SDI Ancillary Data

Traditionally, AJA’s NTV2 SDI devices processed active video and ancillary data using separate data paths in the hardware. This is still very much the case, although the introduction of Anc inserter/extractor firmware has created further options.


Common Ancillary Data Types

The common Ancillary Data Types are audio, timecode, VPID, and Closed Captions.

Embedded Audio

Embedded audio in HANC is handled by the Audio System(s) in firmware — see Audio System Operation for more information.

Devices that have Anc Extractor firmware are able to capture the “raw” audio packets from HANC … then decode them per SMPTE/AES specifications. See SDI Anc Packet Capture (below) for information on how to do this.

Timecode (RP-188, SMPTE-12M)

The timecode aspects of NTV2’s SDK and firmware has its origins in the early 2000s — when NTV2 devices were SD-only, and the SMPTE 12M spec was still evolving. FPGA space was very tight in those days, including the number of registers available … which is one reason why the same registers were used for RP-188 capture and playout.

  • Two 32-bit registers are required to store a timecode value:
    • one for the low-order 32 bits;
    • another for the high-order 32 bits
  • An extra register is used to hold the extra “Distributed Binary Bits” (DBB) information per SMPTE 12M and RP-188.
  • In the SDK, these three register values are represented by the NTV2_RP188 data type, and the older RP188_STRUCT data type.

On older devices (i.e. those that don’t support “stacked audio” — see NTV2DeviceCanDoStackedAudio) and those without bidirectional SDI connectors (see NTV2DeviceHasBiDirectionalSDI), one general-purpose register triplet is used to store an SDI input’s timecode and also provide a place to specify a timecode for SDI output. In other words, one register triplet is used for reading a timecode from, say, SDI In 1 and for writing a timecode to, say, SDI Out 1. The Hi/Lo-order general-purpose timecode registers are “write-only” for SDI output; and “read-only” for SDI input. In other words, reading those registers yields the received input timecode, while writing those registers sets the output (playout) timecode.

This inability to read back what’s been written into the register is very different behavior from nearly all other NTV2 registers. For devices that follow this old model, it’s impossible to fetch the output timecode value that was written for playout. So beware that when CNTV2Card::SetRP188Data is called on these older devices, it’s not possible to find out what was “set”, since CNTV2Card::GetRP188Data is always reading the SDI input’s timecode.

On newer devices that have bi-directional SDI connectors (i.e. both NTV2DeviceCanDoStackedAudio and NTV2DeviceHasBiDirectionalSDI return true), CNTV2Card::GetRP188Data will return the corresponding SDI output’s timecode if the SDI spigot is configured for output (see CNTV2Card::SetSDITransmitEnable).

For End-to-End (E-E) mode, i.e. when an SDI input is connected directly to an SDI output, to pass through timecode obtained from an SDI input…

Embedded SDI Timecode Input

Any RP-188 data in the SDI input video with DBB-1 data matching the input’s current RP-188 source select filter (see CNTV2Card::SetRP188SourceFilter) will be placed into the input’s RP-188 registers.

There are two ways to receive input timecode:

Regarding High Frame Rates (>30fps): When reading timecode for any input faster than 30fps, you’ll see a duplicate frame count in two successive frames — but in the latter frame, the field bit will be set, and the DBB will indicate a value of 0x02 (VITC2). This is the SMPTE ST-12M-preferred way of sending >30fps timecode. The 12M specification says there are systems that won’t conform to this transmission convention, so receivers that want to support them will need to be flexible.
Example: Capturing Embedded SDI Timecode Without AutoCirculate


bool SetUpRP188 (CNTV2Card & inCard)
const NTV2DeviceID deviceID (inCard.GetDeviceID());
const bool isKonaLHi (deviceID == DEVICE_ID_KONALHI);
ULWord userDefinedDBB (0);
inCard.ReadRegister (kVRegUserDefinedDBB, userDefinedDBB);
if (!userDefinedDBB == 0)
ULWord inputFilter (0x00);
if (::NTV2DeviceCanDoVITC2(deviceID))
inputFilter = 0x02;
else if (!isKonaLHi)
inputFilter = 0x01;
inCard.WriteRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[ch], inputFilter, ULWord(kRegMaskRP188SourceSelect), kRegShiftRP188Source);
inCard.WriteRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[ch], isKonaLHi ? 0x00 : 0xFF, kRegMaskRP188DBB, kRegShiftRP188DBB);
} // for each SDI connector
inCard.ReadRegister (kVRegUserDefinedDBB, userDefinedDBB);
if (!userDefinedDBB)
inCard.WriteRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[NTV2_CHANNEL5], 0xFF, kRegMaskRP188DBB, kRegShiftRP188DBB);
} // SetUpRP188


