![]() |
This is the complete list of members for CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608, including all inherited members.
AppendToLogLabel(const std::string &inString) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |
CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608() | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | explicitprotected |
CNTV2CaptionLogConfig(const std::string inLogLabel=std::string()) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | |
Create(CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608Ptr &outInstance) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | static |
DoBackspace(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoCarriageReturn(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoDeleteToEndOfRow(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoEndOfCaption(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoEraseDisplayedMemory(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoEraseNonDisplayedMemory(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoFlashOn(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoResumeCaptionLoading(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoResumeDirectCaptioning(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoResumeTextDisplay(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoRollUpCaption(const UWord inRows) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DoTextRestart(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
DumpMemory(const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, std::ostream &inOutputStream=std::cout, const size_t inRadix=16, const size_t inBytesPerGroup=4, const size_t inGroupsPerLine=8, const size_t inAddressRadix=16, const bool inShowAscii=true, const size_t inAddrOffset=0) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | static |
DumpYBytes_2vuy(const UByte *pInVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const unsigned inFromPixel=0, const unsigned inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const unsigned inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const unsigned inHiliteRangeTo=9999) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | static |
DumpYBytes_2vuy(const std::vector< uint8_t > &inVideoLine, std::ostream &inOutputStream, const size_t inFromPixel=0, const size_t inToPixel=719, const bool inShowRuler=true, const size_t inHiliteRangeFrom=9999, const size_t inHiliteRangeTo=9999) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | static |
EraseScreen(const UWord screen) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
GetCaptionMode(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetCharacterAttributes(const UWord screen, const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetColumn(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
GetCurrentChannel(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, NTV2Line21Field field) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetCurrentCharacterSet(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
GetCurrentScreen(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetDebugPrintRow(const UWord inRow, const bool inShowChars=true) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetDebugPrintScreen(const bool inShowChars=true) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetLogLabel(void) const | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |
GetLogMask(void) const | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | inlinevirtual |
GetOnAirCharacter(const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetOnAirCharacter(const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetOnAirCharacterSet(const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetOnAirCharacterWithAttributes(const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetOnAirUTF16CharacterWithAttributes(const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, NTV2Line21Attrs &outAttr) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetRow(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
GetSeverityLabel(const unsigned inSeverity) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | static |
GetStats(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
GetStatTitle(const CaptionDecode608Stats inStat) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | static |
GetTextModeDisplayAttributes(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
GetTextModeDisplayRowCount(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
HexDump32Bytes(const void *pInStartAddress, const size_t inByteCount, const size_t inLimitBytes=32) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | static |
IncrementColumn(const int inDelta=1) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
IncrementRow(const int inDelta=1) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
InsertCharacter(const UByte char608_1, const UByte char608_2, const NTV2Line21Attrs inAttr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
InsertCharacter(const UByte char608_1, const UByte char608_2) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
InsertTextCharacter(const UByte inASCIIChar) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
IsTextChannel(void) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
Log(void) const | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |
LogIf(const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) const | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |
mLogLabel | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | protected |
mLogMask | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | protected |
MoveRollUpWindow(const UWord inNewBaseRow) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
mpLabelLock | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | mutableprotected |
Notify_CaptionModeChanged(const NTV2Line21Mode inOldMode, const NTV2Line21Mode inNewMode) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Notify_ChannelChanged(const NTV2Line21Channel inOldChannel, const NTV2Line21Channel inNewChannel) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Notify_CurrentColumnChanged(const UWord inOldCol, const UWord inNewCol) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Notify_CurrentRowChanged(const UWord inOldRow, const UWord inNewRow) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Notify_CurrentScreenChanged(const UWord inOldScreen, const UWord inNewScreen) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Notify_ScreenAttrChanged(const UWord inScreenNum, const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, const NTV2Line21Attrs &inOldAttr, const NTV2Line21Attrs &inNewAttr) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Notify_ScreenCharChanged(const UWord inScreenNum, const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, const NTV2_CC608_CodePoint inOldCodePoint, const NTV2_CC608_CodePoint inNewCodePoint) const | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
NTV2CC608CodePoint typedef | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protected |
Parse608AttributeCommand(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608CharacterData(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608CharacterSetCommand(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608Data(const UByte inByte1, const UByte inByte2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
Parse608MidRowCommand(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608MiscCommand(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608PACCommand(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608SpecialCharacter(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Parse608TabOffsetCommand(UByte char608_1, UByte char608_2, std::string &outDebugStr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
Reset(void) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
SetAttributes(const UWord inRow, const UWord inCol, const NTV2Line21Attrs inAttr) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
SetCaptionMode(const NTV2Line21Mode inNewCaptionMode) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
SetChannel(const NTV2Line21Channel inNewChannel) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
SetColumn(const UWord inNewCol) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
SetCurrentScreen(const UWord inNewScreen) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
SetDebugColumnsOfInterest(const UWord inFromCol, const UWord inToCol, const bool inAdd=false) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
SetDebugRowsOfInterest(const UWord inFromRow, const UWord inToRow, const bool inAdd=false) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
SetLogLabel(const std::string &inNewLabel) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |
SetLogMask(const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | inlinevirtual |
SetLogStream(std::ostream &inOutputStream) | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |
SetRow(const UWord inNewRow) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | protectedvirtual |
SetTextModeDisplayAttributes(const NTV2Line21Attrs &inAttributes) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | inlinevirtual |
SetTextModeDisplayRowCount(const UWord inNumRows) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
sStaticBackBufferTestMode | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | static |
SubscribeChangeNotification(NTV2Caption608Changed *pInCallback, void *pInUserData=0) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
TestLogMask(const NTV2CaptionLogMask inLogMask, const bool inExact=false) const | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | inlinevirtual |
UnsubscribeChangeNotification(NTV2Caption608Changed *pInCallback, void *pInUserData=0) | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
~CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608() | CNTV2CaptionDecodeChannel608 | virtual |
~CNTV2CaptionLogConfig() | CNTV2CaptionLogConfig | virtual |