CNTV2Config2110 Class Reference

The CNTV2Config2110 class inquires and configures SMPTE 2110 network I/O for KONA IP and Io IP. More...

#include <ntv2config2110.h>

Inheritance diagram for CNTV2Config2110:
Collaboration diagram for CNTV2Config2110:

Public Member Functions

 CNTV2Config2110 (CNTV2Card &device)
 ~CNTV2Config2110 ()
bool SetNetworkConfiguration (const eSFP sfp, const IPVNetConfig &netConfig)
bool GetNetworkConfiguration (const eSFP sfp, IPVNetConfig &netConfig)
bool SetNetworkConfiguration (const eSFP sfp, const std::string localIPAddress, const std::string subnetMask, const std::string gateway)
bool GetNetworkConfiguration (const eSFP sfp, std::string &localIPAddress, std::string &subnetMask, std::string &gateway)
bool DisableNetworkInterface (const eSFP sfp)
bool SetRxStreamConfiguration (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, const rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
bool GetRxStreamConfiguration (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
bool SetRxStreamEnable (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, bool enable)
bool GetRxStreamEnable (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, bool &enabled)
bool GetRxPacketCount (const NTV2Stream stream, uint32_t &packets)
bool GetRxByteCount (const NTV2Stream stream, uint32_t &bytes)
bool GetRxByteCount (const eSFP sfp, uint64_t &bytes)
bool SetTxStreamConfiguration (const NTV2Stream stream, const tx_2110Config &txConfig)
bool GetTxStreamConfiguration (const NTV2Stream stream, tx_2110Config &txConfig)
bool SetTxStreamEnable (const NTV2Stream stream, bool enableSfp1, bool enableSfp2=(0))
bool GetTxStreamEnable (const NTV2Stream stream, bool &sfp1Enabled, bool &sfp2Enabled)
bool GetTxPacketCount (NTV2Stream stream, uint32_t &packets)
bool GetTxByteCount (const eSFP sfp, uint64_t &bytes)
bool SetPTPDomain (const uint8_t domain)
bool GetPTPDomain (uint8_t &domain)
bool SetPTPPreferredGrandMasterId (const uint8_t id[8])
bool GetPTPPreferredGrandMasterId (uint8_t(&id)[8])
bool GetPTPStatus (PTPStatus &ptpStatus)
bool Set4KModeEnable (const bool enable)
bool Get4KModeEnable (bool &enable)
bool SetAudioCombineEnable (const bool enable)
 Enables or disables the audio combiner. More...
bool GetAudioCombineEnable (bool &enable)
 Answers with the enable/disable state of the audio combiner. More...
bool SetIPServicesControl (const bool enable, const bool forceReconfig)
bool GetIPServicesControl (bool &enable, bool &forceReconfig)
std::string GetSDPUrl (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream)
std::string GetGeneratedSDP (bool enabledSfp1, bool enabledSfp2, const NTV2Stream stream)
bool GetActualSDP (std::string url, std::string &sdp)
bool ExtractRxVideoConfigFromSDP (std::string sdp, rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
bool ExtractRxVideoConfigFromSDP (std::string sdp, multiRx_2110Config &rxConfig)
bool ExtractRxAudioConfigFromSDP (std::string sdp, rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
bool ExtractRxAncConfigFromSDP (std::string sdp, rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
bool SetIGMPDisable (const eSFP sfp, const bool disable)
 Disables the automatic (default) joining of multicast groups using IGMP, based on remote IP address for Rx Channels. More...
bool GetIGMPDisable (const eSFP sfp, bool &disabled)
bool SetIGMPVersion (const eIGMPVersion_t version)
bool GetIGMPVersion (eIGMPVersion_t &version)
void SetBiDirectionalChannels (const bool bidirectional)
bool GetBiDirectionalChannels (void)
bool GetMACAddress (const eSFP port, const NTV2Stream stream, std::string remoteIP, uint32_t &hi, uint32_t &lo)
bool GetSFPMSAData (eSFP port, SFPMSAData &data)
bool GetLinkStatus (eSFP port, SFPStatus &sfpStatus)
bool GenSDP (bool enableSfp1, bool enableSfp2, const NTV2Stream stream, bool pushit=(!(0)))
bool SetLLDPInfo (std::string sysname)
bool GetLLDPInfo (std::string &chassisId0, std::string &portId0, std::string &chassisId1, std::string &portId1)
uint64_t GetNTPTimestamp (void)
std::string getLastError (void)
NTV2IpError getLastErrorCode (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CNTV2MBController
 CNTV2MBController (CNTV2Card &device)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CNTV2MailBox
 CNTV2MailBox (CNTV2Card &device)
 ~CNTV2MailBox ()
bool sendMsg (char *msg, uint32_t timeout)
bool sendMsg (uint32_t timeout)
void getError (std::string &error)
void getResponse (std::string &response)
bool WriteChannelRegister (ULWord reg, ULWord value, ULWord mask=0xFFFFFFFF, ULWord shift=0x0)
bool ReadChannelRegister (const ULWord inReg, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0x0)
bool ReadChannelRegister (ULWord inReg, ULWord *pOutValue, ULWord mask=0xFFFFFFFF, ULWord shift=0x0)
void SetChannel (ULWord channelOffset, ULWord channelNumber)
bool AcquireMailbox ()
void ReleaseMailbox ()