bool GetReceivedTCForChannel (CNTV2Card & inCard, const NTV2Channel inChannel, NTV2_RP188 & outReceivedLTC, RP188_STRUCT & outReceivedVITC1, RP188_STRUCT & outReceivedVITC2)
ULWord receivedAnyRP188 (0);
ULWord receivedLTC (0);
ULWord receivedVITC1 (0);
ULWord receivedVITC2 (0);
ULWord inputFilter (0x02);
inCard.GetVideoFormat (channelFormat, inChannel);
outReceivedLTC.Set(); outReceivedVITC1.Set(); outReceivedVITC2.Set(); // Make invalid
// Any TC available?
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], receivedAnyRP188, BIT(16), 16);
if (!receivedAnyRP188)
return false;
// Read the input filter, can be overridden by software any time (AutoCirculate initializes once)
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], inputFilter, (ULWord)kRegMaskRP188SourceSelect, kRegShiftRP188Source);
// If the filter is not FF, only fill in the selected (if received)...
switch (inputFilter)
case 0x0000: // User requested LTC only
inCard.ReadRegister(gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], &receivedLTC, BIT(17), 17);
if (receivedLTC)
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedLTC);
case 0x0001: // User requested VITC only
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], receivedLTC, BIT(18), 18);
if (!receivedLTC && inChannel == NTV2_CHANNEL1)
inCard.ReadRegister (kRegFS1ReferenceSelect, receivedLTC, BIT(9), 9); // Reg 95
if (receivedLTC)
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedLTC);
outReceivedLTC.DBB |= BIT(18); // Set "LTC received" bit
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], receivedVITC1, BIT(17), 17);
if (receivedVITC1)
outReceivedVITC1.DBB = inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel]);
outReceivedVITC1.Low = inCard.ReadRegister (gChannelToRP188Bits031RegisterNum[inChannel]);
outReceivedVITC1.High = inCard.ReadRegister (gChannelToRP188Bits3263RegisterNum[inChannel]);
default: // User requested whatever's there
// Check for LTC...
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], receivedLTC, BIT(18), 18);
if (!receivedLTC && inChannel == NTV2_CHANNEL1)
inCard.ReadRegister (kRegFS1ReferenceSelect, receivedLTC, BIT(9), 9); // Reg 95
if (receivedLTC)
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedLTC);
outReceivedLTC.DBB |= BIT(18); // Set "LTC received" bit
// Check for VITC1/VITC2...
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], receivedVITC1, BIT(19), 19);
inCard.ReadRegister (gChToRP188DBBRegNum[inChannel], receivedVITC2, BIT(17), 17);
if (receivedVITC1 && receivedVITC2)
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedVITC1);
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedVITC2);
if (receivedVITC1)
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedVITC1);
if (receivedVITC2)
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedVITC1);
inCard.GetRP188Data (inChannel, outReceivedVITC2);
} // switch on inputFilter
return true;
} // GetReceivedTCForChannel

Embedded SDI Timecode Output

When RP-188 output is enabled for an SDI output (by calling CNTV2Card::SetRP188Mode and passing it NTV2_RP188_OUTPUT), whatever RP-188 data was written into the RP-188 registers is inserted into the HANC of the SDI output video after the next output VBI on the appropriate line (even when “tall” or “taller” VANC Frame Geometries are in use):

  • SD NTSC 720×486 — lines 10 & 273
  • SD PAL 720×576 — lines 7 & 320
  • HD 1280×720 & 1920×1080 & up — line 10

There are two ways to transmit timecode:

Starting in SDK 15.0, when doing AutoCirculate Playout with both AUTOCIRCULATE_WITH_RP188 and AUTOCIRCULATE_WITH_ANC on an IP device (see NTV2DeviceCanDoIP) that supports SMPTE 2110 (see NTV2DeviceCanDo2110), CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer will automatically add all channel-relevant timecodes found in the AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER::acOutputTimeCodes buffer into the relevant RTP packets in the AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER::acANCBuffer and/or AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER::acANCField2Buffer (see RTP Anc Buffer Data Format), augmenting what was already placed there. If this is not desired, and you’d prefer to use your own timecode packets, then call CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateInitForOutput without specifying AUTOCIRCULATE_WITH_RP188, then add the timecode AJAAncillaryData packet(s) to the AJAAncillaryList before calling AJAAncillaryList::GetIPTransmitData (prior to calling AUTOCIRCULATE_TRANSFER::SetAncBuffers and CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateTransfer).

