![]() |
Contains the implementation of the NTV2TestPatternGen class. More...
#include "ntv2utils.h"
#include "ntv2testpatterngen.h"
#include "ntv2transcode.h"
#include "ntv2resample.h"
#include "ajabase/system/debug.h"
#include "ajabase/common/common.h"
#include "math.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | SegmentDescriptor |
struct | SegmentTestPatternData |
struct | AJA_RGB16BitPixel |
class | HDRTPGeometry |
Macros | |
#define | TPGFAIL(__x__) AJA_sERROR (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
#define | TPGWARN(__x__) AJA_sWARNING(AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
#define | TPGNOTE(__x__) AJA_sNOTICE (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
#define | TPGINFO(__x__) AJA_sINFO (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
#define | TPGDBUG(__x__) AJA_sDEBUG (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
#define | AsUBytePtr(__p__) reinterpret_cast<UByte*>(__p__) |
#define | AsWordPtr(__p__) reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(__p__) |
#define | AsRGB16Ptr(__p__) reinterpret_cast<AJA_RGB16BitPixel*>(__p__) |
#define | AsULWordPtr(__p__) reinterpret_cast<ULWord*>(__p__) |
#define | AsUInt8Ptr(__p__) reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(__p__) |
#define | AsUInt16Ptr(__p__) reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(__p__) |
Typedefs | |
typedef map< NTV2TestPatternSelect, string > | TPStringMap |
typedef pair< NTV2TestPatternSelect, string > | TPStringPair |
typedef TPStringMap::const_iterator | TPStringMapConstIter |
typedef map< string, NTV2TestPatternSelect > | StringTPMap |
typedef pair< string, NTV2TestPatternSelect > | StringTPPair |
typedef StringTPMap::const_iterator | StringTPMapConstIter |
typedef map< ULWord, string > | RGBStringMap |
typedef pair< ULWord, string > | RGBStringPair |
typedef RGBStringMap::const_iterator | RGBStringMapConstIter |
typedef map< string, ULWord > | StringRGBMap |
typedef pair< string, ULWord > | StringRGBPair |
typedef StringRGBMap::const_iterator | StringRGBMapConstIter |
Functions | |
static const size_t | sNumPatterns (sizeof(NTV2TestPatternSegments)/sizeof(SegmentTestPatternData)) |
static TPStringMap & | CreateTPStringMap (TPStringMap &outMap) |
static StringTPMap & | CreateStringTPMap (StringTPMap &outMap) |
static RGBStringMap & | CreateRGBStringMap (RGBStringMap &outMap) |
static StringRGBMap & | CreateStringRGBMap (StringRGBMap &outMap) |
static uint16_t | MakeSineWaveVideoEx (const double radians, const bool bChroma, const double Gain) |
static AJA_RGB16BitPixel * | addToBuffer (AJA_RGB16BitPixel *buffer, const AJA_RGB16BitPixel &value, const uint32_t length) |
static AJA_RGB16BitPixel * | addRampToBuffer (AJA_RGB16BitPixel *buffer, const AJA_RGB16BitPixel &value, const uint32_t length, const uint32_t incrementValue) |
static void | ConvertRGBLineTo10BitYCbCr422 (AJA_RGB16BitPixel *lineBuffer, const uint32_t lineLength) |
static const int | kRGBMinChroma12 (0x10) |
static const int | kRGBMaxChroma12 (0xFEF) |
static const double | kRGBSpanChroma12 (double(kRGBMaxChroma12) - double(kRGBMinChroma12)) |
static const double | kRGBTotalChroma12 (double(kRGBMaxChroma12)+double(kRGBMinChroma12)) |
static const double | kPi (3.1415926535898) |
static uint32_t | MakeSineWaveVideo (const double radians, const double Gain) |
Variables | |
const uint16_t | NumTestPatternSegments = 8 |
const uint16_t | AJA_NUM_STANDARDS = 6 |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars100_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars100_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars100_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars100_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars75_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars75_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars75_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | ColorBars75_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Ramp_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Ramp_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Ramp_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Ramp_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Multiburst_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Multiburst_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Multiburst_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Multiburst_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_1080_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_1080_2 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_720_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_720_2 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_486_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | LineSweep_576_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_1080_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_1080_2 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_1080_3 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_1080_4 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_720_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_720_2 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_486_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | Pathological_576_1 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_576_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_Pluge_1080_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_Pluge_720_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_Pluge_486_0 [] |