Static Public Member Functions

static uint32_t Get2110TxStreamIndex (NTV2Stream stream)
static uint32_t GetDecapsulatorAddress (eSFP sfp, NTV2Stream stream)

Static Public Attributes

static uint32_t videoPacketizers [4]
static uint32_t videoRGB12Packetizers [4]
static uint32_t audioPacketizers [4]
static uint32_t videoDepacketizers [4]
static uint32_t audioDepacketizers [4]

Protected Member Functions

uint32_t GetDepacketizerAddress (const NTV2Stream stream)
uint32_t GetPacketizerAddress (const NTV2Stream stream, const VPIDSampling sampling)
uint32_t GetFramerAddress (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream)
void SelectTxFramerChannel (const NTV2Stream stream, const uint32_t baseAddr)
void AcquireFramerControlAccess (const uint32_t baseAddr)
void ReleaseFramerControlAccess (const uint32_t baseAddr)
void EnableFramerStream (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, bool enable)
bool SetFramerStream (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, const tx_2110Config &txConfig)
void GetFramerStream (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, tx_2110Config &txConfig)
void SetArbiter (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, bool enable)
void GetArbiter (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, bool &enable)
void SetSampling (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, const VPIDSampling sampling)
VPIDSampling GetSampling (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream)
void DisableDepacketizerStream (const NTV2Stream stream)
void EnableDepacketizerStream (const NTV2Stream stream)
void DisableDecapsulatorStream (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream)
void EnableDecapsulatorStream (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream)
void SetupDecapsulatorStream (const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, const rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
void ResetPacketizerStream (const NTV2Stream stream)
void SetupDepacketizerStream (const NTV2Stream stream, const rx_2110Config &rxConfig)
void ResetDepacketizerStream (const NTV2Stream stream)
void SetVideoFormatForRxTx (const NTV2Stream stream, const NTV2VideoFormat format, const bool rx)
void GetVideoFormatForRxTx (const NTV2Stream stream, NTV2VideoFormat &format, uint32_t &hwFormat, const bool rx)
bool ConfigurePTP (const eSFP sfp, const std::string localIPAddress)
bool GenVideoStreamSDP (std::stringstream &sdp, const bool enableSfp1, const bool enableSfp2, const NTV2Stream stream, char *gmInfo)
bool GenVideoStreamSDPInfo (std::stringstream &sdp, const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, char *gmInfo)
bool GenVideoStreamMultiSDPInfo (std::stringstream &sdp, char *gmInfo)
bool GenAudioStreamSDP (std::stringstream &sdp, const bool enableSfp1, const bool enableSfp2, const NTV2Stream stream, char *gmInfo)
bool GenAudioStreamSDPInfo (std::stringstream &sdp, const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, char *gmInfo)
bool GenAncStreamSDP (std::stringstream &sdp, const bool enableSfp1, const bool enableSfp2, const NTV2Stream stream, char *gmInfo)
bool GenAncStreamSDPInfo (std::stringstream &sdp, const eSFP sfp, const NTV2Stream stream, char *gmInfo)
NTV2StreamType StreamType (const NTV2Stream stream)
NTV2Channel VideoStreamToChannel (const NTV2Stream stream)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CNTV2MBController
bool SetMBNetworkConfiguration (eSFP port, std::string ipaddr, std::string netmask, std::string gateway)
bool DisableNetworkInterface (eSFP port)
bool GetRemoteMAC (std::string remote_IPAddress, eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream, std::string &MACaddress)
bool SetIGMPVersion (uint32_t version)
void SetIGMPGroup (eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream, uint32_t mcast_addr, uint32_t src_addr, bool enable)