Analog LTC Input

On AJA devices having one or more analog LTC inputs — or devices that can receive LTC from the Reference Input — there’s a pair of registers for each LTC input that store the received timecode:  one for the high-order 32 bits, the other for the low-order 32 bits. Historically, the LTC input circuitry has relied on the prevailing input’s frame rate to know when to fetch and decode the incoming analog timecode signal and latch the detected timecode values.

On newer multi-format-capable devices (see NTV2DeviceCanDoMultiFormat), the incoming LTC frame rate must match a designated SDI input’s frame rate (see CNTV2Card::SetAnalogLTCInClockChannel).

There are two ways to input analog LTC:

Analog LTC Output

On AJA devices having one or more analog LTC outputs — there’s a pair of registers for each LTC output for placing the timecode to be transmitted:  one for the high-order 32 bits, the other for the low-order 32 bits.

LTC output can be driven “end-to-end” by its corresponding LTC input.

On newer multi-format-capable devices (see NTV2DeviceCanDoMultiFormat), the outgoing LTC frame rate must match a designated SDI output’s frame rate (see CNTV2Card::SetAnalogLTCOutClockChannel).

There are two ways to output analog LTC:


Input / Record

On AJA devices with one or more SDI inputs (3G or faster), when a signal is present, the firmware automatically looks for and detects VPID (Video Payload IDentifier) packets on link A (and link B, if present), and stores the extracted VPID data value(s) into separate register(s), one per link.

There are two methods to read input VPID:

  • All devices:
  • Devices that have Anc Extractor firmware described in SDI Anc Packet Capture (below) can capture the “raw” HANC VPID packet data … then decode it per SMPTE specifications.

Once the 4-byte VPID value has been read, it can be decoded, per SMPTE specifications. The CNTV2VPID class can be used as a convenience to query all the various metadata that describes the input signal.

Output / Playback

On AJA devices with one or more SDI outputs (3G or faster), there are two VPID output payload registers for each SDI output (one for Link A, another for Link B). When the driver is running in NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode NTV2_STANDARD_TASKS (retail) or NTV2_OEM_TASKS, it will automatically write the proper VPID payload value(s) into these registers when the output video standard is set. The SDI output’s Anc embedder, upon seeing a valid VPID payload in the respective payload register, will automatically insert a VPID packet in the outgoing SDI data stream.


Closed-captions are an important category of ancillary data. The popular captioning standards (by transport):

  • Analog (SD) “Line 21”:
    • US NTSC 525i: EIA-608
    • PAL 625i: Teletext OP-42
  • SDI: Encoded into one or more ancillary data packets, per SMPTE ST-291. There are several captioning standards that encapsulate their data into SMPTE 291 packets:
    • U.S. NTSC CEA-608
    • U.S. NTSC CEA-708
    • Teletext OP-47
    • ARIB STD-B37
    • etc.
  • TCP/IP:
    • SMPTE ST 2022: Same as SDI (above) with SDI data frame encapsulated into network packet(s).
    • SMPTE ST 2110: Same as SDI (above) with SMPTE ST-291 packets encoded into separate RTP stream (separate from video and audio RTP streams).
  • HDMI: Only supports Open Captions (burned-in); Closed Captions not supported.

SDI Anc Packet Capture

There are two ways to capture any/all Ancillary data packets:

TIP: The “NTV2Watcher” tool’s Ancillary Data Inspector is useful for diagnosing issues with ancillary data capture.

Ancillary Packet Filtering

For devices that support custom Anc capture, each SDI input has an “Anc Extractor” widget associated with it. Each of these widgets have a filter that can exclude unwanted packets based on a packet’s Data IDentifier (DID). Each filter is configured using five 32-bit registers, each register accommodating four DID byte values, resulting in the ability to filter (exclude) up to 20 different types of packets.

  • A non-zero byte value in a filter register will cause the Extractor to skip packets whose DID matches that byte value.
  • A zero byte value is always ignored by the Extractor.
  • It is not an error to have the same DID in multiple byte positions in the filter registers.

