ntv2utils.h File Reference

Declares numerous NTV2 utility functions. More...

#include "ajaexport.h"
#include "ajatypes.h"
#include "ntv2enums.h"
#include "ntv2videodefines.h"
#include "ntv2publicinterface.h"
#include "ntv2formatdescriptor.h"
#include "ntv2m31enums.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
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struct  NTV2SmpteLineNumber
 Used to describe Start of Active Video (SAV) location and field dominance for a given NTV2Standard. (See GetSmpteLineNumber function.) More...
class  NTV2ACFrameRange
 AutoCirculate Frame Range. More...


#define Enum2Str(e)   {e, #e},
#define DEFAULT_PATT_GAIN   0.9
#define HD_NUMCOMPONENTPIXELS_1080_2K   2048
#define HD_NUMCOMPONENTPIXELS_1080   1920
#define CCIR601_10BIT_BLACK   64
#define CCIR601_10BIT_WHITE   940
#define CCIR601_10BIT_CHROMAOFFSET   512
#define CCIR601_8BIT_BLACK   16
#define CCIR601_8BIT_WHITE   235
#define CCIR601_8BIT_CHROMAOFFSET   128
#define FRAME_0_BASE   (0x0)
#define FRAME_1080_10BIT_LINEPITCH   (1280*4)
#define FRAME_1080_8BIT_LINEPITCH   (1920*2)
#define FRAME_BASE(__frameNum__, __frameSize__)   ((__frameNum__)*(__frameSize__))
#define GetHdmiV2StandardFromVideoFormat(__vf__)   ::GetNTV2StandardFromVideoFormat (__vf__)
#define GetTCIndexesForSDIInput   GetTCIndexesForSDIConnector
#define NTV2ChannelToCaptureCrosspoint   NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint
#define NTV2ChannelToIngestCrosspoint   NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint
#define NTV2ChannelToInputChannelSpec   NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint
#define NTV2ChannelToPlayoutCrosspoint   NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint
#define NTV2ChannelToOutputChannelSpec   NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint
#define NTV2CrosspointIDToString   NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString


typedef struct NTV2SmpteLineNumber NTV2SmpteLineNumber
 Used to describe Start of Active Video (SAV) location and field dominance for a given NTV2Standard. (See GetSmpteLineNumber function.) More...
typedef std::vector< NTV2DeviceIDNTV2DeviceIDList
 An ordered list of NTV2DeviceIDs. More...
typedef NTV2DeviceIDList::iterator NTV2DeviceIDListIter
 A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDList. More...
typedef NTV2DeviceIDList::const_iterator NTV2DeviceIDListConstIter
 A convenient const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDList. More...
typedef std::set< NTV2DeviceIDNTV2DeviceIDSet
 A set of NTV2DeviceIDs. More...
typedef NTV2DeviceIDSet::iterator NTV2DeviceIDSetIter
 A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDSet. More...
typedef NTV2DeviceIDSet::const_iterator NTV2DeviceIDSetConstIter
 A convenient const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDSet. More...
typedef std::vector< NTV2OutputCrosspointIDNTV2OutputCrosspointIDs
 An ordered sequence of NTV2OutputCrosspointID values. More...
typedef NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs::iterator NTV2OutputCrosspointIDsIter
 A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs. More...
typedef NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs::const_iterator NTV2OutputCrosspointIDsConstIter
 A convenient const iterator for NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs. More...
typedef std::vector< NTV2InputCrosspointIDNTV2InputCrosspointIDs
 An ordered sequence of NTV2InputCrosspointID values. More...
typedef NTV2InputCrosspointIDs::iterator NTV2InputCrosspointIDsIter
 A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2InputCrosspointIDs. More...
typedef NTV2InputCrosspointIDs::const_iterator NTV2InputCrosspointIDsConstIter
 A convenient const iterator for NTV2InputCrosspointIDs. More...
typedef std::vector< std::string > NTV2StringList
typedef NTV2StringList::iterator NTV2StringListIter
typedef NTV2StringList::const_iterator NTV2StringListConstIter
typedef std::set< std::string > NTV2StringSet
typedef NTV2StringSet::const_iterator NTV2StringSetConstIter