void UnsetIGMPGroup (eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream)
void EnableIGMPGroup (eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream, bool enable)
bool SetTxLinkState (NTV2Channel channel, bool sfp1Enable, bool sfp2Enable)
bool GetTxLinkState (NTV2Channel channel, bool &sfp1Enable, bool &sfp2Enable)
bool SetRxLinkState (NTV2Channel channel, bool sfp1Enable, bool sfp2Enable)
bool GetRxLinkState (NTV2Channel channel, bool &sfp1Enable, bool &sfp2Enable)
bool SetDualLinkMode (bool enable)
bool GetDualLinkMode (bool &enable)
bool SetRxMatch (NTV2Channel channel, eSFP link, uint8_t match)
bool GetRxMatch (NTV2Channel channel, eSFP link, uint8_t &match)
bool SetSFPActive (eSFP sfp)
bool SetSFPInactive (eSFP sfp)
bool GetSFPActive (eSFP sfp)
bool SetTxFormat (NTV2Channel chan, NTV2VideoFormat fmt)
bool GetTxFormat (NTV2Channel chan, NTV2VideoFormat &fmt)
uint64_t GetNTPTimestamp ()
bool PushSDP (std::string filename, std::stringstream &sdpstream)
bool GetSDP (std::string url, std::string &sdp)
bool GetSFPInfo (eSFP port, SFPMSAData &sfpdata)
bool SetLLDPInfo (std::string sysname)
bool GetLLDPInfo (std::string &chassisId0, std::string &portId0, std::string &chassisId1, std::string &portId1)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CNTV2MailBox
bool rcvMsg (uint32_t timeout)
bool writeMB (uint32_t val, uint32_t timeout=50)
bool readMB (uint32_t &val, uint32_t timeout=50)
bool waitSOM (uint32_t timeout)
bool waitRxReady (uint32_t timeout)
bool waitTxReady (uint32_t timeout)
bool rxReady ()
uint32_t getStatus ()
uint32_t getFeatures ()


class CKonaIpJsonSetup

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from CNTV2MailBox
NTV2IpError mIpErrorCode
std::string mIpInternalErrorString
uint32_t txBuf [1024+1]

Detailed Description

The CNTV2Config2110 class inquires and configures SMPTE 2110 network I/O for KONA IP and Io IP.

Definition at line 300 of file ntv2config2110.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CNTV2Config2110()

CNTV2Config2110::CNTV2Config2110 ( CNTV2Card device)

Definition at line 146 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ~CNTV2Config2110()

CNTV2Config2110::~CNTV2Config2110 ( )

Definition at line 161 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcquireFramerControlAccess()

void CNTV2Config2110::AcquireFramerControlAccess ( const uint32_t  baseAddr)

Definition at line 1714 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ConfigurePTP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::ConfigurePTP ( const eSFP  sfp,
const std::string  localIPAddress 

Definition at line 1630 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ DisableDecapsulatorStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::DisableDecapsulatorStream ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 393 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ DisableDepacketizerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::DisableDepacketizerStream ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 365 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ DisableNetworkInterface()

bool CNTV2Config2110::DisableNetworkInterface ( const eSFP  sfp)

Definition at line 294 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ EnableDecapsulatorStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::EnableDecapsulatorStream ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 400 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ EnableDepacketizerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::EnableDepacketizerStream ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 379 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ EnableFramerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::EnableFramerStream ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool  enable 