By default, the SDI input’s Anc extractor widget is configured when CNTV2Card::AutoCirculateInitForInput (or CNTV2Card::AncExtractInit) are called, and will automatically exclude a default set of packet types. For example, VPID, VITC/ATC, audio control and audio packets are filtered by default, because existing device firmware automatically handles audio, timecode and VPID, making such data available by way of other high-level API calls.

But what if, for example, you need to parse the raw data that’s inside SMPTE 299M audio packets?

Disabling All Filtering

To disable all filtering of incoming ancillary data packets, pass an empty NTV2DIDSet to CNTV2Card::AncExtractSetFilterDIDs.

CNTV2Card device;
. . .
device.AncExtractSetFilterDIDs(sdiInput, NTV2DIDSet()); // Disable all filtering

For SDKs prior to version 13.0, pass zero to CNTV2Card::WriteRegister for each filter register for the Anc extractor associated with the SDI input of interest:

  • SDI In 1: registers 4108-4112 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 2: registers 4172-4176 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 3: registers 4236-4240 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 4: registers 4300-4304 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 5: registers 4364-4368 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 6: registers 4428-4432 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 7: registers 4492-4496 (inclusive)
  • SDI In 8: registers 4556-4560 (inclusive)
Changing packet filtering takes effect at the next captured frame.
Disabling packet filtering can result in an extraordinary amount of captured ancillary data.

Filtering Specific Packet Types

To exclude packets having specific DIDs, build an NTV2DIDSet that contains the packet DIDs you wish to exclude, then pass the set to CNTV2Card::AncExtractSetFilterDIDs. For SDKs prior to version 13.0, pack up to four DIDs to be excluded into a 4-byte longword, and write the longword (using CNTV2Card::WriteRegister) into one of the filter registers associated with the SDI input of interest (see above list).

Restoring Default Filtering

You can also reset the ANC filtering to the default filter set:

CNTV2Card device;
. . .
NTV2VideoFormat vfmt(device.GetInputVideoFormat(NTV2_INPUTSOURCE_SDI1));
device.AncExtractSetFilterDIDs(sdiInput, AncExtractGetDefaultDIDs(!NTV2_IS_SD_VIDEO_FORMAT(vfmt))); // Reset anc filtering to default

For SDKs prior to version 13.0, you must copy the default filter register values at startup (using CNTV2Card::ReadRegister) to local variables, then restore them afterward (using CNTV2Card::WriteRegister) later. Use the registers that are associated with the SDI input of interest.

It’s a good practice to save the existing filter settings, change them to what’s needed for whatever processing is necessary, and then restore them afterward:

CNTV2Card device;
. . .
NTV2DIDSet savedDIDs;
device.AncExtractGetFilterDIDs(sdiInput, savedDIDs); // Save current anc filter (so it can be restored later)
// Change the anc filter to include some audio packets...
NTV2DIDSet dids;
dids.insert(0xA0); // 3G audio group 8 control
dids.insert(0xA1); // 3G audio group 7 control
dids.insert(0xA4); // 3G audio group 8 data
dids.insert(0xA5); // 3G audio group 7 data
device.AncExtractSetFilterDIDs(sdiInput, dids); // Set new anc filtering
// . . . do other processing . . .
device.AncExtractSetFilterDIDs(sdiInput, savedDIDs); // Restore prior anc filtering

Ancillary Data Space Limitations

Rarely does the ancillary data transmitted with a field of video exceed 5KB (or 10KB for a frame of interlaced video) … but it’s possible. If your application must accommodate more than 72KB of ancillary data, you’ll need to enlarge the driver’s ancillary data region.

The NTV2 driver uses two virtual registers (kVRegAncField1Offset and kVRegAncField2Offset) to control where the Anc Extractors start writing extracted packet data into (current) frame memory. When the driver starts up, it’s configured to use 0x12000 bytes (~72k) of space per field at the very bottom of each 8MB/16MB/… frame on the device (depending on video format and pixel format).

If you know the largest byte count you’ll encounter for each field, add some padding, then call CNTV2Card::AncSetFrameBufferSize with those values. For SDKs prior to version 13.0, write the Field 2 maximum byte count to the kVRegAncField2Offset register, then set the kVRegAncField1Offset register to the sum of both byte counts.

Itʼs possible to reserve a very large ancillary data space that actually runs into the video in the frame buffer.