uint32_t CalcRowBytesForFormat (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inPF, const uint32_t pixWidth)
void UnPack10BitYCbCrBuffer (uint32_t *packedBuffer, uint16_t *ycbcrBuffer, uint32_t numPixels)
void PackTo10BitYCbCrBuffer (const uint16_t *ycbcrBuffer, uint32_t *packedBuffer, const uint32_t numPixels)
void MakeUnPacked10BitYCbCrBuffer (uint16_t *buffer, uint16_t Y, uint16_t Cb, uint16_t Cr, uint32_t numPixels)
void ConvertLineTo8BitYCbCr (const uint16_t *ycbcr10BitBuffer, uint8_t *ycbcr8BitBuffer, const uint32_t numPixels)
void ConvertUnpacked10BitYCbCrToPixelFormat (uint16_t *unPackedBuffer, uint32_t *packedBuffer, uint32_t numPixels, NTV2FrameBufferFormat pixelFormat, bool bUseSmpteRange=false, bool bAlphaFromLuma=false)
void MaskUnPacked10BitYCbCrBuffer (uint16_t *ycbcrUnPackedBuffer, uint16_t signalMask, uint32_t numPixels)
void StackQuadrants (uint8_t *pSrc, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcRowBytes, uint8_t *pDst)
void CopyFromQuadrant (uint8_t *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcRowBytes, uint32_t srcQuadrant, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t quad13Offset=0)
void CopyToQuadrant (uint8_t *srcBuffer, uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcRowBytes, uint32_t dstQuadrant, uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t quad13Offset=0)
bool UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoUWordSequence (const void *pIn10BitYUVLine, UWordSequence &out16BitYUVLine, ULWord inNumPixels)
 Unpacks a line of NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR video into 16-bit-per-component YUV data. More...
bool PackLine_UWordSequenceTo10BitYUV (const UWordSequence &in16BitYUVLine, ULWord *pOut10BitYUVLine, const ULWord inNumPixels)
 Packs a line of 16-bit-per-component YCbCr (NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR) video into 10-bit-per-component YCbCr data. More...
bool YUVComponentsTo10BitYUVPackedBuffer (const std::vector< uint16_t > &inYCbCrLine, NTV2Buffer &inFrameBuffer, const NTV2FormatDescriptor &inDescriptor, const UWord inLineOffset)
 Packs up to one raster line of uint16_t YUV components into an NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR frame buffer. More...
bool UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoU16s (std::vector< uint16_t > &outYCbCrLine, const NTV2Buffer &inFrameBuffer, const NTV2FormatDescriptor &inDescriptor, const UWord inLineOffset)
 Unpacks up to one raster line of an NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR frame buffer into an array of uint16_t values containing the 10-bit YUV data. More...
void UnpackLine_10BitYUVto16BitYUV (const ULWord *pIn10BitYUVLine, UWord *pOut16BitYUVLine, const ULWord inNumPixels)
 Unpacks a line of 10-bit-per-component YCbCr video into 16-bit-per-component YCbCr (NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR) data. More...
void PackLine_16BitYUVto10BitYUV (const UWord *pIn16BitYUVLine, ULWord *pOut10BitYUVLine, const ULWord inNumPixels)
 Packs a line of 16-bit-per-component YCbCr (NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR) video into 10-bit-per-component YCbCr data. More...
void RePackLineDataForYCbCrDPX (ULWord *packedycbcrLine, ULWord numULWords)
void UnPack10BitDPXtoRGBAlpha10BitPixel (RGBAlpha10BitPixel *rgba10BitBuffer, const ULWord *DPXLinebuffer, ULWord numPixels, bool bigEndian)
void UnPack10BitDPXtoForRP215withEndianSwap (UWord *rawrp215Buffer, ULWord *DPXLinebuffer, ULWord numPixels)
void UnPack10BitDPXtoForRP215 (UWord *rawrp215Buffer, ULWord *DPXLinebuffer, ULWord numPixels)
void MaskYCbCrLine (UWord *ycbcrLine, UWord signalMask, ULWord numPixels)
void Make10BitBlackLine (UWord *pOutLineData, const ULWord inNumPixels=1920)
 Writes a line of unpacked, legal SMPTE 10-bit Y/C black values into the given buffer. More...
void Make10BitWhiteLine (UWord *pOutLineData, const ULWord inNumPixels=1920)
 Writes a line of unpacked, legal SMPTE 10-bit Y/C white values into the given buffer. More...
bool Fill10BitYCbCrVideoFrame (void *pBaseVideoAddress, const NTV2Standard inStandard, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inPixelFormat, const YCbCr10BitPixel inPixelColor, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode=NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF)
void Make8BitBlackLine (UByte *lineData, ULWord numPixels=1920, NTV2FrameBufferFormat=NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR)
void Make8BitWhiteLine (UByte *lineData, ULWord numPixels=1920, NTV2FrameBufferFormat=NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR)
void Make10BitLine (UWord *lineData, const UWord Y, const UWord Cb, const UWord Cr, const ULWord numPixels=1920)
void Make8BitLine (UByte *lineData, UByte Y, UByte Cb, UByte Cr, ULWord numPixels=1920, NTV2FrameBufferFormat=NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR)
bool Fill8BitYCbCrVideoFrame (void *pBaseVideoAddress, const NTV2Standard inStandard, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inFBF, const YCbCrPixel inPixelColor, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode=NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF)
void Fill4k8BitYCbCrVideoFrame (PULWord _baseVideoAddress, NTV2FrameBufferFormat frameBufferFormat, YCbCrPixel color, bool vancEnabled=false, bool b4k=false, bool wideVANC=false)
void CopyRGBAImageToFrame (ULWord *pSrcBuffer, ULWord srcHeight, ULWord srcWidth, ULWord *pDstBuffer, ULWord dstHeight, ULWord dstWidth)
bool SetRasterLinesBlack (const NTV2PixelFormat inPixelFormat, UByte *pDstBuffer, const ULWord inDstBytesPerLine, const UWord inDstTotalLines)
 Sets all or part of a destination raster image to legal black. More...
bool SetRasterLinesWhite (const NTV2PixelFormat inPixelFormat, UByte *pDstBuffer, const ULWord inDstBytesPerLine, const UWord inDstTotalLines)
 Sets all or part of a destination raster image to legal white. More...
bool CopyRaster (const NTV2PixelFormat inPixelFormat, UByte *pDstBuffer, const ULWord inDstBytesPerLine, const UWord inDstTotalLines, const UWord inDstVertLineOffset, const UWord inDstHorzPixelOffset, const UByte *pSrcBuffer, const ULWord inSrcBytesPerLine, const UWord inSrcTotalLines, const UWord inSrcVertLineOffset, const UWord inSrcVertLinesToCopy, const UWord inSrcHorzPixelOffset, const UWord inSrcHorzPixelsToCopy)
 Copies all or part of a source raster image into a destination raster at a given position. More...
NTV2Standard GetNTV2StandardFromScanGeometry (const UByte inScanGeometry, const bool inIsProgressiveTransport)
NTV2VideoFormat GetSupportedNTV2VideoFormatFromInputVideoFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat)
NTV2Standard GetNTV2StandardFromVideoFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat)
NTV2FrameGeometry GetNTV2FrameGeometryFromVideoFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat)
ULWord GetVideoActiveSize (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inFBFormat, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode=NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF)
ULWord GetVideoWriteSize (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inFBFormat, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode=NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF)
 Identical to the GetVideoActiveSize function, except rounds the result up to the nearest 4K page size multiple. More...
NTV2VideoFormat GetQuarterSizedVideoFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat)
NTV2VideoFormat GetQuadSizedVideoFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const bool isSquareDivision=true)
NTV2FrameGeometry GetQuarterSizedGeometry (const NTV2FrameGeometry inGeometry)
NTV2FrameGeometry Get4xSizedGeometry (const NTV2FrameGeometry inGeometry)
NTV2Standard GetQuarterSizedStandard (const NTV2Standard inGeometry)
NTV2Standard Get4xSizedStandard (const NTV2Standard inGeometry, const bool bIs4k=false)
double GetFramesPerSecond (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate)
double GetFrameTime (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate)
NTV2VideoFormat GetFirstMatchingVideoFormat (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate, const UWord inHeightLines, const UWord inWidthPixels, const bool inIsInterlaced, const bool inIsLevelB, const bool inIsPSF)
bool GetFramesPerSecond (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate, ULWord &outFractionNumerator, ULWord &outFractionDenominator)
 Answers with the given frame rate, in frames per second, as two components: the numerator and denominator of the fractional rate. More...
bool NTV2DeviceCanDoFormat (const NTV2DeviceID inDevID, const NTV2FrameRate inFR, const NTV2FrameGeometry inFG, const NTV2Standard inStd)
ULWord GetAudioSamplesPerFrame (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate, const NTV2AudioRate inAudioRate, ULWord inCadenceFrame=0, bool inIsSMPTE372Enabled=false)
 Returns the number of audio samples for a given video frame rate, audio sample rate, and frame number. This is useful since AJA devices use fixed audio sample rates (typically 48KHz), and some video frame rates will necessarily result in some frames having more audio samples than others. More...
LWord64 GetTotalAudioSamplesFromFrameNbrZeroUpToFrameNbr (NTV2FrameRate frameRate, NTV2AudioRate audioRate, ULWord frameNbrNonInclusive)
double GetAudioSamplesPerSecond (const NTV2AudioRate inAudioRate)
 Returns the audio sample rate as a number of audio samples per second. More...
ULWord GetVaricamRepeatCount (const NTV2FrameRate inSequenceRate, const NTV2FrameRate inPlayRate, const ULWord inCadenceFrame=0)
ULWord GetScaleFromFrameRate (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate)
NTV2FrameRate GetFrameRateFromScale (long scale, long duration, NTV2FrameRate playFrameRate)
NTV2FrameRate GetNTV2FrameRateFromNumeratorDenominator (const ULWord inNumerator, const ULWord inDenominator)
NTV2FrameRate GetNTV2FrameRateFromVideoFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat)
NTV2FrameGeometry GetNormalizedFrameGeometry (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry)
NTV2FrameGeometry GetVANCFrameGeometry (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode)
NTV2FrameGeometry GetGeometryFromFrameDimensions (const NTV2FrameDimensions &inFD)
bool HasVANCGeometries (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry)
NTV2GeometrySet GetRelatedGeometries (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry)
NTV2VANCMode GetVANCModeForGeometry (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry)
ULWord GetNTV2FrameGeometryWidth (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry)
ULWord GetNTV2FrameGeometryHeight (const NTV2FrameGeometry inFrameGeometry)
NTV2FrameGeometry GetGeometryFromStandard (const NTV2Standard inStandard)
NTV2Standard GetStandardFromGeometry (const NTV2FrameGeometry inGeometry, const bool inIsProgressive=true)
ULWord GetDisplayWidth (const NTV2VideoFormat videoFormat)
ULWord GetDisplayHeight (const NTV2VideoFormat videoFormat)
NTV2ConversionMode GetConversionMode (const NTV2VideoFormat inFormat, const NTV2VideoFormat outFormat)
NTV2VideoFormat GetInputForConversionMode (const NTV2ConversionMode conversionMode)
NTV2VideoFormat GetOutputForConversionMode (const NTV2ConversionMode conversionMode)
NTV2Channel GetNTV2ChannelForIndex (const ULWord inIndex0)
ULWord GetIndexForNTV2Channel (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
NTV2Crosspoint GetNTV2CrosspointChannelForIndex (const ULWord inIndex0)
ULWord GetIndexForNTV2CrosspointChannel (const NTV2Crosspoint inChannel)
NTV2Crosspoint GetNTV2CrosspointInputForIndex (const ULWord inIndex0)
ULWord GetIndexForNTV2CrosspointInput (const NTV2Crosspoint inChannel)
NTV2Crosspoint GetNTV2CrosspointForIndex (const ULWord inIndex0)
ULWord GetIndexForNTV2Crosspoint (const NTV2Crosspoint inChannel)
bool IsNTV2CrosspointInput (const NTV2Crosspoint inChannel)
bool IsNTV2CrosspointOutput (const NTV2Crosspoint inChannel)
std::string NTV2CrosspointToString (const NTV2Crosspoint inChannel)
NTV2Channel NTV2CrosspointToNTV2Channel (const NTV2Crosspoint inCrosspointChannel)
NTV2Crosspoint NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
NTV2Crosspoint NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
NTV2InputSource GetNTV2HDMIInputSourceForIndex (const ULWord inIndex0)
NTV2VideoFormat GetTransportCompatibleFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inFormat, const NTV2VideoFormat inTargetFormat)
bool IsTransportCompatibleFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat inFormat1, const NTV2VideoFormat inFormat2)
NTV2InputSource GetNTV2InputSourceForIndex (const ULWord inIndex0, const NTV2IOKinds inKinds=NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI)
NTV2IOKinds GetNTV2InputSourceKind (const NTV2InputSource inSrc)
ULWord GetIndexForNTV2InputSource (const NTV2InputSource inValue)
INTERRUPT_ENUMS NTV2ChannelToInputInterrupt (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
 Converts the given NTV2Channel value into the equivalent input INTERRUPT_ENUMS value. More...
INTERRUPT_ENUMS NTV2ChannelToOutputInterrupt (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
 Converts the given NTV2Channel value into the equivalent output INTERRUPT_ENUMS value. More...
NTV2TCIndex NTV2ChannelToTimecodeIndex (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inEmbeddedLTC=false, const bool inIsF2=false)
 Converts the given NTV2Channel value into the equivalent NTV2TCIndex value. More...
NTV2TCIndexes GetTCIndexesForSDIConnector (const NTV2Channel inSDIConnector)
NTV2Channel NTV2TimecodeIndexToChannel (const NTV2TCIndex inTCIndex)
 Converts the given NTV2TCIndex value into the appropriate NTV2Channel value. More...
NTV2InputSource NTV2TimecodeIndexToInputSource (const NTV2TCIndex inTCIndex)
 Converts the given NTV2TCIndex value into the appropriate NTV2InputSource value. More...
ULWord NTV2FramesizeToByteCount (const NTV2Framesize inFrameSize)
 Converts the given NTV2Framesize value into an exact byte count. More...
ULWord NTV2AudioBufferSizeToByteCount (const NTV2AudioBufferSize inBufferSize)
 Converts the given NTV2BufferSize value into its exact byte count. More...
NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput NTV2ChannelToEmbeddedAudioInput (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
 Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its equivalent NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput. More...
NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput NTV2InputSourceToEmbeddedAudioInput (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
 Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput value. More...
NTV2AudioSource NTV2InputSourceToAudioSource (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
NTV2Crosspoint NTV2InputSourceToChannelSpec (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
 Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2Crosspoint value. More...
NTV2Channel NTV2InputSourceToChannel (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
 Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2Channel value. More...
NTV2ReferenceSource NTV2InputSourceToReferenceSource (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
 Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2ReferenceSource value. More...
NTV2AudioSystem NTV2InputSourceToAudioSystem (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource)
 Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2AudioSystem value. More...
NTV2TimecodeIndex NTV2InputSourceToTimecodeIndex (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource, const bool inEmbeddedLTC=false)
 Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2TimecodeIndex value. More...
NTV2AudioSystem NTV2ChannelToAudioSystem (const NTV2Channel inChannel)
 Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its equivalent NTV2AudioSystem. More...
NTV2InputSource NTV2ChannelToInputSource (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const NTV2IOKinds inKinds=NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI)
NTV2Channel NTV2OutputDestinationToChannel (const NTV2OutputDestination inOutputDest)
 Converts a given NTV2OutputDestination to its equivalent NTV2Channel value. More...
NTV2OutputDestination NTV2ChannelToOutputDestination (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const NTV2IOKinds inKinds=NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI)
 Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its ordinary equivalent NTV2OutputDestination. More...
NTV2FrameRate GetFrameRateFamily (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate)
bool IsMultiFormatCompatible (const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate1, const NTV2FrameRate inFrameRate2)
 Compares two frame rates and returns true if they are "compatible" (with respect to a multiformat-capable device). More...
bool IsMultiFormatCompatible (const NTV2VideoFormat inFormat1, const NTV2VideoFormat inFormat2)
 Compares two video formats and returns true if they are "compatible" (with respect to a multiformat-capable device). More...
bool IsPSF (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool IsProgressivePicture (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool IsProgressiveTransport (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool IsProgressiveTransport (const NTV2Standard format)
bool IsRGBFormat (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat format)
bool IsYCbCrFormat (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat format)
bool IsAlphaChannelFormat (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat format)
bool Is2KFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool Is4KFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool Is8KFormat (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool IsRaw (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat format)
bool Is8BitFrameBufferFormat (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat fbFormat)
bool IsVideoFormatA (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool IsVideoFormatB (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
bool IsVideoFormatJ2KSupported (const NTV2VideoFormat format)
int RecordCopyAudio (PULWord pAja, PULWord pSR, int iStartSample, int iNumBytes, int iChan0, int iNumChans, bool bKeepAudio24Bits)
bool AddAudioTone (ULWord &outNumBytesWritten, NTV2Buffer &inAudioBuffer, ULWord &inOutCurrentSample, const ULWord inNumSamples, const double inSampleRate, const double inAmplitude, const double inFrequency, const ULWord inNumBits, const bool inByteSwap, const ULWord inNumChannels)
 Fills the given buffer with 32-bit (ULWord) audio tone samples. More...
ULWord AddAudioTone (ULWord *pAudioBuffer, ULWord &inOutCurrentSample, const ULWord inNumSamples, const double inSampleRate, const double inAmplitude, const double inFrequency, const ULWord inNumBits, const bool inByteSwap, const ULWord inNumChannels)
 Fills the given buffer with 32-bit (ULWord) audio tone samples. More...
ULWord AddAudioTone (ULWord *pAudioBuffer, ULWord &inOutCurrentSample, const ULWord inNumSamples, const double inSampleRate, const double *pInAmplitudes, const double *pInFrequencies, const ULWord inNumBits, const bool inByteSwap, const ULWord inNumChannels)
 Fills the given buffer with 32-bit (ULWord) audio tone samples with a different frequency in each audio channel. More...
ULWord AddAudioTone (UWord *pAudioBuffer, ULWord &inOutCurrentSample, const ULWord inNumSamples, const double inSampleRate, const double inAmplitude, const double inFrequency, const ULWord inNumBits, const bool inByteSwap, const ULWord inNumChannels)
 Fills the given buffer with 16-bit (UWord) audio tone samples. More...
ULWord AddAudioTestPattern (ULWord *pAudioBuffer, ULWord &inOutCurrentSample, const ULWord inNumSamples, const ULWord inModulus, const bool inEndianConvert, const ULWord inNumChannels)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStream, const NTV2FrameDimensions inFrameDimensions)
 Writes the given NTV2FrameDimensions to the specified output stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStream, const NTV2SmpteLineNumber &inSmpteLineNumber)
 Writes the given NTV2SmpteLineNumber to the specified output stream. More...
NTV2SmpteLineNumber GetSmpteLineNumber (const NTV2Standard inStandard)
 For the given video standard, returns the SMPTE-designated line numbers for Field 1 and Field 2 that correspond to the start-of-active-video (SAV). More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStr, const NTV2DeviceIDList &inSet)
 Handy ostream writer for NTV2DeviceIDList. More...
NTV2DeviceIDSet NTV2GetSupportedDevices (const NTV2DeviceKinds inKinds=NTV2_DEVICEKIND_ALL)
 Returns an NTV2DeviceIDSet of devices supported by the SDK. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStr, const NTV2DeviceIDSet &inSet)
 Handy ostream writer for NTV2DeviceIDSet. More...
UWord NTV2GetSDKVersionComponent (const int inVersionComponent=0)
 Returns an SDK version component value. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStr, const NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs &inList)
 Handy ostream writer for NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs. More...
std::string NTV2DeviceIDToString (const NTV2DeviceID inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2VideoFormatToString (const NTV2VideoFormat inValue, const bool inUseFrameRate=false)
std::string NTV2StandardToString (const NTV2Standard inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2FrameBufferFormatToString (const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2M31VideoPresetToString (const M31VideoPreset inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2FrameGeometryToString (const NTV2FrameGeometry inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2FrameRateToString (const NTV2FrameRate inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2InputSourceToString (const NTV2InputSource inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2OutputDestinationToString (const NTV2OutputDestination inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2ReferenceSourceToString (const NTV2ReferenceSource inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2RegisterWriteModeToString (const NTV2RegisterWriteMode inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2InterruptEnumToString (const INTERRUPT_ENUMS inInterruptEnumValue)
std::string NTV2IpErrorEnumToString (const NTV2IpError inIpErrorEnumValue)
std::string NTV2ChannelToString (const NTV2Channel inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioSystemToString (const NTV2AudioSystem inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioRateToString (const NTV2AudioRate inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioBufferSizeToString (const NTV2AudioBufferSize inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioLoopBackToString (const NTV2AudioLoopBack inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2EmbeddedAudioClockToString (const NTV2EmbeddedAudioClock inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2GetBitfileName (const NTV2DeviceID inValue)
bool NTV2IsCompatibleBitfileName (const std::string &inBitfileName, const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID)
NTV2DeviceID NTV2GetDeviceIDFromBitfileName (const std::string &inBitfileName)
std::string NTV2GetFirmwareFolderPath (void)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStream, const RP188_STRUCT &inObj)
std::string NTV2GetVersionString (const bool inDetailed=false)
std::string NTV2RegisterNumberToString (const NTV2RegisterNumber inValue)
std::string AutoCircVidProcModeToString (const AutoCircVidProcMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2ColorCorrectionModeToString (const NTV2ColorCorrectionMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2InputCrosspointIDToString (const NTV2InputCrosspointID inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString (const NTV2OutputCrosspointID inValue, const bool inForRetailDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2WidgetIDToString (const NTV2WidgetID inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2WidgetTypeToString (const NTV2WidgetType inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2TaskModeToString (const NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2RegNumSetToString (const NTV2RegisterNumberSet &inValue)
std::string NTV2TCIndexToString (const NTV2TCIndex inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioChannelPairToString (const NTV2AudioChannelPair inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioChannelQuadToString (const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioChannelOctetToString (const NTV2Audio8ChannelSelect inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2FramesizeToString (const NTV2Framesize inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2ModeToString (const NTV2Mode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2VANCModeToString (const NTV2VANCMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2MixerKeyerModeToString (const NTV2MixerKeyerMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2MixerInputControlToString (const NTV2MixerKeyerInputControl inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2VideoLimitingToString (const NTV2VideoLimiting inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2BreakoutTypeToString (const NTV2BreakoutType inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AncDataRgnToStr (const NTV2AncDataRgn inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2UpConvertModeToString (const NTV2UpConvertMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2DownConvertModeToString (const NTV2DownConvertMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2IsoConvertModeToString (const NTV2IsoConvertMode inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2ScanMethodToString (const NTV2ScanMethod inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2HDMIBitDepthToString (const NTV2HDMIBitDepth inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2HDMIAudioChannelsToString (const NTV2HDMIAudioChannels inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2HDMIProtocolToString (const NTV2HDMIProtocol inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2HDMIRangeToString (const NTV2HDMIRange inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2HDMIColorSpaceToString (const NTV2HDMIColorSpace inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioFormatToString (const NTV2AudioFormat inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2BitfileTypeToString (const NTV2BitfileType inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
bool convertHDRFloatToRegisterValues (const HDRFloatValues &inFloatValues, HDRRegValues &outRegisterValues)
bool convertHDRRegisterToFloatValues (const HDRRegValues &inRegisterValues, HDRFloatValues &outFloatValues)
void setHDRDefaultsForBT2020 (HDRRegValues &outRegisterValues)
void setHDRDefaultsForDCIP3 (HDRRegValues &outRegisterValues)
std::string NTV2EmbeddedAudioInputToString (const NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::string NTV2AudioSourceToString (const NTV2AudioSource inValue, const bool inCompactDisplay=false)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStream, const NTV2StringList &inData)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &inOutStream, const NTV2StringSet &inData)
NTV2RegisterReads FromRegNumSet (const NTV2RegNumSet &inRegNumSet)
NTV2RegNumSet ToRegNumSet (const NTV2RegisterReads &inRegReads)
bool GetRegNumChanges (const NTV2RegNumSet &inBefore, const NTV2RegNumSet &inAfter, NTV2RegNumSet &outGone, NTV2RegNumSet &outSame, NTV2RegNumSet &outAdded)
bool GetChangedRegisters (const NTV2RegisterReads &inBefore, const NTV2RegisterReads &inAfter, NTV2RegNumSet &outChanged)
std::string PercentEncode (const std::string &inStr)
std::string PercentDecode (const std::string &inStr)
bool StringToSerialNum64 (const std::string &inSerNumStr, uint64_t &outSerNum)
std::string SerialNum64ToString (const uint64_t &inSerNum)
bool GetInstalledMacDriverVersion (UWord &outMaj, UWord &outMin, UWord &outPt, UWord &outBld, UWord &outType)