Definition at line 1231 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ExtractRxAncConfigFromSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::ExtractRxAncConfigFromSDP ( std::string  sdp,
rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 3037 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ExtractRxAudioConfigFromSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::ExtractRxAudioConfigFromSDP ( std::string  sdp,
rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 2877 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ExtractRxVideoConfigFromSDP() [1/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::ExtractRxVideoConfigFromSDP ( std::string  sdp,
multiRx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 2520 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ExtractRxVideoConfigFromSDP() [2/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::ExtractRxVideoConfigFromSDP ( std::string  sdp,
rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 2694 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenAncStreamSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenAncStreamSDP ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
const bool  enableSfp1,
const bool  enableSfp2,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 2338 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenAncStreamSDPInfo()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenAncStreamSDPInfo ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 2359 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenAudioStreamSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenAudioStreamSDP ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
const bool  enableSfp1,
const bool  enableSfp2,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 2227 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenAudioStreamSDPInfo()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenAudioStreamSDPInfo ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 2248 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenSDP ( bool  enableSfp1,
bool  enableSfp2,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool  pushit = (! (0) ) 

Definition at line 1877 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenVideoStreamMultiSDPInfo()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenVideoStreamMultiSDPInfo ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 2096 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenVideoStreamSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenVideoStreamSDP ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
const bool  enableSfp1,
const bool  enableSfp2,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 1972 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GenVideoStreamSDPInfo()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GenVideoStreamSDPInfo ( std::stringstream &  sdp,
const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
char *  gmInfo 

Definition at line 1993 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ Get2110TxStreamIndex()

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::Get2110TxStreamIndex ( NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 1733 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ Get4KModeEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::Get4KModeEnable ( bool &  enable)

Definition at line 1375 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetActualSDP()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetActualSDP ( std::string  url,
std::string &  sdp 

Definition at line 2466 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetArbiter()

void CNTV2Config2110::GetArbiter ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool &  enable 

Definition at line 3287 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetAudioCombineEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetAudioCombineEnable ( bool &  enable)

Answers with the enable/disable state of the audio combiner.

[in]enableReceives true if the audio combiner is enabled; otherwise false if it's disabled.
True if successful; otherwise false.
This only affects 4K RX mode. @detail Normally the audio combiner is off when transmitting 16 audio channels over a single flow. However, it is possible to divide the audio into multiple flows of 4 channels each, so in this case, on the RX side, you would enable the audio combiner so, that it combines all the separate flows into a single 16-channel audio buffer.
See also

Definition at line 1404 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetBiDirectionalChannels()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetBiDirectionalChannels ( void  )

Definition at line 387 of file ntv2config2110.h.

◆ GetDecapsulatorAddress()

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::GetDecapsulatorAddress ( eSFP  sfp,
NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 1508 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetDepacketizerAddress()

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::GetDepacketizerAddress ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 1561 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetFramerAddress()

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::GetFramerAddress ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 1578 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetFramerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::GetFramerStream ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
tx_2110Config txConfig 

Definition at line 1158 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetGeneratedSDP()

string CNTV2Config2110::GetGeneratedSDP ( bool  enabledSfp1,
bool  enabledSfp2,
const NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 1864 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetIGMPDisable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetIGMPDisable ( const eSFP  sfp,
bool &  disabled 

Definition at line 1459 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetIGMPVersion()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetIGMPVersion ( eIGMPVersion_t version)

Definition at line 1494 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetIPServicesControl()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetIPServicesControl ( bool &  enable,
bool &  forceReconfig 

Definition at line 1427 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ getLastError()

string CNTV2Config2110::getLastError ( void  )

Definition at line 1702 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ getLastErrorCode()

NTV2IpError CNTV2Config2110::getLastErrorCode ( void  )

Definition at line 1707 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetLinkStatus()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetLinkStatus ( eSFP  port,
SFPStatus sfpStatus 

Definition at line 1677 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetLLDPInfo()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetLLDPInfo ( std::string &  chassisId0,
std::string &  portId0,
std::string &  chassisId1,
std::string &  portId1 

Definition at line 3397 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetMACAddress()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetMACAddress ( const eSFP  port,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
std::string  remoteIP,
uint32_t &  hi,
uint32_t &  lo 

Definition at line 1764 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetNetworkConfiguration() [1/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetNetworkConfiguration ( const eSFP  sfp,
IPVNetConfig netConfig 

