![]() |
This is the complete list of members for CNTV2Config2022, including all inherited members.
AcquireMailbox() | CNTV2MailBox | |
CNTV2Config2022(CNTV2Card &device) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
CNTV2MailBox(CNTV2Card &device) | CNTV2MailBox | |
CNTV2MBController(CNTV2Card &device) | CNTV2MBController | |
DisableNetworkInterface(const eSFP sfp) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
EnableIGMPGroup(eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream, bool enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
Get2022_7_Mode(bool &enable, uint32_t &rx_networkPathDifferential) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
Get2022ChannelRxStatus(NTV2Channel channel, s2022RxChannelStatus &status) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetBiDirectionalChannels() | CNTV2Config2022 | inline |
GetDualLinkMode(bool &enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
getError(std::string &error) | CNTV2MailBox | |
getFeatures() | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
GetIGMPDisable(eSFP sfp, bool &disabled) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetIGMPVersion(eIGMPVersion_t &version) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetIPServicesControl(bool &enable, bool &forceReconfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetJ2KDecoderConfiguration(j2kDecoderConfig &j2kConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetJ2KDecoderStatus(j2kDecoderStatus &j2kStatus) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetJ2KEncoderConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, j2kEncoderConfig &j2kConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
getLastError() | CNTV2Config2022 | |
getLastErrorCode() | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetLinkStatus(eSFP sfp, SFPStatus &sfpStatus) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetLLDPInfo(std::string &chassisId0, std::string &portId0, std::string &chassisId1, std::string &portId1) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetMACAddress(eSFP sfp, NTV2Stream stream, std::string remoteIP, uint32_t &hi, uint32_t &lo) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, IPVNetConfig &netConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, std::string &localIPAddress, std::string &subnetMask, std::string &gateway) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetNTPTimestamp() | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetRemoteMAC(std::string remote_IPAddress, eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream, std::string &MACaddress) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
getResponse(std::string &response) | CNTV2MailBox | |
GetRxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, rx_2022_channel &rxConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetRxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool &enabled) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetRxLinkState(NTV2Channel channel, bool &sfp1Enable, bool &sfp2Enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetRxMatch(NTV2Channel channel, eSFP link, uint8_t &match) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetSDP(std::string url, std::string &sdp) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetSFPActive(eSFP sfp) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetSFPInfo(eSFP port, SFPMSAData &sfpdata) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetSFPMSAData(eSFP sfp, SFPMSAData &data) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
getStatus() | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
GetTxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, tx_2022_channel &txConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetTxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool &enabled) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
GetTxFormat(NTV2Channel chan, NTV2VideoFormat &fmt) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
GetTxLinkState(NTV2Channel channel, bool &sfp1Enable, bool &sfp2Enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
mDevice | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
mIpErrorCode | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
mIpInternalErrorString | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
PushSDP(std::string filename, std::stringstream &sdpstream) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
rcvMsg(uint32_t timeout) | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
ReadChannelRegister(const ULWord inReg, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0x0) | CNTV2MailBox | |
ReadChannelRegister(ULWord inReg, ULWord *pOutValue, ULWord mask=0xFFFFFFFF, ULWord shift=0x0) | CNTV2MailBox | inline |
readMB(uint32_t &val, uint32_t timeout=50) | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
ReleaseMailbox() | CNTV2MailBox | |
rxReady() | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
sendMsg(char *msg, uint32_t timeout) | CNTV2MailBox | |
sendMsg(uint32_t timeout) | CNTV2MailBox | |
Set2022_7_Mode(bool enable, uint32_t rx_networkPathDifferential) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetBiDirectionalChannels(bool bidirectional) | CNTV2Config2022 | inline |
SetChannel(ULWord channelOffset, ULWord channelNumber) | CNTV2MailBox | |
SetDualLinkMode(bool enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetIGMPDisable(eSFP sfp, bool disable) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetIGMPGroup(eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream, uint32_t mcast_addr, uint32_t src_addr, bool enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetIGMPVersion(eIGMPVersion_t version) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
CNTV2MBController::SetIGMPVersion(uint32_t version) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetIPServicesControl(const bool enable, const bool forceReconfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetJ2KDecoderConfiguration(const j2kDecoderConfig &j2kConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetJ2KEncoderConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, const j2kEncoderConfig &j2kConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetLLDPInfo(std::string sysname) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetMBNetworkConfiguration(eSFP port, std::string ipaddr, std::string netmask, std::string gateway) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, const IPVNetConfig &netConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, const std::string localIPAddress, const std::string subnetMask, const std::string gateway) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetRxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, const rx_2022_channel &rxConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetRxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool enable) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetRxLinkState(NTV2Channel channel, bool sfp1Enable, bool sfp2Enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetRxMatch(NTV2Channel channel, eSFP link, uint8_t match) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetSFPActive(eSFP sfp) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetSFPInactive(eSFP sfp) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetTxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, const tx_2022_channel &txConfig) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetTxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool enable) | CNTV2Config2022 | |
SetTxFormat(NTV2Channel chan, NTV2VideoFormat fmt) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
SetTxLinkState(NTV2Channel channel, bool sfp1Enable, bool sfp2Enable) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
txBuf | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
UnsetIGMPGroup(eSFP port, NTV2Stream stream) | CNTV2MBController | protected |
waitRxReady(uint32_t timeout) | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
waitSOM(uint32_t timeout) | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
waitTxReady(uint32_t timeout) | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
WriteChannelRegister(ULWord reg, ULWord value, ULWord mask=0xFFFFFFFF, ULWord shift=0x0) | CNTV2MailBox | |
writeMB(uint32_t val, uint32_t timeout=50) | CNTV2MailBox | protected |
~CNTV2Config2022() | CNTV2Config2022 | |
~CNTV2MailBox() | CNTV2MailBox |