Detailed Description

Declares numerous NTV2 utility functions.

Definition in file ntv2utils.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CCIR601_10BIT_BLACK   64

Definition at line 34 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define CCIR601_10BIT_CHROMAOFFSET   512

Definition at line 36 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define CCIR601_10BIT_WHITE   940

Definition at line 35 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define CCIR601_8BIT_BLACK   16

Definition at line 38 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define CCIR601_8BIT_CHROMAOFFSET   128

Definition at line 40 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define CCIR601_8BIT_WHITE   235

Definition at line 39 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define DEFAULT_PATT_GAIN   0.9

Definition at line 29 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ Enum2Str

#define Enum2Str (   e)    {e, #e},

Definition at line 25 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define FRAME_0_BASE   (0x0)

Definition at line 43 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define FRAME_1080_10BIT_LINEPITCH   (1280*4)

Definition at line 44 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define FRAME_1080_8BIT_LINEPITCH   (1920*2)

Definition at line 45 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define FRAME_BASE (   __frameNum__,
)    ((__frameNum__)*(__frameSize__))

Definition at line 48 of file ntv2utils.h.



Definition at line 46 of file ntv2utils.h.



Definition at line 47 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ GetHdmiV2StandardFromVideoFormat

#define GetHdmiV2StandardFromVideoFormat (   __vf__)    ::GetNTV2StandardFromVideoFormat (__vf__)

Definition at line 312 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ GetTCIndexesForSDIInput

#define GetTCIndexesForSDIInput   GetTCIndexesForSDIConnector

Definition at line 593 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define HD_NUMCOMPONENTPIXELS_1080   1920

Definition at line 32 of file ntv2utils.h.


#define HD_NUMCOMPONENTPIXELS_1080_2K   2048

Definition at line 31 of file ntv2utils.h.



Definition at line 30 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2ChannelToCaptureCrosspoint

#define NTV2ChannelToCaptureCrosspoint   NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint

Definition at line 594 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2ChannelToIngestCrosspoint

#define NTV2ChannelToIngestCrosspoint   NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint

Definition at line 595 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2ChannelToInputChannelSpec

#define NTV2ChannelToInputChannelSpec   NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint

Definition at line 596 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2ChannelToOutputChannelSpec

#define NTV2ChannelToOutputChannelSpec   NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint

Definition at line 598 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2ChannelToPlayoutCrosspoint

#define NTV2ChannelToPlayoutCrosspoint   NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint

Definition at line 597 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2CrosspointIDToString

#define NTV2CrosspointIDToString   NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString
Use NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString

Definition at line 1168 of file ntv2utils.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ NTV2DeviceIDList

typedef std::vector<NTV2DeviceID> NTV2DeviceIDList

An ordered list of NTV2DeviceIDs.

Definition at line 1032 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2DeviceIDListConstIter

typedef NTV2DeviceIDList::const_iterator NTV2DeviceIDListConstIter

A convenient const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDList.

Definition at line 1034 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2DeviceIDListIter

typedef NTV2DeviceIDList::iterator NTV2DeviceIDListIter

A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDList.

Definition at line 1033 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2DeviceIDSet

typedef std::set<NTV2DeviceID> NTV2DeviceIDSet

A set of NTV2DeviceIDs.

Definition at line 1039 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2DeviceIDSetConstIter

typedef NTV2DeviceIDSet::const_iterator NTV2DeviceIDSetConstIter

A convenient const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDSet.

Definition at line 1041 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2DeviceIDSetIter

typedef NTV2DeviceIDSet::iterator NTV2DeviceIDSetIter

A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2DeviceIDSet.

Definition at line 1040 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2InputCrosspointIDs

An ordered sequence of NTV2InputCrosspointID values.

Definition at line 1069 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2InputCrosspointIDsConstIter

typedef NTV2InputCrosspointIDs::const_iterator NTV2InputCrosspointIDsConstIter

A convenient const iterator for NTV2InputCrosspointIDs.

Definition at line 1071 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2InputCrosspointIDsIter

typedef NTV2InputCrosspointIDs::iterator NTV2InputCrosspointIDsIter

A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2InputCrosspointIDs.

Definition at line 1070 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs

An ordered sequence of NTV2OutputCrosspointID values.

Definition at line 1062 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2OutputCrosspointIDsConstIter

typedef NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs::const_iterator NTV2OutputCrosspointIDsConstIter

A convenient const iterator for NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs.

Definition at line 1064 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2OutputCrosspointIDsIter

typedef NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs::iterator NTV2OutputCrosspointIDsIter

A convenient non-const iterator for NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs.

Definition at line 1063 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2SmpteLineNumber

Used to describe Start of Active Video (SAV) location and field dominance for a given NTV2Standard. (See GetSmpteLineNumber function.)

◆ NTV2StringList

typedef std::vector<std::string> NTV2StringList

Definition at line 1143 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2StringListConstIter

typedef NTV2StringList::const_iterator NTV2StringListConstIter

Definition at line 1145 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2StringListIter

typedef NTV2StringList::iterator NTV2StringListIter

Definition at line 1144 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2StringSet

typedef std::set<std::string> NTV2StringSet

Definition at line 1146 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ NTV2StringSetConstIter

typedef NTV2StringSet::const_iterator NTV2StringSetConstIter

Definition at line 1147 of file ntv2utils.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AddAudioTestPattern()

ULWord AddAudioTestPattern ( ULWord pAudioBuffer,
ULWord inOutCurrentSample,
const ULWord  inNumSamples,
const ULWord  inModulus,
const bool  inEndianConvert,
const ULWord  inNumChannels 

Definition at line 4657 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ AddAudioTone() [1/4]

bool AddAudioTone ( ULWord outNumBytesWritten,
NTV2Buffer inAudioBuffer,
ULWord inOutCurrentSample,
const ULWord  inNumSamples,
const double  inSampleRate,
const double  inAmplitude,
const double  inFrequency,
const ULWord  inNumBits,
const bool  inByteSwap,
const ULWord  inNumChannels 

Fills the given buffer with 32-bit (ULWord) audio tone samples.

[out]outNumBytesWrittenReceives the number of bytes written into the buffer.
[in]inAudioBufferSpecifies the buffer to be filled with audio samples. Must be at least 4 x numSamples x numChannels bytes in size.
inOutCurrentSampleOn entry, specifies the sample where waveform generation is to resume. On exit, receives the sample number where waveform generation left off. Zero should be specified for the first invocation of this function.
[in]inNumSamplesSpecifies the number of samples to generate.
[in]inSampleRateSpecifies the sample rate, in samples per second.
[in]inAmplitudeSpecifies the amplitude of the generated tone.
[in]inFrequencySpecifies the frequency of the generated tone, in cycles per second (Hertz).
[in]inNumBitsSpecifies the number of bits per sample. Should be between 8 and 32 (inclusive).
[in]inByteSwapIf true, byte-swaps each 32-bit sample before copying it into the destination buffer.
[in]inNumChannelsSpecifies the number of audio channels to produce.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 4483 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ AddAudioTone() [2/4]

ULWord AddAudioTone ( ULWord pAudioBuffer,
ULWord inOutCurrentSample,
const ULWord  inNumSamples,
const double  inSampleRate,
const double *  pInAmplitudes,
const double *  pInFrequencies,
const ULWord  inNumBits,
const bool  inByteSwap,
const ULWord  inNumChannels 

Fills the given buffer with 32-bit (ULWord) audio tone samples with a different frequency in each audio channel.

pAudioBufferIf non-NULL, must be a valid pointer to the buffer to be filled with audio samples, and must be at least 4 x numSamples x numChannels bytes in size. Callers may specify NULL to have the function return the required size of the buffer.
inOutCurrentSampleOn entry, specifies the sample where waveform generation is to resume. If audioBuffer is non-NULL, on exit, receives the sample number where waveform generation left off. Callers should specify zero for the first invocation of this function.
[in]inNumSamplesSpecifies the number of samples to generate.
[in]inSampleRateSpecifies the sample rate, in samples per second.
[in]pInAmplitudesA valid, non-NULL pointer to an array of per-channel amplitude values. This array must contain at least "inNumChannels" entries.
[in]pInFrequenciesA valid, non-NULL pointer to an array of per-channel frequency values, in cycles per second (Hertz). This array must contain at least "inNumChannels" entries.
[in]inNumBitsSpecifies the number of bits per sample. Should be between 8 and 32 (inclusive).
[in]inByteSwapIf true, byte-swaps each 32-bit sample before copying it into the destination buffer.
[in]inNumChannelsSpecifies the number of audio channels to produce.
The total number of bytes written into the destination buffer (or if audioBuffer is NULL, the minimum required size of the destination buffer, in bytes).

Definition at line 4609 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ AddAudioTone() [3/4]

ULWord AddAudioTone ( ULWord pAudioBuffer,
ULWord inOutCurrentSample,
const ULWord  inNumSamples,
const double  inSampleRate,
const double  inAmplitude,
const double  inFrequency,
const ULWord  inNumBits,
const bool  inByteSwap,
const ULWord  inNumChannels 

Fills the given buffer with 32-bit (ULWord) audio tone samples.

pAudioBufferIf non-NULL, must be a valid pointer to the buffer to be filled with audio samples, and must be at least 4 x numSamples x numChannels bytes in size. Callers may specify NULL to have the function return the required size of the buffer.
inOutCurrentSampleOn entry, specifies the sample where waveform generation is to resume. If audioBuffer is non-NULL, on exit, receives the sample number where waveform generation left off. Callers should specify zero for the first invocation of this function.
[in]inNumSamplesSpecifies the number of samples to generate.
[in]inSampleRateSpecifies the sample rate, in samples per second.
[in]inAmplitudeSpecifies the amplitude of the generated tone.
[in]inFrequencySpecifies the frequency of the generated tone, in cycles per second (Hertz).
[in]inNumBitsSpecifies the number of bits per sample. Should be between 8 and 32 (inclusive).
[in]inByteSwapIf true, byte-swaps each 32-bit sample before copying it into the destination buffer.
[in]inNumChannelsSpecifies the number of audio channels to produce.
The total number of bytes written into the destination buffer (or if audioBuffer is NULL, the minimum required size of the destination buffer, in bytes).

Definition at line 4531 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ AddAudioTone() [4/4]

ULWord AddAudioTone ( UWord pAudioBuffer,
ULWord inOutCurrentSample,
const ULWord  inNumSamples,
const double  inSampleRate,
const double  inAmplitude,
const double  inFrequency,
const ULWord  inNumBits,
const bool  inByteSwap,
const ULWord  inNumChannels 

Fills the given buffer with 16-bit (UWord) audio tone samples.

pAudioBufferIf non-NULL, must be a valid pointer to the buffer to be filled with audio samples, and must be at least numSamples*2*numChannels bytes in size. Callers may specify NULL to have the function return the required size of the buffer.
inOutCurrentSampleOn entry, specifies the sample where waveform generation is to resume. If audioBuffer is non-NULL, on exit, receives the sample number where waveform generation left off. Callers should specify zero for the first invocation of this function.
[in]inNumSamplesSpecifies the number of samples to generate.
[in]inSampleRateSpecifies the sample rate, in samples per second.
[in]inAmplitudeSpecifies the amplitude of the generated tone.
[in]inFrequencySpecifies the frequency of the generated tone, in cycles per second (Hertz).
[in]inNumBitsSpecifies the number of bits per sample. Should be between 8 and 16 (inclusive).
[in]inByteSwapIf true, byte-swaps each 16-bit sample before copying it into the destination buffer.
[in]inNumChannelsSpecifies the number of audio channels to produce.
The total number of bytes written into the destination buffer (or if audioBuffer is NULL, the minimum required size of the destination buffer, in bytes).

Definition at line 4570 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ AutoCircVidProcModeToString()

std::string AutoCircVidProcModeToString ( const AutoCircVidProcMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7763 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ CalcRowBytesForFormat()

uint32_t CalcRowBytesForFormat ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  inPF,
const uint32_t  pixWidth 
This function doesn't support planar pixel formats. Use NTV2FormatDescriptor instead.

Definition at line 45 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ convertHDRFloatToRegisterValues()

bool convertHDRFloatToRegisterValues ( const HDRFloatValues inFloatValues,
HDRRegValues outRegisterValues 

Definition at line 7868 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ convertHDRRegisterToFloatValues()

bool convertHDRRegisterToFloatValues ( const HDRRegValues inRegisterValues,
HDRFloatValues outFloatValues 

Definition at line 7898 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ ConvertLineTo8BitYCbCr()

void ConvertLineTo8BitYCbCr ( const uint16_t *  ycbcr10BitBuffer,
uint8_t *  ycbcr8BitBuffer,
const uint32_t  numPixels 

Definition at line 212 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ ConvertUnpacked10BitYCbCrToPixelFormat()

void ConvertUnpacked10BitYCbCrToPixelFormat ( uint16_t *  unPackedBuffer,
uint32_t *  packedBuffer,
uint32_t  numPixels,
NTV2FrameBufferFormat  pixelFormat,
bool  bUseSmpteRange = false,
bool  bAlphaFromLuma = false 

Definition at line 223 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ CopyFromQuadrant()

void CopyFromQuadrant ( uint8_t *  srcBuffer,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcRowBytes,
uint32_t  srcQuadrant,
uint8_t *  dstBuffer,
uint32_t  quad13Offset = 0 

Definition at line 454 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ CopyRaster()

bool CopyRaster ( const NTV2PixelFormat  inPixelFormat,
UByte pDstBuffer,
const ULWord  inDstBytesPerLine,
const UWord  inDstTotalLines,
const UWord  inDstVertLineOffset,
const UWord  inDstHorzPixelOffset,
const UByte pSrcBuffer,
const ULWord  inSrcBytesPerLine,
const UWord  inSrcTotalLines,
const UWord  inSrcVertLineOffset,
const UWord  inSrcVertLinesToCopy,
const UWord  inSrcHorzPixelOffset,
const UWord  inSrcHorzPixelsToCopy 

Copies all or part of a source raster image into a destination raster at a given position.

[in]inPixelFormatSpecifies the NTV2PixelFormat of both the destination and source buffers. (Note that many pixel formats are not currently supported.)
pDstBufferSpecifies the starting address of the destination buffer to be modified. Must be non-NULL.
[in]inDstBytesPerLineThe number of bytes per raster line of the destination buffer. Note that this value is used to compute the maximum pixel width of the destination raster. Also note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value (e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 16, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires an even number). Must exceed zero.
[in]inDstTotalLinesThe maximum height of the destination buffer, in raster lines. Must exceed zero.
[in]inDstVertLineOffsetSpecifies the vertical line offset into the destination raster where the top edge of the source image will appear. This value must be less than the inDstTotalLines value (i.e., at least one line of the source must appear in the destination).
[in]inDstHorzPixelOffsetSpecifies the horizontal pixel offset into the destination raster where the left edge of the source image will appear. This value must be less than the maximum width of the destination raster (as stipulated by the inDstBytesPerLine parameter). Thus, at least one pixel of the source (the leftmost edge) must appear in the destination (at the right edge). Note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value (e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 6, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires this to be even).
[in]pSrcBufferSpecifies the starting address of the source buffer to be copied from. Must be non-NULL.
[in]inSrcBytesPerLineThe number of bytes per raster line of the source buffer. Note that this value is used to compute the maximum pixel width of the source raster. Also note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value (e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 16, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires this to be even). Must exceed zero.
[in]inSrcTotalLinesThe maximum height of the source buffer, in raster lines. Must exceed zero.
[in]inSrcVertLineOffsetSpecifies the top edge of the source image to copy. This value must be less than the inSrcTotalLines value.
[in]inSrcVertLinesToCopySpecifies the height of the source image to copy, in lines. This value can be larger than what's possible. The function guarantees that lines past the bottom edge of the source raster will not be accessed. It is not an error to specify zero, although nothing will be copied.
[in]inSrcHorzPixelOffsetSpecifies the left edge of the source image to copy. This value must be less than the maximum width of the source raster (as stipulated by the inSrcBytesPerLine parameter). Note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value (e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 6, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires this to be even).
[in]inSrcHorzPixelsToCopySpecifies the width of the source image to copy, in pixels. This value can be larger than what's possible. This function will ensure that pixels past the right edge of the source raster will not be accessed. It is not an error to specify zero, although nothing will be copied. Note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value(e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 6, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires this to be even).
True if successful; otherwise false.
The source and destination buffers MUST have the same pixel format.
The source and destination buffers must NOT point to the same buffer.
The use of unsigned values precludes positioning the source raster above the top line of the destination raster, or to the left of the destination raster's left edge. This function will, however, clip the source raster if it overhangs the bottom and/or right edge of the destination raster.

This function doesn't work with planar formats.


Definition at line 1642 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ CopyRGBAImageToFrame()

void CopyRGBAImageToFrame ( ULWord pSrcBuffer,
ULWord  srcHeight,
ULWord  srcWidth,
ULWord pDstBuffer,
ULWord  dstHeight,
ULWord  dstWidth 

Definition at line 949 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ CopyToQuadrant()

void CopyToQuadrant ( uint8_t *  srcBuffer,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcRowBytes,
uint32_t  dstQuadrant,
uint8_t *  dstBuffer,
uint32_t  quad13Offset = 0 

Definition at line 482 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Fill10BitYCbCrVideoFrame()

bool Fill10BitYCbCrVideoFrame ( void *  pBaseVideoAddress,
const NTV2Standard  inStandard,
const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  inPixelFormat,
const YCbCr10BitPixel  inPixelColor,
const NTV2VANCMode  inVancMode = NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF 
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 805 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Fill4k8BitYCbCrVideoFrame()

void Fill4k8BitYCbCrVideoFrame ( PULWord  _baseVideoAddress,
NTV2FrameBufferFormat  frameBufferFormat,
YCbCrPixel  color,
bool  vancEnabled = false,
bool  b4k = false,
bool  wideVANC = false 

Definition at line 917 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Fill8BitYCbCrVideoFrame()

bool Fill8BitYCbCrVideoFrame ( void *  pBaseVideoAddress,
const NTV2Standard  inStandard,
const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  inFBF,
const YCbCrPixel  inPixelColor,
const NTV2VANCMode  inVancMode = NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF 

Definition at line 900 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ FromRegNumSet()

NTV2RegisterReads FromRegNumSet ( const NTV2RegNumSet inRegNumSet)

Definition at line 8016 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Get4xSizedGeometry()

NTV2FrameGeometry Get4xSizedGeometry ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inGeometry)

Definition at line 2232 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Get4xSizedStandard()

NTV2Standard Get4xSizedStandard ( const NTV2Standard  inGeometry,
const bool  bIs4k = false 

Definition at line 2261 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetAudioSamplesPerFrame()

ULWord GetAudioSamplesPerFrame ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate,
const NTV2AudioRate  inAudioRate,
ULWord  inCadenceFrame = 0,
bool  inIsSMPTE372Enabled = false 

Returns the number of audio samples for a given video frame rate, audio sample rate, and frame number. This is useful since AJA devices use fixed audio sample rates (typically 48KHz), and some video frame rates will necessarily result in some frames having more audio samples than others.

[in]inFrameRateSpecifies the video frame rate.
[in]inAudioRateSpecifies the audio sample rate. Must be one of NTV2_AUDIO_48K or NTV2_AUDIO_96K.
[in]inCadenceFrameOptionally specifies a frame number for maintaining proper cadence in a frame sequence, for those video frame rates that don't accommodate an even number of audio samples. Defaults to zero.
[in]inIsSMPTE372EnabledSpecifies that 1080p60, 1080p5994 or 1080p50 is being used. In this mode, the device's framerate might be NTV2_FRAMERATE_3000, but since 2 links are coming out, the video rate is effectively NTV2_FRAMERATE_6000. Defaults to false.
The number of audio samples.
See also
See Correlating Audio Samples to Video Frames




Definition at line 2793 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetAudioSamplesPerSecond()

double GetAudioSamplesPerSecond ( const NTV2AudioRate  inAudioRate)

Returns the audio sample rate as a number of audio samples per second.

[in]inAudioRateSpecifies the audio sample rate.
The number of audio samples per second, or zero upon failure.
See also
See Correlating Audio Samples to Video Frames

Definition at line 3207 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetChangedRegisters()

bool GetChangedRegisters ( const NTV2RegisterReads inBefore,
const NTV2RegisterReads inAfter,
NTV2RegNumSet outChanged 

Definition at line 8041 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetConversionMode()

NTV2ConversionMode GetConversionMode ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inFormat,
const NTV2VideoFormat  outFormat 

Definition at line 5540 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetDisplayHeight()

ULWord GetDisplayHeight ( const NTV2VideoFormat  videoFormat)

Definition at line 4111 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetDisplayWidth()

ULWord GetDisplayWidth ( const NTV2VideoFormat  videoFormat)

Definition at line 4103 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetFirstMatchingVideoFormat()

NTV2VideoFormat GetFirstMatchingVideoFormat ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate,
const UWord  inHeightLines,
const UWord  inWidthPixels,
const bool  inIsInterlaced,
const bool  inIsLevelB,
const bool  inIsPSF 
The first NTV2VideoFormat that matches the given frame rate and raster dimensions (and whether it's interlaced or not).
[in]inFrameRateSpecifies the frame rate of interest.
[in]inHeightLinesSpecifies the raster height, in lines of visible video.
[in]inWidthPixelsSpecifies the raster width, in pixels.
[in]inIsInterlacedSpecify true for interlaced/psf video, or false for progressive.
[in]inIsLevelBSpecify true for level B, or false for everything else.
[in]inIsPSFSpecify true for segmented format false for everything else.

Definition at line 1825 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetFrameRateFamily()

NTV2FrameRate GetFrameRateFamily ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate)
The frame rate family that the given NTV2FrameRate belongs to. (This is the NTV2FrameRate of the family having the lowest ordinal value.)
[in]inFrameRateSpecifies the frame rate of interest.

Definition at line 5408 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetFrameRateFromScale()

NTV2FrameRate GetFrameRateFromScale ( long  scale,
long  duration,
NTV2FrameRate  playFrameRate 

Definition at line 3395 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetFramesPerSecond() [1/2]

double GetFramesPerSecond ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate)


Definition at line 1737 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetFramesPerSecond() [2/2]

bool GetFramesPerSecond ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate,
ULWord outFractionNumerator,
ULWord outFractionDenominator 

Answers with the given frame rate, in frames per second, as two components: the numerator and denominator of the fractional rate.

[in]inFrameRateSpecifies the frame rate of interest.
[out]outFractionNumeratorReceives the numerator of the fractional frame rate. This will be zero if the function returns false.
[out]outFractionDenominatorReceives the denominator of the fractional frame rate. If the function is successful, this will be either 1000 or 1001. This will be zero if the function returns false.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 1772 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetFrameTime()

double GetFrameTime ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate)

Definition at line 350 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ GetGeometryFromFrameDimensions()

NTV2FrameGeometry GetGeometryFromFrameDimensions ( const NTV2FrameDimensions inFD)
The first matching NTV2FrameGeometry that matches the given NTV2FrameDimensions, or NTV2_FG_INVALID if none match.
[in]inFDSpecifies the NTV2FrameDimensions of interest.

Definition at line 3861 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetGeometryFromStandard()

NTV2FrameGeometry GetGeometryFromStandard ( const NTV2Standard  inStandard)
The equivalent normalized (non-VANC) NTV2FrameGeometry value for a given NTV2Standard.
[in]inStandardSpecifies the NTV2Standard to be converted into a normalized NTV2FrameGeometry.

Definition at line 3972 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetIndexForNTV2Channel()

ULWord GetIndexForNTV2Channel ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Definition at line 4767 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetIndexForNTV2Crosspoint()

ULWord GetIndexForNTV2Crosspoint ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inChannel)

Definition at line 4889 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetIndexForNTV2CrosspointChannel()

ULWord GetIndexForNTV2CrosspointChannel ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inChannel)

Definition at line 4817 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetIndexForNTV2CrosspointInput()

ULWord GetIndexForNTV2CrosspointInput ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inChannel)

Definition at line 4849 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetIndexForNTV2InputSource()

ULWord GetIndexForNTV2InputSource ( const NTV2InputSource  inValue)

Definition at line 5339 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetInputForConversionMode()

NTV2VideoFormat GetInputForConversionMode ( const NTV2ConversionMode  conversionMode)

Definition at line 5688 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetInstalledMacDriverVersion()

bool GetInstalledMacDriverVersion ( UWord outMaj,
UWord outMin,
UWord outPt,
UWord outBld,
UWord outType 

Definition at line 8209 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNormalizedFrameGeometry()

NTV2FrameGeometry GetNormalizedFrameGeometry ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry)
The equivalent non-VANC NTV2FrameGeometry value for a given NTV2FrameGeometry.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry to be normalized into its non-VANC equivalent.
See also

Definition at line 3760 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2ChannelForIndex()

NTV2Channel GetNTV2ChannelForIndex ( const ULWord  inIndex0)

Definition at line 4762 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2CrosspointChannelForIndex()

NTV2Crosspoint GetNTV2CrosspointChannelForIndex ( const ULWord  inIndex0)

Definition at line 4801 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2CrosspointForIndex()

NTV2Crosspoint GetNTV2CrosspointForIndex ( const ULWord  inIndex0)

Definition at line 4865 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2CrosspointInputForIndex()

NTV2Crosspoint GetNTV2CrosspointInputForIndex ( const ULWord  inIndex0)

Definition at line 4833 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2FrameGeometryFromVideoFormat()

NTV2FrameGeometry GetNTV2FrameGeometryFromVideoFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat)
The NTV2FrameGeometry that corresponds to the given NTV2VideoFormat.
[in]inVideoFormatSpecifies the NTV2VideoFormat of interest.
See also

Definition at line 2548 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2FrameGeometryHeight()

ULWord GetNTV2FrameGeometryHeight ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry)
The height, in lines, of the given NTV2FrameGeometry.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry of interest.
See also

Definition at line 4089 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2FrameGeometryWidth()

ULWord GetNTV2FrameGeometryWidth ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry)
The pixel width of the given NTV2FrameGeometry.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry of interest.
See also

Definition at line 4095 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2FrameRateFromNumeratorDenominator()

NTV2FrameRate GetNTV2FrameRateFromNumeratorDenominator ( const ULWord  inNumerator,
const ULWord  inDenominator 

Definition at line 3492 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2FrameRateFromVideoFormat()

NTV2FrameRate GetNTV2FrameRateFromVideoFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat)
The NTV2FrameRate of the given NTV2VideoFormat.
[in]inVideoFormatSpecifies the NTV2VideoFormat of interest.
This function is physical-transport-centric, so "B" formats will answer with the frame rate of a single link. For example, NTV2_FORMAT_1080p_6000_B will result in NTV2_FRAMERATE_3000. See Dual-Link and 3G Overview for more information.

Definition at line 3534 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2HDMIInputSourceForIndex()

NTV2InputSource GetNTV2HDMIInputSourceForIndex ( const ULWord  inIndex0)

Definition at line 5333 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2InputSourceForIndex()

NTV2InputSource GetNTV2InputSourceForIndex ( const ULWord  inIndex0,
const NTV2IOKinds  inKinds = NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI 
The input source that corresponds to an index value, or NTV2_INPUTSOURCE_INVALID upon failure.
[in]inIndex0Specifies the unsigned, zero-based integer value to be converted into an equivalent NTV2InputSource.
[in]inKindsOptionally specifies the input source type (SDI, HDMI, Analog, etc.) of interest. Defaults to NTV2_INPUTSOURCES_SDI.

Definition at line 5289 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2InputSourceKind()

NTV2IOKinds GetNTV2InputSourceKind ( const NTV2InputSource  inSrc)
The NTV2IOKinds classification of the given NTV2InputSource, or NTV2_IOKINDS_NONE upon failure.
[in]inSrcSpecifies the input source of interest.

Definition at line 5321 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2StandardFromScanGeometry()

NTV2Standard GetNTV2StandardFromScanGeometry ( const UByte  inScanGeometry,
const bool  inIsProgressiveTransport 

Definition at line 1807 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetNTV2StandardFromVideoFormat()

NTV2Standard GetNTV2StandardFromVideoFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat)
The NTV2Standard that corresponds to the given NTV2VideoFormat.
[in]inVideoFormatSpecifies the NTV2VideoFormat of interest.
See also
GetNTV2FrameGeometryFromVideoFormat, GetGeometryFromStandard

Definition at line 2279 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetOutputForConversionMode()

NTV2VideoFormat GetOutputForConversionMode ( const NTV2ConversionMode  conversionMode)

Definition at line 5732 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetQuadSizedVideoFormat()

NTV2VideoFormat GetQuadSizedVideoFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat,
const bool  isSquareDivision = true 

Definition at line 2033 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetQuarterSizedGeometry()

NTV2FrameGeometry GetQuarterSizedGeometry ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inGeometry)

Definition at line 2219 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetQuarterSizedStandard()

NTV2Standard GetQuarterSizedStandard ( const NTV2Standard  inGeometry)

Definition at line 2244 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetQuarterSizedVideoFormat()

NTV2VideoFormat GetQuarterSizedVideoFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat)

Definition at line 1844 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetRegNumChanges()

bool GetRegNumChanges ( const NTV2RegNumSet inBefore,
const NTV2RegNumSet inAfter,
NTV2RegNumSet outGone,
NTV2RegNumSet outSame,
NTV2RegNumSet outAdded 

Definition at line 8032 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetRelatedGeometries()

NTV2GeometrySet GetRelatedGeometries ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry)
An NTV2GeometrySet containing normal, tall and (possibly) taller frame geometries that are associated with the given NTV2FrameGeometry; or an empty set if passed an invalid geometry.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry. (Need not be normalized.)
The resulting set will, at the least, contain the given geometry (if valid).
See also

Definition at line 3906 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetScaleFromFrameRate()

ULWord GetScaleFromFrameRate ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate)


Definition at line 3358 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetSmpteLineNumber()

NTV2SmpteLineNumber GetSmpteLineNumber ( const NTV2Standard  inStandard)

For the given video standard, returns the SMPTE-designated line numbers for Field 1 and Field 2 that correspond to the start-of-active-video (SAV).

[in]inStandardSpecifies the video standard of interest.
The NTV2SmpteLineNumber structure that corresponds to the given video standard.

Definition at line 963 of file ntv2utils.h.

◆ GetStandardFromGeometry()

NTV2Standard GetStandardFromGeometry ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inGeometry,
const bool  inIsProgressive = true 
The equivalent NTV2Standard for the given NTV2FrameGeometry.
[in]inGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry to be converted into a NTV2Standard.
[in]inIsProgressiveSpecifies if the resulting Standard should have a progressive transport or not. Defaults to true.

Definition at line 4008 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetSupportedNTV2VideoFormatFromInputVideoFormat()

NTV2VideoFormat GetSupportedNTV2VideoFormatFromInputVideoFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat)
The NTV2VideoFormat that is supported by the device (in frame buffer).
[in]inVideoFormatSpecifies the input NTV2VideoFormat of interest.

Definition at line 2502 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetTCIndexesForSDIConnector()

NTV2TCIndexes GetTCIndexesForSDIConnector ( const NTV2Channel  inSDIConnector)
The NTV2TCIndexes that are associated with the given SDI connector.
[in]inSDIConnectorThe SDI connector of interest, specified as an NTV2Channel (a zero-based index number).

Definition at line 5035 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetTotalAudioSamplesFromFrameNbrZeroUpToFrameNbr()

LWord64 GetTotalAudioSamplesFromFrameNbrZeroUpToFrameNbr ( NTV2FrameRate  frameRate,
NTV2AudioRate  audioRate,
ULWord  frameNbrNonInclusive 



Definition at line 3050 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetTransportCompatibleFormat()

NTV2VideoFormat GetTransportCompatibleFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inFormat,
const NTV2VideoFormat  inTargetFormat 

Definition at line 5259 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetVANCFrameGeometry()

NTV2FrameGeometry GetVANCFrameGeometry ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry,
const NTV2VANCMode  inVancMode 
The equivalent VANC NTV2FrameGeometry value for a given NTV2VANCMode.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry to be converted into its VANC equivalent.
[in]inVancModeSpecifies the desired NTV2VANCMode.
See also

Definition at line 3808 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetVANCModeForGeometry()

NTV2VANCMode GetVANCModeForGeometry ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry)
The equivalent NTV2VANCMode for a given NTV2FrameGeometry.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry.
See also

Definition at line 3960 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetVaricamRepeatCount()

ULWord GetVaricamRepeatCount ( const NTV2FrameRate  inSequenceRate,
const NTV2FrameRate  inPlayRate,
const ULWord  inCadenceFrame = 0 

Definition at line 3219 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetVideoActiveSize()

ULWord GetVideoActiveSize ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat,
const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  inFBFormat,
const NTV2VANCMode  inVancMode = NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF 
The minimum number of bytes required to store a single frame of video in the given frame buffer format having the given video format, including VANC lines, if any.
[in]inVideoFormatSpecifies the video format.
[in]inFBFormatSpecifies the frame buffer format.
[in]inVancModeOptionally specifies the VANC mode. Defaults to OFF (no VANC lines).

Definition at line 2762 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ GetVideoWriteSize()

ULWord GetVideoWriteSize ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inVideoFormat,
const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  inFBFormat,
const NTV2VANCMode  inVancMode = NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF 

Identical to the GetVideoActiveSize function, except rounds the result up to the nearest 4K page size multiple.

The number of bytes required to store a single frame of video in the given frame buffer format having the given video format, including VANC lines, if any, rounded up to the nearest 4096-byte multiple.
[in]inVideoFormatSpecifies the video format.
[in]inFBFormatSpecifies the frame buffer format.
[in]inVancModeOptionally specifies the VANC mode. Defaults to OFF (no VANC lines).

Historically, this "nearest 4K page size" was necessary to get high-speed I/O bursting to work between the AJA device and the Windows disk system. The file needed to be opened with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING to bypass the file system cache.

Definition at line 2779 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ HasVANCGeometries()

bool HasVANCGeometries ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFrameGeometry)
True if the given NTV2FrameGeometry has tall or taller geometries associated with it; otherwise false.
[in]inFrameGeometrySpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry.
See also

Definition at line 3870 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Is2KFormat()

bool Is2KFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5493 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Is4KFormat()

bool Is4KFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5499 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Is8BitFrameBufferFormat()

bool Is8BitFrameBufferFormat ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  fbFormat)

Definition at line 5517 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Is8KFormat()

bool Is8KFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5505 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsAlphaChannelFormat()

bool IsAlphaChannelFormat ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  format)

Definition at line 5487 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsMultiFormatCompatible() [1/2]

bool IsMultiFormatCompatible ( const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate1,
const NTV2FrameRate  inFrameRate2 

Compares two frame rates and returns true if they are "compatible" (with respect to a multiformat-capable device).

[in]inFrameRate1Specifies one of the frame rates to be compared.
[in]inFrameRate2Specifies another frame rate to be compared.

Definition at line 5422 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsMultiFormatCompatible() [2/2]

bool IsMultiFormatCompatible ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inFormat1,
const NTV2VideoFormat  inFormat2 

Compares two video formats and returns true if they are "compatible" (with respect to a multiformat-capable device).

[in]inFormat1Specifies one of the video formats to be compared.
[in]inFormat2Specifies another video format to be compared.

Definition at line 5441 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsNTV2CrosspointInput()

bool IsNTV2CrosspointInput ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inChannel)

Definition at line 4914 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsNTV2CrosspointOutput()

bool IsNTV2CrosspointOutput ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inChannel)

Definition at line 4920 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsProgressivePicture()

bool IsProgressivePicture ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5456 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsProgressiveTransport() [1/2]

bool IsProgressiveTransport ( const NTV2Standard  format)

Definition at line 5469 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsProgressiveTransport() [2/2]

bool IsProgressiveTransport ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5462 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsPSF()

bool IsPSF ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5450 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsRaw()

bool IsRaw ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  format)

Definition at line 5511 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsRGBFormat()

bool IsRGBFormat ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  format)

Definition at line 5475 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsTransportCompatibleFormat()

bool IsTransportCompatibleFormat ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inFormat1,
const NTV2VideoFormat  inFormat2 

Definition at line 5271 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsVideoFormatA()

bool IsVideoFormatA ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5523 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsVideoFormatB()

bool IsVideoFormatB ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5529 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsVideoFormatJ2KSupported()

bool IsVideoFormatJ2KSupported ( const NTV2VideoFormat  format)

Definition at line 5534 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ IsYCbCrFormat()

bool IsYCbCrFormat ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  format)

Definition at line 5481 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Make10BitBlackLine()

void Make10BitBlackLine ( UWord pOutLineData,
const ULWord  inNumPixels = 1920 

Writes a line of unpacked, legal SMPTE 10-bit Y/C black values into the given buffer.

[in]pOutLineDataA valid, non-NULL pointer to the destination UWord buffer.
[in]inNumPixelsSpecifies the width of the line, in pixels. Defaults to 1920.
This function performs no error checking. Memory corruption will occur if the destination buffer is smaller than 4 x 'inNumPixels' bytes.
This function writes UNPACKED Y/C values. When I return, the destination buffer will NOT contain NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR-formatted pixel values. Use PackLine_16BitYUVto10BitYUV to convert to NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR.

Definition at line 766 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Make10BitLine()

void Make10BitLine ( UWord lineData,
const UWord  Y,
const UWord  Cb,
const UWord  Cr,
const ULWord  numPixels = 1920 

Definition at line 792 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Make10BitWhiteLine()

void Make10BitWhiteLine ( UWord pOutLineData,
const ULWord  inNumPixels = 1920 

Writes a line of unpacked, legal SMPTE 10-bit Y/C white values into the given buffer.

[in]pOutLineDataA valid, non-NULL pointer to the destination UWord buffer.
[in]inNumPixelsSpecifies the width of the line, in pixels. Defaults to 1920.
This function performs no error checking. Memory corruption will occur if the destination buffer is smaller than 4 x 'inNumPixels' bytes.
This function writes UNPACKED Y/C values. When I return, the destination buffer will NOT contain NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR-formatted pixel values. Use PackLine_16BitYUVto10BitYUV to convert to NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR.

Definition at line 779 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Make8BitBlackLine()

void Make8BitBlackLine ( UByte lineData,
ULWord  numPixels = 1920,
NTV2FrameBufferFormat  = NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR 

Definition at line 828 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Make8BitLine()

void Make8BitLine ( UByte lineData,
UByte  Y,
UByte  Cb,
UByte  Cr,
ULWord  numPixels = 1920,
NTV2FrameBufferFormat  = NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR 

Definition at line 874 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ Make8BitWhiteLine()

void Make8BitWhiteLine ( UByte lineData,
ULWord  numPixels = 1920,
NTV2FrameBufferFormat  = NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR 

Definition at line 850 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ MakeUnPacked10BitYCbCrBuffer()

void MakeUnPacked10BitYCbCrBuffer ( uint16_t *  buffer,
uint16_t  Y,
uint16_t  Cb,
uint16_t  Cr,
uint32_t  numPixels 

Definition at line 197 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ MaskUnPacked10BitYCbCrBuffer()

void MaskUnPacked10BitYCbCrBuffer ( uint16_t *  ycbcrUnPackedBuffer,
uint16_t  signalMask,
uint32_t  numPixels 

Definition at line 330 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ MaskYCbCrLine()

void MaskYCbCrLine ( UWord ycbcrLine,
UWord  signalMask,
ULWord  numPixels 

Definition at line 691 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AncDataRgnToStr()

std::string NTV2AncDataRgnToStr ( const NTV2AncDataRgn  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6629 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioBufferSizeToByteCount()

ULWord NTV2AudioBufferSizeToByteCount ( const NTV2AudioBufferSize  inBufferSize)

Converts the given NTV2BufferSize value into its exact byte count.

[in]inBufferSizeSpecifies the NTV2AudioBufferSize to be converted.
The equivalent number of bytes.

Definition at line 5367 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioBufferSizeToString()

std::string NTV2AudioBufferSizeToString ( const NTV2AudioBufferSize  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5834 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioChannelOctetToString()

std::string NTV2AudioChannelOctetToString ( const NTV2Audio8ChannelSelect  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6507 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioChannelPairToString()

std::string NTV2AudioChannelPairToString ( const NTV2AudioChannelPair  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6483 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioChannelQuadToString()

std::string NTV2AudioChannelQuadToString ( const NTV2Audio4ChannelSelect  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6495 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioFormatToString()

std::string NTV2AudioFormatToString ( const NTV2AudioFormat  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6754 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioLoopBackToString()

std::string NTV2AudioLoopBackToString ( const NTV2AudioLoopBack  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5846 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioRateToString()

std::string NTV2AudioRateToString ( const NTV2AudioRate  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5821 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioSourceToString()

std::string NTV2AudioSourceToString ( const NTV2AudioSource  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6783 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2AudioSystemToString()

std::string NTV2AudioSystemToString ( const NTV2AudioSystem  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5810 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2BitfileTypeToString()

std::string NTV2BitfileTypeToString ( const NTV2BitfileType  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7790 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2BreakoutTypeToString()

std::string NTV2BreakoutTypeToString ( const NTV2BreakoutType  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6610 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToAudioSystem()

NTV2AudioSystem NTV2ChannelToAudioSystem ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its equivalent NTV2AudioSystem.

[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2AudioSystem value.

Definition at line 4934 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToEmbeddedAudioInput()

NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput NTV2ChannelToEmbeddedAudioInput ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its equivalent NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput.

[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput value.

Definition at line 4926 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint()

NTV2Crosspoint NTV2ChannelToInputCrosspoint ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Definition at line 4980 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToInputInterrupt()

INTERRUPT_ENUMS NTV2ChannelToInputInterrupt ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Converts the given NTV2Channel value into the equivalent input INTERRUPT_ENUMS value.

[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
The equivalent input INTERRUPT_ENUMS value.

Definition at line 5002 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToInputSource()

NTV2InputSource NTV2ChannelToInputSource ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel,
const NTV2IOKinds  inKinds = NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI 
[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
[in]inKindsSpecifies the type of input source of interest (SDI, HDMI, etc.). Defaults to SDI.
The NTV2InputSource value that corresponds to the given NTV2Channel value.

Definition at line 5197 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint()

NTV2Crosspoint NTV2ChannelToOutputCrosspoint ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Definition at line 4991 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToOutputDestination()

NTV2OutputDestination NTV2ChannelToOutputDestination ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel,
const NTV2IOKinds  inKinds = NTV2_IOKINDS_SDI 

Converts the given NTV2Channel value into its ordinary equivalent NTV2OutputDestination.

[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
[in]inKindsSpecifies the type of output destination of interest (SDI, HDMI, etc.). Defaults to SDI.
The equivalent NTV2OutputDestination value.

Definition at line 5232 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToOutputInterrupt()

INTERRUPT_ENUMS NTV2ChannelToOutputInterrupt ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel)

Converts the given NTV2Channel value into the equivalent output INTERRUPT_ENUMS value.

[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
The equivalent output INTERRUPT_ENUMS value.

Definition at line 5012 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToString()

std::string NTV2ChannelToString ( const NTV2Channel  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5792 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ChannelToTimecodeIndex()

NTV2TCIndex NTV2ChannelToTimecodeIndex ( const NTV2Channel  inChannel,
const bool  inEmbeddedLTC = false,
const bool  inIsF2 = false 

Converts the given NTV2Channel value into the equivalent NTV2TCIndex value.

[in]inChannelSpecifies the NTV2Channel to be converted.
[in]inEmbeddedLTCSpecify true for embedded LTC. Defaults to false.
[in]inIsF2Specify true for VITC2. Defaults to false.
The equivalent NTV2TCIndex value.

Definition at line 5027 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ColorCorrectionModeToString()

std::string NTV2ColorCorrectionModeToString ( const NTV2ColorCorrectionMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7777 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2CrosspointToNTV2Channel()

NTV2Channel NTV2CrosspointToNTV2Channel ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inCrosspointChannel)

Definition at line 4773 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2CrosspointToString()

std::string NTV2CrosspointToString ( const NTV2Crosspoint  inChannel)

Definition at line 5870 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2DeviceCanDoFormat()

bool NTV2DeviceCanDoFormat ( const NTV2DeviceID  inDevID,
const NTV2FrameRate  inFR,
const NTV2FrameGeometry  inFG,
const NTV2Standard  inStd 
[in]inDevIDSpecifies the NTV2DeviceID of the device of interest.
[in]inFRSpecifies the NTV2FrameRate of interest.
[in]inFGSpecifies the NTV2FrameGeometry of interest.
[in]inStdSpecifies the NTV2Standard of interest.
This function is deprecated.
The implementation of this function is very inefficient. Do not call it every frame.
True if the device having the given NTV2DeviceID supports the given frame rate, geometry and standard.

Definition at line 4062 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2DeviceIDToString()

std::string NTV2DeviceIDToString ( const NTV2DeviceID  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 4678 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2DownConvertModeToString()

std::string NTV2DownConvertModeToString ( const NTV2DownConvertMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6657 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2EmbeddedAudioClockToString()

std::string NTV2EmbeddedAudioClockToString ( const NTV2EmbeddedAudioClock  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5858 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2EmbeddedAudioInputToString()

std::string NTV2EmbeddedAudioInputToString ( const NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6765 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2FrameBufferFormatToString()

std::string NTV2FrameBufferFormatToString ( const NTV2FrameBufferFormat  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6988 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2FrameGeometryToString()

std::string NTV2FrameGeometryToString ( const NTV2FrameGeometry  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7202 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2FrameRateToString()

std::string NTV2FrameRateToString ( const NTV2FrameRate  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 


Definition at line 7232 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2FramesizeToByteCount()

ULWord NTV2FramesizeToByteCount ( const NTV2Framesize  inFrameSize)

Converts the given NTV2Framesize value into an exact byte count.

[in]inFrameSizeSpecifies the NTV2Framesize to be converted.
The equivalent number of bytes.

Definition at line 5352 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2FramesizeToString()

std::string NTV2FramesizeToString ( const NTV2Framesize  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6519 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2GetBitfileName()

std::string NTV2GetBitfileName ( const NTV2DeviceID  inValue)

Definition at line 7453 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2GetDeviceIDFromBitfileName()

NTV2DeviceID NTV2GetDeviceIDFromBitfileName ( const std::string &  inBitfileName)

◆ NTV2GetFirmwareFolderPath()

std::string NTV2GetFirmwareFolderPath ( void  )

Definition at line 7576 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2GetSDKVersionComponent()

UWord NTV2GetSDKVersionComponent ( const int  inVersionComponent = 0)

Returns an SDK version component value.

[in]inVersionComponentOptionally specifies which version component to return. Legal values are 0 (major version), 1 (minor version), 2 (point or "dot" version), and 3 (build number). Defaults to 0 (the major version).
The value of the requested version component, or zero if an invalid version component is specified.

Definition at line 7743 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2GetSupportedDevices()

NTV2DeviceIDSet NTV2GetSupportedDevices ( const NTV2DeviceKinds  inKinds = NTV2_DEVICEKIND_ALL)

Returns an NTV2DeviceIDSet of devices supported by the SDK.

[in]inKindsOptionally specifies an NTV2DeviceKinds filter. Defaults to NTV2_DEVICEKIND_ALL.
An NTV2DeviceIDSet of devices supported by the SDK.

Definition at line 7598 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2GetVersionString()

std::string NTV2GetVersionString ( const bool  inDetailed = false)

Definition at line 7731 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2HDMIAudioChannelsToString()

std::string NTV2HDMIAudioChannelsToString ( const NTV2HDMIAudioChannels  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6709 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2HDMIBitDepthToString()

std::string NTV2HDMIBitDepthToString ( const NTV2HDMIBitDepth  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6697 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2HDMIColorSpaceToString()

std::string NTV2HDMIColorSpaceToString ( const NTV2HDMIColorSpace  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6742 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2HDMIProtocolToString()

std::string NTV2HDMIProtocolToString ( const NTV2HDMIProtocol  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6720 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2HDMIRangeToString()

std::string NTV2HDMIRangeToString ( const NTV2HDMIRange  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6731 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputCrosspointIDToString()

std::string NTV2InputCrosspointIDToString ( const NTV2InputCrosspointID  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 5879 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToAudioSource()

NTV2AudioSource NTV2InputSourceToAudioSource ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource)
[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource.
The NTV2AudioSource that corresponds to the given NTV2InputSource.

Definition at line 4966 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToAudioSystem()

NTV2AudioSystem NTV2InputSourceToAudioSystem ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource)

Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2AudioSystem value.

[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2AudioSystem value.

Definition at line 5136 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToChannel()

NTV2Channel NTV2InputSourceToChannel ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource)

Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2Channel value.

[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2Channel value.

Definition at line 5112 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToChannelSpec()

NTV2Crosspoint NTV2InputSourceToChannelSpec ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource)

Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2Crosspoint value.

[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2Crosspoint value.

Definition at line 5064 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToEmbeddedAudioInput()

NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput NTV2InputSourceToEmbeddedAudioInput ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource)

Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput value.

[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2EmbeddedAudioInput value.

Definition at line 4942 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToReferenceSource()

NTV2ReferenceSource NTV2InputSourceToReferenceSource ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource)

Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2ReferenceSource value.

[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2ReferenceSource value.

Definition at line 5088 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToString()

std::string NTV2InputSourceToString ( const NTV2InputSource  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7263 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InputSourceToTimecodeIndex()

NTV2TimecodeIndex NTV2InputSourceToTimecodeIndex ( const NTV2InputSource  inInputSource,
const bool  inEmbeddedLTC = false 

Converts a given NTV2InputSource to its equivalent NTV2TimecodeIndex value.

[in]inInputSourceSpecifies the NTV2InputSource to be converted.
[in]inEmbeddedLTCSpecify true for embedded ATC LTC. Defaults to false.
The equivalent NTV2TimecodeIndex value.

Definition at line 5160 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2InterruptEnumToString()

std::string NTV2InterruptEnumToString ( const INTERRUPT_ENUMS  inInterruptEnumValue)

Definition at line 7348 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2IpErrorEnumToString()

std::string NTV2IpErrorEnumToString ( const NTV2IpError  inIpErrorEnumValue)

Definition at line 7398 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2IsCompatibleBitfileName()

bool NTV2IsCompatibleBitfileName ( const std::string &  inBitfileName,
const NTV2DeviceID  inDeviceID 

◆ NTV2IsoConvertModeToString()

std::string NTV2IsoConvertModeToString ( const NTV2IsoConvertMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6682 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2M31VideoPresetToString()

std::string NTV2M31VideoPresetToString ( const M31VideoPreset  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7030 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2MixerInputControlToString()

std::string NTV2MixerInputControlToString ( const NTV2MixerKeyerInputControl  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6584 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2MixerKeyerModeToString()

std::string NTV2MixerKeyerModeToString ( const NTV2MixerKeyerMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6570 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ModeToString()

std::string NTV2ModeToString ( const NTV2Mode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6545 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString()

std::string NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString ( const NTV2OutputCrosspointID  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6022 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2OutputDestinationToChannel()

NTV2Channel NTV2OutputDestinationToChannel ( const NTV2OutputDestination  inOutputDest)

Converts a given NTV2OutputDestination to its equivalent NTV2Channel value.

[in]inOutputDestSpecifies the NTV2OutputDestination to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2Channel value.

Definition at line 5220 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2OutputDestinationToString()

std::string NTV2OutputDestinationToString ( const NTV2OutputDestination  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7286 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ReferenceSourceToString()

std::string NTV2ReferenceSourceToString ( const NTV2ReferenceSource  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7306 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2RegisterNumberToString()

std::string NTV2RegisterNumberToString ( const NTV2RegisterNumber  inValue)

Definition at line 7757 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2RegisterWriteModeToString()

std::string NTV2RegisterWriteModeToString ( const NTV2RegisterWriteMode  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 7335 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2RegNumSetToString()

std::string NTV2RegNumSetToString ( const NTV2RegisterNumberSet inValue)

Definition at line 6418 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2ScanMethodToString()

std::string NTV2ScanMethodToString ( const NTV2ScanMethod  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6670 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2StandardToString()

std::string NTV2StandardToString ( const NTV2Standard  inValue,
const bool  inForRetailDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6962 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2TaskModeToString()

std::string NTV2TaskModeToString ( const NTV2EveryFrameTaskMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6405 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2TCIndexToString()

std::string NTV2TCIndexToString ( const NTV2TCIndex  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6446 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2TimecodeIndexToChannel()

NTV2Channel NTV2TimecodeIndexToChannel ( const NTV2TCIndex  inTCIndex)

Converts the given NTV2TCIndex value into the appropriate NTV2Channel value.

[in]inTCIndexSpecifies the NTV2TCIndex to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2Channel value.

Definition at line 5044 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2TimecodeIndexToInputSource()

NTV2InputSource NTV2TimecodeIndexToInputSource ( const NTV2TCIndex  inTCIndex)

Converts the given NTV2TCIndex value into the appropriate NTV2InputSource value.

[in]inTCIndexSpecifies the NTV2TCIndex to be converted.
The equivalent NTV2InputSource value.

Definition at line 5053 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2UpConvertModeToString()

std::string NTV2UpConvertModeToString ( const NTV2UpConvertMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6643 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2VANCModeToString()

std::string NTV2VANCModeToString ( const NTV2VANCMode  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6557 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2VideoFormatToString()

std::string NTV2VideoFormatToString ( const NTV2VideoFormat  inValue,
const bool  inUseFrameRate = false 

Definition at line 6798 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2VideoLimitingToString()

std::string NTV2VideoLimitingToString ( const NTV2VideoLimiting  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6597 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2WidgetIDToString()

std::string NTV2WidgetIDToString ( const NTV2WidgetID  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6227 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ NTV2WidgetTypeToString()

std::string NTV2WidgetTypeToString ( const NTV2WidgetType  inValue,
const bool  inCompactDisplay = false 

Definition at line 6354 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStr,
const NTV2DeviceIDList inSet 

Handy ostream writer for NTV2DeviceIDList.

Definition at line 7716 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStr,
const NTV2DeviceIDSet inSet 

Handy ostream writer for NTV2DeviceIDSet.

◆ operator<<() [3/8]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStr,
const NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs inList 

Handy ostream writer for NTV2OutputCrosspointIDs.

◆ operator<<() [4/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStream,
const NTV2FrameDimensions  inFrameDimensions 

Writes the given NTV2FrameDimensions to the specified output stream.

inOutStreamSpecifies the output stream to receive the human-readable representation of the NTV2FrameDimensions.
[in]inFrameDimensionsSpecifies the NTV2FrameDimensions to print to the output stream.
A non-constant reference to the specified output stream.

◆ operator<<() [5/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStream,
const NTV2SmpteLineNumber inSmpteLineNumber 

Writes the given NTV2SmpteLineNumber to the specified output stream.

inOutStreamSpecifies the output stream to receive the human-readable representation of the NTV2SmpteLineNumber.
[in]inSmpteLineNumberSpecifies the NTV2SmpteLineNumber instance to print to the output stream.
A non-constant reference to the specified output stream.

◆ operator<<() [6/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStream,
const NTV2StringList inData 

◆ operator<<() [7/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStream,
const NTV2StringSet inData 

◆ operator<<() [8/8]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  inOutStream,
const RP188_STRUCT inObj 

◆ PackLine_16BitYUVto10BitYUV()

void PackLine_16BitYUVto10BitYUV ( const UWord pIn16BitYUVLine,
ULWord pOut10BitYUVLine,
const ULWord  inNumPixels 

Packs a line of 16-bit-per-component YCbCr (NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR) video into 10-bit-per-component YCbCr data.

[in]pIn16BitYUVLineA valid, non-NULL pointer to the input buffer that contains the 16-bit-per-component YUV data to be converted into 10-bit-per-component YUV.
[out]pOut10BitYUVLineA valid, non-NULL pointer to the output buffer to receive the packed 10-bit-per-component YUV data.
[in]inNumPixelsSpecifies the width of the line to be converted, in pixels.

Definition at line 527 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ PackLine_UWordSequenceTo10BitYUV()

bool PackLine_UWordSequenceTo10BitYUV ( const UWordSequence in16BitYUVLine,
ULWord pOut10BitYUVLine,
const ULWord  inNumPixels 

Packs a line of 16-bit-per-component YCbCr (NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR) video into 10-bit-per-component YCbCr data.

[in]in16BitYUVLineThe UWordSequence that contains the 16-bit-per-component YUV data to be converted into 10-bit-per-component YUV.
[out]pOut10BitYUVLineA valid, non-NULL pointer to the output buffer to receive the packed 10-bit-per-component YUV data.
[in]inNumPixelsSpecifies the width of the line to be converted, in pixels.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 544 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ PackTo10BitYCbCrBuffer()

void PackTo10BitYCbCrBuffer ( const uint16_t *  ycbcrBuffer,
uint32_t *  packedBuffer,
const uint32_t  numPixels 

Definition at line 184 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ PercentDecode()

std::string PercentDecode ( const std::string &  inStr)
The URL-decoded input string.

◆ PercentEncode()

std::string PercentEncode ( const std::string &  inStr)
The URL-encoded input string.

◆ RecordCopyAudio()

int RecordCopyAudio ( PULWord  pAja,
PULWord  pSR,
int  iStartSample,
int  iNumBytes,
int  iChan0,
int  iNumChans,
bool  bKeepAudio24Bits 

Definition at line 4408 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ RePackLineDataForYCbCrDPX()

void RePackLineDataForYCbCrDPX ( ULWord packedycbcrLine,
ULWord  numULWords 

Definition at line 637 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ SerialNum64ToString()

std::string SerialNum64ToString ( const uint64_t &  inSerNum)

Definition at line 8166 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ setHDRDefaultsForBT2020()

void setHDRDefaultsForBT2020 ( HDRRegValues outRegisterValues)

Definition at line 7926 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ setHDRDefaultsForDCIP3()

void setHDRDefaultsForDCIP3 ( HDRRegValues outRegisterValues)

Definition at line 7944 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ SetRasterLinesBlack()

bool SetRasterLinesBlack ( const NTV2PixelFormat  inPixelFormat,
UByte pDstBuffer,
const ULWord  inDstBytesPerLine,
const UWord  inDstTotalLines 

Sets all or part of a destination raster image to legal black.

[in]inPixelFormatSpecifies the NTV2PixelFormat of the destination buffer. (Note that many pixel formats are not currently supported.)
pDstBufferSpecifies the address of the destination buffer to be modified. Must be non-NULL.
[in]inDstBytesPerLineThe number of bytes per raster line of the destination buffer. Note that this value is used to compute the maximum pixel width of the destination raster. Also note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value (e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 16, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires an even number). Must exceed zero.
[in]inDstTotalLinesThe total number of raster lines to set to legal black. Must exceed zero.
Need implementations for numerous pixel formats.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 1081 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ SetRasterLinesWhite()

bool SetRasterLinesWhite ( const NTV2PixelFormat  inPixelFormat,
UByte pDstBuffer,
const ULWord  inDstBytesPerLine,
const UWord  inDstTotalLines 

Sets all or part of a destination raster image to legal white.

[in]inPixelFormatSpecifies the NTV2PixelFormat of the destination buffer. (Note that many pixel formats are not currently supported.)
pDstBufferSpecifies the address of the destination buffer to be modified. Must be non-NULL.
[in]inDstBytesPerLineThe number of bytes per raster line of the destination buffer. Note that this value is used to compute the maximum pixel width of the destination raster. Also note that some pixel formats set constraints on this value (e.g., NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR requires this be a multiple of 16, while NTV2_FBF_8BIT_YCBCR requires an even number). Must exceed zero.
[in]inDstTotalLinesThe total number of raster lines to set to legal white. Must exceed zero.
Need implementations for numerous pixel formats.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 1141 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ StackQuadrants()

void StackQuadrants ( uint8_t *  pSrc,
uint32_t  srcWidth,
uint32_t  srcHeight,
uint32_t  srcRowBytes,
uint8_t *  pDst 

Definition at line 413 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ StringToSerialNum64()

bool StringToSerialNum64 ( const std::string &  inSerNumStr,
uint64_t &  outSerNum 

◆ ToRegNumSet()

NTV2RegNumSet ToRegNumSet ( const NTV2RegisterReads inRegReads)

Definition at line 8024 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ UnPack10BitDPXtoForRP215()

void UnPack10BitDPXtoForRP215 ( UWord rawrp215Buffer,
ULWord DPXLinebuffer,
ULWord  numPixels 

Definition at line 679 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ UnPack10BitDPXtoForRP215withEndianSwap()

void UnPack10BitDPXtoForRP215withEndianSwap ( UWord rawrp215Buffer,
ULWord DPXLinebuffer,
ULWord  numPixels 

Definition at line 669 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ UnPack10BitDPXtoRGBAlpha10BitPixel()

void UnPack10BitDPXtoRGBAlpha10BitPixel ( RGBAlpha10BitPixel rgba10BitBuffer,
const ULWord DPXLinebuffer,
ULWord  numPixels,
bool  bigEndian 

Definition at line 648 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ UnPack10BitYCbCrBuffer()

void UnPack10BitYCbCrBuffer ( uint32_t *  packedBuffer,
uint16_t *  ycbcrBuffer,
uint32_t  numPixels 

Definition at line 169 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ UnpackLine_10BitYUVto16BitYUV()

void UnpackLine_10BitYUVto16BitYUV ( const ULWord pIn10BitYUVLine,
UWord pOut16BitYUVLine,
const ULWord  inNumPixels 

Unpacks a line of 10-bit-per-component YCbCr video into 16-bit-per-component YCbCr (NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR) data.

[in]pIn10BitYUVLineA valid, non-NULL pointer to the input buffer that contains the packed 10-bit-per-component YUV data to be converted into 16-bit-per-component YUV.
[out]pOut16BitYUVLineA valid, non-NULL pointer to the output buffer to receive the unpacked 16-bit-per-component YUV data.
[in]inNumPixelsSpecifies the width of the line to be converted, in pixels.

Definition at line 511 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoU16s()

bool UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoU16s ( std::vector< uint16_t > &  outYCbCrLine,
const NTV2Buffer inFrameBuffer,
const NTV2FormatDescriptor inDescriptor,
const UWord  inLineOffset 

Unpacks up to one raster line of an NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR frame buffer into an array of uint16_t values containing the 10-bit YUV data.

[out]outYCbCrLineThe YUV components unpacked from the frame buffer. This will be cleared upon entry, and if successful, will contain at least 12 values upon exit.
inFrameBufferThe frame buffer in host memory that is to be read.
[in]inDescriptorThe NTV2FormatDescriptor that describes the frame buffer.
[in]inLineOffsetThe zero-based line offset into the frame buffer.
True if successful; otherwise false.
This is a safer version of the UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoUWordSequence function.

◆ UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoUWordSequence()

bool UnpackLine_10BitYUVtoUWordSequence ( const void *  pIn10BitYUVLine,
UWordSequence out16BitYUVLine,
ULWord  inNumPixels 

Unpacks a line of NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR video into 16-bit-per-component YUV data.

[in]pIn10BitYUVLineA valid, non-NULL pointer to the start of the line that contains the NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR data to be converted.
[out]out16BitYUVLineReceives the unpacked 16-bit-per-component YUV data. The sequence is cleared before filling. The UWord sequence will be Cb0, Y0, Cr0, Y1, Cb1, Y2, Cr1, Y3, Cb2, Y4, Cr2, Y5, . . .
[in]inNumPixelsSpecifies the width of the line to be converted, in pixels.
True if successful; otherwise false.

Definition at line 119 of file ntv2utils.cpp.

◆ YUVComponentsTo10BitYUVPackedBuffer()

bool YUVComponentsTo10BitYUVPackedBuffer ( const std::vector< uint16_t > &  inYCbCrLine,
NTV2Buffer inFrameBuffer,
const NTV2FormatDescriptor inDescriptor,
const UWord  inLineOffset 

Packs up to one raster line of uint16_t YUV components into an NTV2_FBF_10BIT_YCBCR frame buffer.

[in]inYCbCrLineThe YUV components to be packed into the frame buffer. This must contain at least 12 values.
inFrameBufferThe frame buffer in host memory that is to be modified.
[in]inDescriptorThe NTV2FormatDescriptor that describes the frame buffer.
[in]inLineOffsetThe zero-based line offset into the frame buffer where the packed components will be written.
True if successful; otherwise false.
Neighboring components in the packed output will be corrupted if input component values exceed 0x3FF.
This is a safer version of the PackLine_UWordSequenceTo10BitYUV function.