To programmatically check if the Anc space intersects video in the frame buffer:

CNTV2Card device;
. . .
ULWord byteOffset(0), byteCount(0);
NTV2PixelFormat pixelFormat;
device.GetFrameBufferFormat(NTV2_CHANNEL1, pixelFormat);
const NTV2FormatDescriptor fd(vidFormat, pixelFormat);
device.GetAncRegionOffsetAndSize(byteOffset, byteCount, NTV2_AncRgn_All);
if (fd.GetTotalBytes() > byteOffset)
FAIL("Anc in video!");

Maximizing Ancillary Data Capture Capacity

  1. Determine the largest raster your application is expected to handle.
  2. Determine the most “expensive” (in terms of memory) NTV2PixelFormat your application will need to use.
  3. Determine the “intrinsic” device frame buffer size that will be used for the video format and frame buffer format (8MB/16MB/etc.).
  4. Calculate the maximum available space for ancillary data in the device frame buffer. This is the distance, in bytes, from just past the last line of the raster to the bottom of the device frame buffer.
  5. Call CNTV2Card::AncSetFrameBufferSize, passing half the byte distance to each of the two parameters.

For example, 1080i video with a 10-bit YCbCr frame buffer format (without a “tall” or “taller” VANC geometry) is easily handled by an 8MB device frame buffer. The 1920x1080 raster requires the top 5,529,600 bytes of the device frame buffer, which leaves 2,859,008 bytes of space for ancillary data. If a 16MB frame buffer is used (see CNTV2Card::SetFrameBufferSize), the maximum possible anc space jumps to 11,247,616 bytes — a LOT of space!

The Frame Buffer Inspector of “NTV2Watcher” readily illustrates how this works.

  1. Set it to the Raw view mode.
  2. Change the units used for the vertical ruler to Bytes From Top.
  3. Change the units used for the horizontal ruler to Bytes From Left Edge.
  4. Scroll down to the end of active video (EAV). This is where a noticeable boundary between illuminated and dimmed values indicate where changing pixel data ends. That offset – 0x00546000 – is the first safe (unchanging) byte of available ancillary buffer space.
  5. Scroll down further until the data is displayed in a yellow color. That is the ancillary data region.

SDI Anc Packet Playout

There are two ways to play out custom Ancillary data packets:

Because the outgoing line number can be specified when using the Anc Inserter, it's possible to overrun a line. Be certain that the data packets to be inserted on a given line will fit for the output video standard.

TIP: The “NTV2Watcher” tool’s Ancillary Data Inspector is useful for diagnosing issues with ancillary data playout.

Anc Buffer Data Formats

This section details the format of the data in the ancillary data buffers.

SDI Anc Buffer Data Format

This is the default format in the host ancillary data buffers. The data bytes in the ancillary data buffer consist of one or more packets having the following format:

While the first byte of each packet is set to 0xFF, this is not a protected value, and can legally occur within packet data. Software parsers must use the packet Data Count (DC) value to determine the length of each packet.

For Capture:

For Playout:

During Playout, the packet checksums in the device ancillary data buffer are ignored. The Anc inserter/embedder firmware automatically recalculates each packet’s checksum as it enters the outgoing SDI stream.

RTP Anc Buffer Data Format

The data in the ancillary data buffer, except where noted (below), matches the RTP specification documented in SMPTE ST 291-1:

For Capture:

For Playout:

VANC Frame Geometries

The older way of extracting or inserting ancillary data (VANC only) employs alternate frame geometries that have additional lines at the top of the video frame buffer. To enable VANC capture/playout, call CNTV2Card::SetEnableVANCData or CNTV2Card::SetVANCMode.

For historical reasons, there are both "tall" and "taller" geometries. The taller ones grab some extra lines that used to be omitted, but which turned out to contain useful information after all.

Note that using a VANC-enabled frame geometry will increase the size, in bytes, of the requisite host frame buffer versus the equivalent non-VANC geometry. Use CNTV2Card::GetFrameBufferSize function to determine how large the host frame buffer should be.

