“libajabase” Classes

This is a handy collection of platform-independent classes and templates that provide several practical, basic services including…

  • Memory Management
  • File Management
  • Timing
  • Threading and Synchronization
  • Video and Audio
  • Miscellaneous
    • AJASystemInfo — get common information about the system
    • the “popt library” for parsing command line arguments
    • CreateGuid — create globally unique identifier strings
    • AJAPersistence — save/retrieve integer/string/blob data to/from a host userʼs registry/preferences store using string keys
    • sqlite3 — the SQLite mini RDBMS
    • AJAPnp — get notified when AJA devices get attached/detached to/from the host
Avoid deriving subclasses from AJA-provided classes. AJA recommends using aggregation techniques to incorporate NTV2 functionality into your own classes.

Prior to SDK 15.0, these “base” classes were compiled into their own libajabase library. Starting with SDK 15.0, they were merged into the libajantv2 library.

Starting in SDK 16.0, the default platform-specific implementations of AJALock and AJAAutoLock are provided by the C++11 compiler. See gs-sdkbuild for details.