I am a CEA-708 captioning decoder used primarily to obtain CEA-608 captions carried in CEA-708 anc data packets.
virtual | ~CNTV2CaptionDecoder708 () |
virtual void | Reset (void) |
virtual bool | SetDisplayChannel (const NTV2Line21Channel inChan) |
| Setsthe caption channel I'm currently focused on (i.e. that I'm currently "burning" into video). More...
virtual NTV2Line21Channel | GetDisplayChannel (void) const |
| Answers with the caption channel that I'm currently focused on (or that I'm currently "burning" into video). More...
virtual bool | SetSMPTE334AncData (const UByte *pInAncData, const size_t inByteCount) |
| Copies a given SMPTE334 ancillary data packet into my private buffer for parsing. More...
virtual bool | SetSMPTE334AncData (const UWord *pInAncData, const size_t inWordCount) |
| Copies a given SMPTE334 ancillary data packet into my private buffer for parsing, assuming the packet data bytes are in the least significant byte of each 16-bit word in the buffer. More...
virtual bool | GetSMPTE334AncData (const UByte **ppAncData, size_t &outAncSize) const |
| Returns a constant reference to my current SMPTE 334 Ancillary data packet. More...
virtual bool | ParseSMPTE334AncPacket (bool &outHasParityErrors) |
| Parses the current frame's SMPTE 334 Ancillary packet and extracts the 608 and 708 caption data from it, assuming a SMPTE 334 Ancillary Packet has already been loaded into my private buffer. This function A) extracts any "608" (aka Line 21) data from the payload, and puts it into my mCC608FrameData member, and B) extracts the 708 "Caption Channel Packet" data from the Ancillary data, and puts it into my mCC708FrameData member, with the word count in mCC708FrameDataByteCount. Further parsing of the extracted 608 or 708 data is left to other functions. More...
virtual bool | ParseSMPTE334AncPacket (void) |
| Parses the current frame's SMPTE 334 Ancillary packet and extracts the 608 and 708 caption data from it, assuming a SMPTE 334 Ancillary Packet has already been loaded into my private buffer. This function A) extracts any "608" (aka Line 21) data from the payload, and puts it into my mCC608FrameData member, and B) extracts the 708 "Caption Channel Packet" data from the Ancillary data, and puts it into my mCC708FrameData member, with the word count in mCC708FrameDataByteCount. Further parsing of the extracted 608 or 708 data is left to other functions. More...
virtual bool | ParseSMPTE334CCTimeCodeSection (size_t &index) |
virtual bool | ParseSMPTE334CCDataSection (size_t &index) |
virtual bool | ParseSMPTE334CCServiceInfoSection (size_t &index) |
virtual bool | UpdateServiceInfo (void) |
virtual bool | Clear608CaptionData (void) |
virtual const CaptionData & | GetCurrentFrameCC608Data (void) const |
virtual CaptionData | GetCC608CaptionData (void) |
| Pops the next CC608 data. More...
virtual bool | GetCaptionChannelPacket (UBytePtr &outDataPtr, size_t &outSize) |
virtual const NTV2_CC708ServiceData & | GetAllServiceInfoPtr (void) const |
virtual bool | GetNextServiceBlockInfoFromQueue (const size_t svcIndex, size_t &outBlockSize, size_t &outDataSize, int &outServiceNum, bool &outIsExtended) const |
virtual size_t | GetNextServiceBlockFromQueue (const size_t svcIndex, std::vector< UByte > &outData) |
virtual size_t | GetNextServiceBlockDataFromQueue (const size_t svcIndex, std::vector< UByte > &outData) |
virtual size_t | GetNextServiceBlockFromQueue (const size_t svcIndex, UByte *pOutDataBuffer) |
virtual size_t | GetNextServiceBlockDataFromQueue (const size_t svcIndex, UByte *pOutDataBuffer) |
virtual void | GetCDPData (NTV2_CC708CDPPtr pCDP) const |
virtual void | ClearAllCaptionChannelPacketInfo (void) |
virtual void | ClearCaptionChannelPacketInfo (CaptionChannelPacketInfoPtr pCCPInfo) |
virtual int | GetNumCompleteCaptionChannelPacketInfo (int *pCompleteCount=0, int *pStartedCount=0) |
virtual void | ResetCaptionChannelPacketInfoForNewCDP (void) |
virtual void | CloseCurrentCaptionChannelPacketInfo (void) |
virtual bool | AddCaptionChannelPacketInfoData (UByte newData) |
virtual bool | GetCaptionChannelPacketInfoData (int index, UByte **ppData, int *pSize) |
virtual bool | ParseAllCaptionChannelPackets (void) |
virtual bool | ParseCaptionChannelPacket (CaptionChannelPacketInfoPtr pCCPInfo) |
virtual bool | FindSMPTE334AncPacketInVideoFrame (const UByte *pInVideoFrame, const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inPixelFormat, bool &outHasParityErrors) |
virtual bool | FindSMPTE334AncPacketInVideoFrame (const UByte *pInVideoFrame, const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inPixelFormat) |
virtual NTV2CaptionLogMask | SetLogMask (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) |
| Specifies what, if any, debug information I will write to my log stream. More...
| CNTV2CaptionLogConfig (const std::string inLogLabel=std::string()) |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~CNTV2CaptionLogConfig () |
virtual NTV2CaptionLogMask | GetLogMask (void) const |
| Answers with my current caption logging bit mask. More...
virtual bool | TestLogMask (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask, const bool inExact=false) const |
| Answers true if the given log mask bits are set in my current log mask. More...
virtual void | SetLogLabel (const std::string &inNewLabel) |
| Specifies my logging label. More...
virtual void | AppendToLogLabel (const std::string &inString) |
| Appends the given string to my current log label. More...
virtual const std::string & | GetLogLabel (void) const |
| Answers with my current logging label. More...
virtual void | SetLogStream (std::ostream &inOutputStream) |
virtual std::ostream & | LogIf (const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) const |
virtual std::ostream & | Log (void) const |
static bool | Create (CNTV2CaptionDecoder708Ptr &outDecoder) |
| Creates a new CNTV2CaptionEncoder708 instance. More...
static std::ostream & | DumpMemory (const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, std::ostream &inOutputStream=std::cout, const size_t inRadix=16, const size_t inBytesPerGroup=4, const size_t inGroupsPerLine=8, const size_t inAddressRadix=16, const bool inShowAscii=true, const size_t inAddrOffset=0) |
| Dumps a contiguous chunk of memory in hex, octal, decimal, with or without ascii, to the given output stream. More...
static std::string | HexDump32Bytes (const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, const size_t inLimitBytes=32) |
static std::ostream & | DumpYBytes_2vuy (const UByte *pInVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const unsigned inFromPixel=0, const unsigned inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const unsigned inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const unsigned inHiliteRangeTo=9999) |
| Dumps the luma values in hexadecimal from the given line of '2vuy' video to the given output stream. More...
static std::ostream & | DumpYBytes_2vuy (const std::vector< uint8_t > &inVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const size_t inFromPixel=0, const size_t inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const size_t inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const size_t inHiliteRangeTo=9999) |
| Dumps the luma values in hexadecimal from the given line of '2vuy' video to the given output stream. More...
static std::string | GetSeverityLabel (const unsigned inSeverity) |
I am a CEA-708 captioning decoder used primarily to obtain CEA-608 captions carried in CEA-708 anc data packets.
Definition at line 68 of file ntv2captiondecoder708.h.