBFormat(const NTV2FrameBufferFormat format)
virtual bool AcquireStreamForApplication(ULWord inApplicationType, int32_t inProcessID)
Reserves exclusive use of the AJA device for a given process, preventing other processes on the host ...
virtual bool IsChannelEnabled(const NTV2Channel inChannel, bool &outEnabled)
Answers whether or not the given FrameStore is enabled.
virtual NTV2DeviceID GetDeviceID(void)
virtual bool GetEveryFrameServices(NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode &outMode)
Retrieves the device's current "retail service" task mode.
virtual bool DMAWriteFrame(const ULWord inFrameNumber, const ULWord *pInFrameBuffer, const ULWord inByteCount)
Transfers a single frame from the host to the AJA device.
virtual bool SetEnableVANCData(const bool inVANCenabled, const bool inTallerVANC, const NTV2Standard inStandard, const NTV2FrameGeometry inGeometry, const NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
const uint32_t kAppSignature(((((uint32_t)( 'T'))<< 24)|(((uint32_t)( 'e'))<< 16)|(((uint32_t)( 's'))<< 8)|(((uint32_t)( 't'))<< 0)))
NTV2Standard GetNTV2StandardFromVideoFormat(const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat)
NTV2PixelFormat fPixelFormat
The pixel format to use.
enum NTV2OutputCrosspointID NTV2OutputXptID
virtual bool SetReference(const NTV2ReferenceSource inRefSource, const bool inKeepFramePulseSelect=(0))
Sets the device's clock reference source. See Video Output Clocking & Synchronization for more inform...
std::vector< AJALabelValuePair > AJALabelValuePairs
An ordered sequence of label/value pairs.
#define AJA_FAILURE(_status_)
virtual bool EnableChannel(const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Enables the given FrameStore.
Playout (output) mode, which reads from device SDRAM.
Invalid or "not found".
AJAStatus SetUpVideo(void)
Sets up my AJA device to play video.
NTV2TestPatternGen & setVANCToLegalBlack(const bool inClearVANC)
Changes my "clear VANC lines to legal black" setting.
virtual bool SetSDIOutLevelAtoLevelBConversion(const UWord inOutputSpigot, const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables 3G level A to 3G level B conversion at the SDI output widget (assuming the AJA de...
2: OEM: Device is configured by controlling application(s), with minimal driver involvement.