Definition at line 180 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetNetworkConfiguration() [2/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetNetworkConfiguration ( const eSFP  sfp,
std::string &  localIPAddress,
std::string &  subnetMask,
std::string &  gateway 

Definition at line 257 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetNTPTimestamp()

uint64_t CNTV2Config2110::GetNTPTimestamp ( void  )

Definition at line 3403 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetPacketizerAddress()

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::GetPacketizerAddress ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
const VPIDSampling  sampling 

Definition at line 1603 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetPTPDomain()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetPTPDomain ( uint8_t &  domain)

Definition at line 1310 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetPTPPreferredGrandMasterId()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetPTPPreferredGrandMasterId ( uint8_t(&)  id[8])

Definition at line 1288 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetPTPStatus()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetPTPStatus ( PTPStatus ptpStatus)

Definition at line 1318 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetRxByteCount() [1/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetRxByteCount ( const eSFP  sfp,
uint64_t &  bytes 

Definition at line 786 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetRxByteCount() [2/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetRxByteCount ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
uint32_t &  bytes 

Definition at line 768 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetRxPacketCount()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetRxPacketCount ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
uint32_t &  packets 

Definition at line 746 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetRxStreamConfiguration()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetRxStreamConfiguration ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 572 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetRxStreamEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetRxStreamEnable ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool &  enabled 

Definition at line 716 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetSampling()

VPIDSampling CNTV2Config2110::GetSampling ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 3355 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetSDPUrl()

string CNTV2Config2110::GetSDPUrl ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream 

Definition at line 1833 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetSFPMSAData()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetSFPMSAData ( eSFP  port,
SFPMSAData data 

Definition at line 1672 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetTxByteCount()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetTxByteCount ( const eSFP  sfp,
uint64_t &  bytes 

Definition at line 824 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetTxPacketCount()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetTxPacketCount ( NTV2Stream  stream,
uint32_t &  packets 

Definition at line 805 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetTxStreamConfiguration()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetTxStreamConfiguration ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
tx_2110Config txConfig 

Definition at line 1094 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetTxStreamEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::GetTxStreamEnable ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool &  sfp1Enabled,
bool &  sfp2Enabled 

Definition at line 1272 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ GetVideoFormatForRxTx()

void CNTV2Config2110::GetVideoFormatForRxTx ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
NTV2VideoFormat format,
uint32_t &  hwFormat,
const bool  rx 

Definition at line 548 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ReleaseFramerControlAccess()

void CNTV2Config2110::ReleaseFramerControlAccess ( const uint32_t  baseAddr)

Definition at line 1728 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ResetDepacketizerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::ResetDepacketizerStream ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 447 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ ResetPacketizerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::ResetPacketizerStream ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 407 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SelectTxFramerChannel()

void CNTV2Config2110::SelectTxFramerChannel ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
const uint32_t  baseAddr 

Definition at line 1596 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ Set4KModeEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::Set4KModeEnable ( const bool  enable)

Definition at line 1355 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetArbiter()

void CNTV2Config2110::SetArbiter ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool  enable 

Definition at line 3259 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetAudioCombineEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetAudioCombineEnable ( const bool  enable)

Enables or disables the audio combiner.

[in]enableSpecify true to enable the audio combiner; specify false to disable it.
True if successful; otherwise false.
This only affects 4K RX mode.
This parameter can be set in the NTV2 JSON Setup Demo. Both JSON examples specify it in the "network2110" area. @detail Normally the audio combiner is disabled when transmitting 16 audio channels over a single flow. However, it is possible to divide the audio into multiple flows of 4 channels each, so in this case, on the RX side, you would enable the audio combiner, so that it combines all the separate flows into a single 16-channel audio buffer.
See also

Definition at line 1384 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetBiDirectionalChannels()

void CNTV2Config2110::SetBiDirectionalChannels ( const bool  bidirectional)

Definition at line 386 of file ntv2config2110.h.

◆ SetFramerStream()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetFramerStream ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
const tx_2110Config txConfig 

Definition at line 1051 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetIGMPDisable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetIGMPDisable ( const eSFP  sfp,
const bool  disable 

Disables the automatic (default) joining of multicast groups using IGMP, based on remote IP address for Rx Channels.