static const uint32_t | FlatField_Pluge_576_0 [] |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowWhite100 = { 940*4,940*4,940*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowYellow100 = { 64*4,940*4, 940*4} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowCyan100 = { 940*4,940*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowGreen100 = { 64<<2,940<<2,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowMagenta100 = { 940*4,64*4,940*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowRed100 = { 64*4,64*4,940*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowBlue100 = { 940*4,64*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowWhite75 = { 721*4,721*4,721*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowYellow75 = { 64*4,721*4,721*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowCyan75 = { 721*4,721*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowGreen75 = { 64*4,721*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowMagenta75 = { 721*4,64*4,721*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowRed75 = { 64*4,64*4,721*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowBlue75 = { 721*4,64*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowWhite58 = { 572*4,572*4,572*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowYellow58 = { 64*4,572*4,572*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowCyan58 = { 572*4,572*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowGreen58 = { 64*4,572*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowMagenta58 = { 572*4,64*4,572*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowRed58 = { 64*4,64*4,572*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowBlue58 = { 572*4,64*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowGrey40 = { 414*4,414*4,414*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStepMinus7 = { 4*4,4*4,4*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep0 = { 64*4,64*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep10 = { 152*4,152*4,152*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep20 = { 239*4,239*4,239*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep30 = { 327*4,327*4,327*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep40 = { 414*4,414*4,414*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep50 = { 502*4,502*4,502*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep60 = { 590*4,590*4,590*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep70 = { 677*4,677*4,677*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep80 = { 765*4,765*4,765*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep90 = { 852*4,852*4,852*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep100 = { 940*4,940*4,940*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowStep109 = { 1019*4,1019*4,1019*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowYellow75_709 = { 316*4,719*4,713*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowCyan75_709 = { 718*4,709*4,538*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowGreen75_709 = { 296*4,706*4,512*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowMagenta75_709 = { 705*4,286*4,651*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowRed75_709 = { 164*4,269*4,639*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowBlue75_709 = { 702*4,147*4,227*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowYellow58_709 = { 381*4,571*4,568*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowCyan58_709 = { 571*4,566*4,484*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowGreen58_709 = { 368*4,564*4,474*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowMagenta58_709 = { 564*4,361*4,536*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowRed58_709 = { 256*4,350*4,530*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowBlue58_709 = { 562*4,236*4,317*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowBlack = { 64*4,64*4,64*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | NarrowMinus2PercentBlack = { 48*4,48*4,48*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | Narrow2PercentBlack = { 80*4,80*4, 80*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | Narrow4PercentBlack = { 99*4,99*4,99*4 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideWhite100 = { 4095,4095,4095 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideYellow100 = { 0,4095,4095} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideCyan100 = { 4095,4095,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideGreen100 = { 0,4095,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideMagenta100 = { 4095,0,4095 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideRed100 = { 0,0,4095 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideBlue100 = { 4095,0,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideWhite58 = {2375,2375,2375 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideYellow58 = {0,2375,2375 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideCyan58 = { 2375,2375,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideGreen58 = { 0,2375,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideMagenta58 = { 2375,0,2375 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideRed58 = { 0,0,2375 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideBlue58 = { 2375,0,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideGrey40 = { 1638,1638,1638 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep0 = { 0,0,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep10 = { 410,410,410 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep20 = { 819,819,819 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep30 = { 1229,1229,1229 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep40 = { 1638,1638,1638 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep50 = { 2048,2048,2048 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep60 = { 2457,2457,2457 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep70 = { 2867,2867,2867 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep80 = { 3276,3276,3276} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep90 = { 3686,3686,3686 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideStep100 = { 4095,4095,4095 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideYellow58_709 = { 1480,2370,2356 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideCyan58_709 = { 2368,2345,1964 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideGreen58_709 = { 1420,2339,1915} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideMagenta58_709 = { 2336,1389,2206} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideRed58_709 = { 900,1337,2178} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideBlue58_709 = { 2328,805,1184} |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | WideBlack = { 0,0,0 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | Wide2PercentBlack = { 82,82, 82 } |
static const AJA_RGB16BitPixel | Wide4PercentBlack = { 164,164,164 } |
static const SegmentTestPatternData | NTV2TestPatternSegments [] |
Contains the implementation of the NTV2TestPatternGen class.