There are some considerations on which frame buffer formats should be used for capture or playout with VANC:

  • NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR — This is the easiest format to use, but there’s a catch. Ordinarily, the least-significant 2 bits of 10-bit YCbCr pixel data are discarded when filling the 8-bit pixel data words in the frame buffer (in capture mode). This is fatal to ancillary data in the VANC lines, because per SMPTE ST-291, the most-significant 2 bits of the 10-bit data word can be dropped/ignored, not the least-significant 2 bits. Fortunately, the AJA device firmware can be told to store the LS 8 bits of each 10-bit word in the VANC area during capture (or left-shift by 2 bits during playout) by calling CNTV2Card::SetVANCShiftMode. Thus, when a frame is captured using NTV2_VANCDATA_8BITSHIFT_ENABLE mode, VANC lines can be easily parsed into Ancillary packets.
    NTV2_VANCDATA_8BITSHIFT_ENABLE mode is not implemented for SD 525i/625i video formats. This is due to historical reasons, since back when HD was introduced, SD typically carried ancillary data in other ways (e.g. line 21 for captions).
  • NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR — With 10-bit YCbCr, ancillary data packets can be read/written from/to the VANC lines, but the scanning process is more difficult, due to the packing of 10-bit words in the frame buffer.
  • Dual-link RGB video to/from YCbCr frame buffers generally won't work because the VANC data gets corrupted by the color-space converters. However, dual-link RGB video to/from RGB frame buffers (directly from/to the SDI spigots) will work.
Mixer/Keyer widgets on newer devices (generally, those that support NTV2DeviceCanDoCustomAnc) will pass VANC. Call CNTV2Card::GetMixerVancOutputFromForeground to determine if the Mixer is configured to pass foreground or background VANC. Call CNTV2Card::SetMixerVancOutputFromForeground to change the setting.

To Capture custom ancillary data packets using VANC lines in the frame buffer:

To Playout custom ancillary data packets using VANC lines in the frame buffer:

The spreadsheets that follow show, in detail for each video format, which lines contain VANC, and which ones contain video data.

SD 525i

SD 625i

HD 720p

HD 1080p

HD 1080i/psF

HD 1080p Dual-Link

2K: 1080p

UWord NTV2DeviceGetNumLTCInputs(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:11290
ULWord High
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:4086
#define NTV2_IS_SD_VIDEO_FORMAT(__f__)
Definition: ntv2enums.h:730
virtual bool GetLTCInputPresent(bool &outIsPresent, const UWord inLTCInputNdx=0)
Answers whether or not a valid analog LTC signal is being applied to the device's analog LTC input co...
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:3668
@ kRegRP188InOut3DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:391
UWord NTV2DeviceGetNumReferenceVideoInputs(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:11836
@ NTV2_WgtSDIMonOut1
Definition: ntv2enums.h:2940
virtual bool SetRP188Mode(const NTV2Channel inChannel, const NTV2_RP188Mode inMode)
Sets the current RP188 mode – NTV2_RP188_INPUT or NTV2_RP188_OUTPUT – for the given channel.
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:2491
virtual bool ReadRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0)
Reads all or part of the 32-bit contents of a specific register (real or virtual) on the AJA device....
Definition: ntv2macdriverinterface.cpp:389
Describes a video frame for a given video standard or format and pixel format, including the total nu...
Definition: ntv2formatdescriptor.h:41
Definition: ntv2enums.h:1031
These enum values are mostly used to identify a specific widget_framestore. They're also commonly use...
Definition: ntv2enums.h:1334
#define NTV2_ASSERT(_expr_)
Definition: ajatypes.h:508
virtual bool ReadAnalogLTCInput(const UWord inLTCInput, RP188_STRUCT &outRP188Data)
Reads the current contents of the device's analog LTC input registers.
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:3695
@ kRegMaskRP188SourceSelect
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:1356
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoMultiFormat(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:4155
void Set(const ULWord inDBB=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inLow=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inHigh=0xFFFFFFFF)
Sets my fields from the given DBB, low and high ULWord components.
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:6853
@ kRegMaskRP188DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:1357
Identifies a specific AJA NTV2 device model number. The NTV2DeviceID is actually the PROM part number...
Definition: ntv2enums.h:20
@ kRegRP188InOut5DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:479
Identifies a particular video frame buffer format. See Device Frame Buffer Formats for details.
Definition: ntv2enums.h:210
virtual bool AncExtractSetFilterDIDs(const UWord inSDIInput, const NTV2DIDSet &inDIDs)
Replaces the DIDs to be excluded (filtered) by the given SDI input's Anc extractor....
Definition: ntv2anc.cpp:949
virtual bool AncExtractGetFilterDIDs(const UWord inSDIInput, NTV2DIDSet &outDIDs)
Answers with the DIDs currently being excluded (filtered) by the SDI input's Anc extractor....
Definition: ntv2anc.cpp:924
virtual bool GetMultiFormatMode(bool &outIsEnabled)
Answers if the device is operating in multiple-format per channel (independent channel) mode or not....
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:4387
@ kRegShiftRP188DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:2441
Specifies channel or Frame Store 1 (or the first item).
Definition: ntv2enums.h:1336
virtual bool GetFrameBufferFormat(NTV2Channel inChannel, NTV2FrameBufferFormat &outValue)
Returns the current frame buffer format for the given FrameStore on the AJA device.
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:1875
Identifies the first field in time for an interlaced video frame, or the first and only field in a pr...
Definition: ntv2enums.h:1817
virtual bool GetAncRegionOffsetAndSize(ULWord &outByteOffset, ULWord &outByteCount, const NTV2AncillaryDataRegion inAncRegion=NTV2_AncRgn_All)
Answers with the offset and size of an ancillary data region within a device frame buffer.
Definition: ntv2dma.cpp:516
Specifies channel or Frame Store 5 (or the 5th item).
Definition: ntv2enums.h:1340
ULWord GetIndexForNTV2InputSource(const NTV2InputSource inValue)
Definition: ntv2utils.cpp:5334
Identifies the 1st SDI video input.
Definition: ntv2enums.h:1251
virtual bool GetRP188Data(const NTV2Channel inSDIInput, NTV2_RP188 &outRP188Data)
Reads the raw RP188 data from the DBB/Low/Hi registers for the given SDI input. On newer devices with...
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:2510
@ kRegFS1ReferenceSelect
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:201
virtual bool GetVideoFormat(NTV2VideoFormat &outValue, NTV2Channel inChannel=NTV2_CHANNEL1)
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:335
uint32_t ULWord
Definition: ajatypes.h:255
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoWidget(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID, const NTV2WidgetID inWidgetID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:31308
@ kRegRP188InOut2DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:167
virtual bool SetAnalogLTCInClockChannel(const UWord inLTCInput, const NTV2Channel inChannel)
Sets the (SDI) input channel that is to provide the clock reference to be used by the given analog LT...
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:3731
@ kVRegUserDefinedDBB
Definition: ntv2virtualregisters.h:462
virtual bool SetLTCInputEnable(const bool inEnable)
Enables or disables the ability for the device to read analog LTC on the reference input connector.
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:3651
uint16_t UWord
Definition: ajatypes.h:253
I interrogate and control an AJA video/audio capture/playout device.
Definition: ntv2card.h:28
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:4083
virtual NTV2VideoFormat GetInputVideoFormat(const NTV2InputSource inVideoSource=NTV2_INPUTSOURCE_SDI1, const bool inIsProgressive=(0))
Returns the video format of the signal that is present on the given input source.
Definition: ntv2register.cpp:3365
@ kRegRP188InOut1DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:132
Definition: ntv2enums.h:2073
Definition: ntv2enums.h:521
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:4084
ULWord Low
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:4085
bool IsValid(void) const
Answers true if I'm valid, or false if I'm not valid.
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:6832
@ kRegRP188InOut4DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:396
This struct replaces the old RP188_STRUCT.
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:6790
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoLTCInOnRefPort(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:3971
enum _NTV2VideoFormat NTV2VideoFormat
Identifies a particular video format.
virtual NTV2DeviceID GetDeviceID(void)
Definition: ntv2driverinterface.cpp:407
UWord NTV2DeviceGetNumVideoOutputs(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:12291
@ kRegRP188InOut7DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:585
std::set< UByte > NTV2DIDSet
A set of distinct NTV2DID values.
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:76
#define BIT(_x_)
Definition: ajatypes.h:563
virtual bool WriteRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, const ULWord inValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0)
Updates or replaces all or part of the 32-bit contents of a specific register (real or virtual) on th...
Definition: ntv2macdriverinterface.cpp:430
Definition: ntv2enums.h:75
@ NTV2_AncRgn_All
Identifies "all" ancillary data regions.
Definition: ntv2enums.h:4189
@ kRegShiftRP188Source
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:2440
@ kRegRP188InOut6DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:575
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoVITC2(const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
Definition: ntv2devicefeatures.hpp:5769
@ kRegRP188InOut8DBB
Definition: ntv2publicinterface.h:595