[in]sfpSpecifies SFP connector used.
[in]disableIf true, IGMP messages will not be sent to join multicast groups
When Rx channels are enabled for multicast IP addresses, by default the multicast group is joined. When Rx Channels are disabled, if the channel is the last user of the group, then the subscription to the multicast group will be ended. When IGMP is disabled, the above actions are not performed,

Definition at line 1445 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetIGMPVersion()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetIGMPVersion ( const eIGMPVersion_t  version)

Definition at line 1476 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetIPServicesControl()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetIPServicesControl ( const bool  enable,
const bool  forceReconfig 

Definition at line 1413 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetLLDPInfo()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetLLDPInfo ( std::string  sysname)

Definition at line 3392 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetNetworkConfiguration() [1/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetNetworkConfiguration ( const eSFP  sfp,
const IPVNetConfig netConfig 

Definition at line 165 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetNetworkConfiguration() [2/2]

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetNetworkConfiguration ( const eSFP  sfp,
const std::string  localIPAddress,
const std::string  subnetMask,
const std::string  gateway 

Definition at line 192 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetPTPDomain()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetPTPDomain ( const uint8_t  domain)

Definition at line 1304 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetPTPPreferredGrandMasterId()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetPTPPreferredGrandMasterId ( const uint8_t  id[8])

Definition at line 1279 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetRxStreamConfiguration()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetRxStreamConfiguration ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
const rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 299 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetRxStreamEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetRxStreamEnable ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool  enable 

Definition at line 651 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetSampling()

void CNTV2Config2110::SetSampling ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
const VPIDSampling  sampling 

Definition at line 3310 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetTxStreamConfiguration()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetTxStreamConfiguration ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
const tx_2110Config txConfig 

Definition at line 857 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetTxStreamEnable()

bool CNTV2Config2110::SetTxStreamEnable ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
bool  enableSfp1,
bool  enableSfp2 = (0) 

Definition at line 1187 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetupDecapsulatorStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::SetupDecapsulatorStream ( const eSFP  sfp,
const NTV2Stream  stream,
const rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 332 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetupDepacketizerStream()

void CNTV2Config2110::SetupDepacketizerStream ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
const rx_2110Config rxConfig 

Definition at line 487 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ SetVideoFormatForRxTx()

void CNTV2Config2110::SetVideoFormatForRxTx ( const NTV2Stream  stream,
const NTV2VideoFormat  format,
const bool  rx 

Definition at line 509 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ StreamType()

NTV2StreamType CNTV2Config2110::StreamType ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 2415 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

◆ VideoStreamToChannel()

NTV2Channel CNTV2Config2110::VideoStreamToChannel ( const NTV2Stream  stream)

Definition at line 2451 of file ntv2config2110.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CKonaIpJsonSetup

friend class CKonaIpJsonSetup

Definition at line 302 of file ntv2config2110.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ audioDepacketizers

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::audioDepacketizers
Initial value:
= { (0x20c000/4) ,
(0x20d000/4) ,
(0x20e000/4) ,
(0x20f000/4) }

Definition at line 413 of file ntv2config2110.h.

◆ audioPacketizers

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::audioPacketizers
Initial value:
= { (0x220000/4) ,
(0x221000/4) ,
(0x222000/4) ,
(0x223000/4) }

Definition at line 410 of file ntv2config2110.h.

◆ videoDepacketizers

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::videoDepacketizers
Initial value:
= { (0x208000/4) ,
(0x209000/4) ,
(0x20a000/4) ,
(0x20b000/4) }

Definition at line 412 of file ntv2config2110.h.

◆ videoPacketizers

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::videoPacketizers
Initial value:
= { (0x200000/4) ,
(0x201000/4) ,
(0x202000/4) ,
(0x203000/4) }

Definition at line 408 of file ntv2config2110.h.

◆ videoRGB12Packetizers

uint32_t CNTV2Config2110::videoRGB12Packetizers
Initial value:
= { (0x204000/4) ,
(0x205000/4) ,
(0x206000/4) ,
(0x207000/4) }

Definition at line 409 of file ntv2config2110.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: