Go to the documentation of this file.
16 #define CopyMemory(a,b,c) memcpy((a),(b),(c))
38 const ULWord inFrameNumber,
40 const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes,
41 const ULWord inTotalByteCount,
42 const bool inSynchronous =
46 const ULWord inFrameNumber,
48 const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes,
49 const ULWord inTotalByteCount,
50 const ULWord inNumSegments,
51 const ULWord inHostPitchPerSeg,
52 const ULWord inCardPitchPerSeg,
53 const bool inSynchronous =
58 const ULWord inFrameNumber,
59 const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes,
61 const ULWord inNumSegments,
62 const ULWord inSegmentHostPitch,
63 const ULWord inSegmentCardPitch,
67 {(
void)bSubscribe; (
void)eInterruptType; (
return true;}
87 #if !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_0)
120 #endif // defined(NTV2_DRIVER_ALLOCATED_BUFFERS)
124 #if !defined(NTV2_NULL_DEVICE)
128 #endif // !defined(NTV2_NULL_DEVICE)
133 #if !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_0)
139 #endif // !defined(NTV2_DEPRECATE_16_0)
ULWord * _pDNXRegisterBaseAddress
virtual bool MapRegisters(void)
virtual bool ConfigureSubscription(const bool bSubscribe, const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType, PULWord &hSubcription)
These enum values are mostly used to identify a specific widget_framestore. They're also commonly use...
std::string _bitfileDirectory
virtual bool NTV2Message(NTV2_HEADER *pInOutMessage)
Sends a message to the NTV2 driver (the new, improved, preferred way).
virtual bool CloseLocalPhysical(void)
Releases host resources associated with the local/physical device connection.
virtual bool GetInterruptCount(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterrupt, ULWord &outCount)
Answers with the number of interrupts of the given type processed by the driver.
virtual bool MapXena2Flash(void)
virtual bool DmaReadWithOffsets(NTV2DMAEngine DMAEngine, ULWord frameNumber, ULWord *pFrameBuffer, ULWord offsetSrc, ULWord offsetDest, ULWord bytes)
virtual bool GetAudioOutputMode(NTV2_GlobalAudioPlaybackMode *mode)
virtual bool ControlDriverDebugMessages(NTV2_DriverDebugMessageSet msgSet, bool enable)
virtual bool GetStreamingApplication(ULWord &outAppType, int32_t &outProcessID)
Answers with the four-CC type and process ID of the application that currently "owns" the AJA device ...
virtual ~CNTV2LinuxDriverInterface()
virtual bool AutoCirculate(AUTOCIRCULATE_DATA &autoCircData)
Sends an AutoCirculate command to the NTV2 driver.
virtual bool UnmapDNXRegisters(void)
virtual bool UnmapFrameBuffers(void)
virtual bool DmaWriteWithOffsets(NTV2DMAEngine DMAEngine, ULWord frameNumber, ULWord *pFrameBuffer, ULWord offsetSrc, ULWord offsetDest, ULWord bytes)
virtual bool GetDMADriverBufferPhysicalAddress(ULWord *physAddr)
Linux implementation of CNTV2DriverInterface.
std::vector< ULWord * > DMA_LOCKED_VEC
virtual bool DmaTransfer(const NTV2DMAEngine inDMAEngine, const bool inIsRead, const ULWord inFrameNumber, ULWord *pFrameBuffer, const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes, const ULWord inTotalByteCount, const bool inSynchronous=(!(0)))
Transfers data between the AJA device and the host. This function will block and not return to the ca...
All new NTV2 structs start with this common header.
virtual bool ConfigureInterrupt(const bool bEnable, const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType)
virtual bool RestoreHardwareProcampRegisters(void)
virtual bool WaitForInterrupt(INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterrupt, ULWord timeOutMs=68)
virtual bool MapDNXRegisters(void)
virtual bool ReadRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0)
Reads all or part of the 32-bit contents of a specific register (real or virtual) on the AJA device....
virtual bool DmaWriteFrameDriverBuffer(NTV2DMAEngine DMAEngine, ULWord frameNumber, unsigned long dmaBufferFrame, ULWord bytes, ULWord poll)
virtual bool GetBA2MemorySize(ULWord *memSize)
virtual bool DmaReadFrameDriverBuffer(NTV2DMAEngine DMAEngine, ULWord frameNumber, unsigned long dmaBufferFrame, ULWord bytes, ULWord downSample, ULWord linePitch, ULWord poll)
virtual bool GetBA4MemorySize(ULWord *memSize)
virtual bool SetAudioOutputMode(NTV2_GlobalAudioPlaybackMode mode)
virtual bool MapDMADriverBuffer()
virtual bool UnmapXena2Flash(void)
virtual bool UnmapRegisters(void)
virtual bool GetBA0MemorySize(ULWord *memSize)
virtual bool HevcSendMessage(HevcMessageHeader *pMessage)
Sends an HEVC message to the NTV2 driver.
virtual bool WriteRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, const ULWord inValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0)
Updates or replaces all or part of the 32-bit contents of a specific register (real or virtual) on th...
virtual bool GetDMADriverBufferAddress(ULWord **pDMADriverBuffer)
virtual bool GetDMANumDriverBuffers(ULWord *pNumDmaDriverBuffers)
virtual bool MapFrameBuffers(void)
ULWord * _pDMADriverBufferAddress
I'm the base class that undergirds the platform-specific derived classes (from which CNTV2Card is ult...
virtual bool OpenLocalPhysical(const UWord inDeviceIndex)
Opens the local/physical device connection.
Declares the CNTV2DriverInterface base class.
virtual bool GetBA1MemorySize(ULWord *memSize)
virtual bool UnmapDMADriverBuffer()
virtual bool SetupBoard(void)