Definition in file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define AsRGB16Ptr | ( | __p__ | ) | reinterpret_cast<AJA_RGB16BitPixel*>(__p__) |
Definition at line 2280 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define AsUBytePtr | ( | __p__ | ) | reinterpret_cast<UByte*>(__p__) |
Definition at line 2278 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define AsUInt16Ptr | ( | __p__ | ) | reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(__p__) |
Definition at line 2283 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define AsUInt8Ptr | ( | __p__ | ) | reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(__p__) |
Definition at line 2282 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define AsULWordPtr | ( | __p__ | ) | reinterpret_cast<ULWord*>(__p__) |
Definition at line 2281 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define AsWordPtr | ( | __p__ | ) | reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(__p__) |
Definition at line 2279 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define TPGDBUG | ( | __x__ | ) | AJA_sDEBUG (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
Definition at line 25 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define TPGFAIL | ( | __x__ | ) | AJA_sERROR (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
Definition at line 21 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define TPGINFO | ( | __x__ | ) | AJA_sINFO (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
Definition at line 24 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define TPGNOTE | ( | __x__ | ) | AJA_sNOTICE (AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
Definition at line 23 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
#define TPGWARN | ( | __x__ | ) | AJA_sWARNING(AJA_DebugUnit_VideoGeneric, AJAFUNC << ": " << __x__) |
Definition at line 22 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef map<ULWord, string> RGBStringMap |
Definition at line 2311 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef RGBStringMap::const_iterator RGBStringMapConstIter |
Definition at line 2313 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef pair<ULWord, string> RGBStringPair |
Definition at line 2312 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef map<string, ULWord> StringRGBMap |
Definition at line 2315 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef StringRGBMap::const_iterator StringRGBMapConstIter |
Definition at line 2317 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef pair<string, ULWord> StringRGBPair |
Definition at line 2316 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef map<string, NTV2TestPatternSelect> StringTPMap |
Definition at line 2307 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef StringTPMap::const_iterator StringTPMapConstIter |
Definition at line 2309 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef pair<string, NTV2TestPatternSelect> StringTPPair |
Definition at line 2308 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef map<NTV2TestPatternSelect, string> TPStringMap |
Definition at line 2303 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef TPStringMap::const_iterator TPStringMapConstIter |
Definition at line 2305 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
typedef pair<NTV2TestPatternSelect, string> TPStringPair |
Definition at line 2304 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 3611 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 3604 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 3626 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 2373 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 2521 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 2352 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 2327 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Definition at line 4086 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 3088 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Currently, we're not cache'ing the results of these several functions. because C++ has no way of specifying the order of static global initialization, and we constantly run into problems with the guard AJALock not being initialized when used in the AJAAutoLock.
const uint16_t AJA_NUM_STANDARDS = 6 |
Definition at line 38 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 50 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 125 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 144 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 94 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 165 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 240 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 259 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 209 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1204 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1280 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1299 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1249 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1318 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1462 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1497 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1403 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 509 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 553 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 597 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 735 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 754 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 773 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 792 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 641 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 672 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 703 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 394 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 469 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 489 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 438 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1597 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1598 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1595 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1547 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1563 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1593 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1555 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1586 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1543 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1559 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1589 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1551 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1582 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1544 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1560 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1590 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1552 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1583 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1565 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1545 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1561 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1591 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1553 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1584 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1596 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1546 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1562 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1592 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1554 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1585 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1568 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1569 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
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Definition at line 1578 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1579 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1570 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1571 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1572 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1573 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1574 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1575 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1576 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1577 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1567 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1541 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1557 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1549 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1542 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1558 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1588 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1550 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1581 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1648 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
const uint16_t NumTestPatternSegments = 8 |
Definition at line 37 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 813 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 857 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 901 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 945 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 989 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1126 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1145 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1164 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1183 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1033 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1064 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1095 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 279 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 355 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 374 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 323 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1641 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1642 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1640 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1608 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1616 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1638 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1604 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1612 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1634 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1605 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1613 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1635 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1619 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1606 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1614 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1636 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1607 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1615 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1637 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1621 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1622 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1631 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1623 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1624 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1625 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1626 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1627 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1628 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1629 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1630 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1602 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1610 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1603 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1611 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 1633 of file ntv2testpatterngen.cpp.