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This is the complete list of members for NTV2FormatDescriptor, including all inherited members.
ByteOffsetToPlane(const ULWord inByteOffset) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
ByteOffsetToRasterLine(const ULWord inByteOffset) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
CNTV2CaptionRenderer class | NTV2FormatDescriptor | friend |
firstActiveLine | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetBytesPerRow(const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetChangedLines(NTV2RasterLineOffsets &outDiffs, const void *pInBuffer1, const void *pInBuffer2, const ULWord inMaxLines=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetFirstActiveLine(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetFirstChangedRow(const void *pInStartAddress1, const void *pInStartAddress2, ULWord &outFirstChangedRowNum) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetFullRasterDimensions(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetFullRasterHeight(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetLineOffsetFromSMPTELine(const ULWord inSMPTELine, ULWord &outLineOffset) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetRasterHeight(const bool inVisibleOnly=false) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetRowAddress(const void *pInStartAddress, const ULWord inRowIndex0, const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetRowBuffer(const NTV2Buffer &inFrameBuffer, NTV2Buffer &inOutRowBuffer, const ULWord inRowIndex0, const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetSegmentedXferInfo(NTV2SegmentedXferInfo &inSegmentInfo, const bool inIsSource=true) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetSMPTELineNumber(const ULWord inLineOffset, ULWord &outSMPTELine, bool &outIsField2) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetTopVisibleRowAddress(UByte *pInStartAddress) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetTotalBytes(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetTotalRasterBytes(const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetVerticalSampleRatio(const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetVideoWriteSize(ULWord inPageSize=4096UL) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetVisibleRasterBytes(const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetVisibleRasterDimensions(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
GetVisibleRasterHeight(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
GetWriteableRowAddress(void *pInStartAddress, const ULWord inRowIndex0, const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
Is2KFormat(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
IsAtLineStart(ULWord inByteOffset) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
IsValid(void) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | inline |
linePitch | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
MakeInvalid(void) | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
NTV2FormatDescriptor() | NTV2FormatDescriptor | explicit |
NTV2FormatDescriptor(const ULWord inNumLines, const ULWord inNumPixels, const ULWord inLinePitch, const ULWord inFirstActiveLine=0) | NTV2FormatDescriptor | explicit |
NTV2FormatDescriptor(const NTV2Standard inStandard, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inFrameBufferFormat, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode=NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF) | NTV2FormatDescriptor | explicit |
NTV2FormatDescriptor(const NTV2VideoFormat inVideoFormat, const NTV2FrameBufferFormat inFrameBufferFormat, const NTV2VANCMode inVancMode=NTV2_VANCMODE_OFF) | NTV2FormatDescriptor | explicit |
numLines | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
numPixels | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
operator==(const NTV2FormatDescriptor &inRHS) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
PlaneToString(const UWord inPlaneIndex0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
Print(std::ostream &inOutStream, const bool inDetailed=true) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
PrintSMPTELineNumber(std::ostream &inOutStream, const ULWord inLineOffset, const bool inForTextMode=false) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor | |
RasterLineToByteOffset(const ULWord inRowIndex0, const UWord inPlaneIndex0=0) const | NTV2FormatDescriptor |