![]() |
This is the complete list of members for CNTV2WinDriverInterface, including all inherited members.
_boardID | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_boardNumber | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_boardOpened | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_EventCounts typedef | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_EventHandles typedef | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_GUID_PROPSET | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_hDevice | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_hDevInfoSet | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_pCh1FrameBaseAddress | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pCh2FrameBaseAddress | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pciSlot | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pFrameBaseAddress | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pRegisterBaseAddress | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pRegisterBaseAddressLength | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_previousAudioSelection | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_previousAudioState | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_programStatus | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pRPCAPI | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_pspDevIFaceDetailData | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_pXena2FlashBaseAddress | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_spDevInfoData | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
_ulFrameBufferSize | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_ulNumFrameBuffers | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
_vecDmaLocked | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
AcquireStreamForApplication(const ULWord inAppType, const int32_t inProcessID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
AcquireStreamForApplicationWithReference(const ULWord inAppType, const int32_t inProcessID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
AutoCirculate(AUTOCIRCULATE_DATA &autoCircData) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
BitstreamLoad(const bool inSuspend, const bool inResume) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
BitstreamReset(const bool inConfiguration, const bool inInterface) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
BitstreamStatus(NTV2ULWordVector &outRegValues) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
BitstreamWrite(const NTV2Buffer &inBuffer, const bool inFragment, const bool inSwap) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
BumpEventCount(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
Close(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
CloseLocalPhysical(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
CloseRemote(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
CNTV2DriverInterface() | CNTV2DriverInterface | |
CNTV2WinDriverInterface() | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | |
CompleteMemoryForDMA(ULWord *pFrameBuffer) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
ConfigureInterrupt(const bool bEnable, const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
ConfigureSubscription(const bool bSubscribe, const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType, PULWord &hSubcription) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
ConnectParams(void) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
ControlDriverDebugMessages(NTV2_DriverDebugMessageSet msgSet, bool enable) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
DMA_LOCKED_VEC typedef | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protected |
DmaTransfer(const NTV2DMAEngine inDMAEngine, const bool inIsRead, const ULWord inFrameNumber, ULWord *pFrameBuffer, const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes, const ULWord inByteCount, const bool inSynchronous=(!(0))) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
DmaTransfer(const NTV2DMAEngine inDMAEngine, const bool inIsRead, const ULWord inFrameNumber, ULWord *pFrameBuffer, const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes, const ULWord inByteCount, const ULWord inNumSegments, const ULWord inSegmentHostPitch, const ULWord inSegmentCardPitch, const bool inSynchronous=(!(0))) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
DmaTransfer(const NTV2DMAEngine inDMAEngine, const NTV2Channel inDMAChannel, const bool inIsTarget, const ULWord inFrameNumber, const ULWord inCardOffsetBytes, const ULWord inByteCount, const ULWord inNumSegments, const ULWord inSegmentHostPitch, const ULWord inSegmentCardPitch, const PCHANNEL_P2P_STRUCT &inP2PData) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
DmaUnlock(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
DriverGetBitFileInformation(BITFILE_INFO_STRUCT &outBitfileInfo, const NTV2BitFileType inBitfileType=NTV2_VideoProcBitFile) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
DriverGetBuildInformation(BUILD_INFO_STRUCT &outBuildInfo) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
DriverSetBitFileInformation(const BITFILE_INFO_STRUCT &inBitfileInfo) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
FinishOpen(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
GetAudioOutputMode(NTV2_GlobalAudioPlaybackMode *mode) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
GetBoolParam(const ULWord inParamID, ULWord &outValue) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
GetDescription(void) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetDeviceID(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetFrameBufferSize(void) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetInterruptCount(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterrupt, ULWord &outCount) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
GetInterruptEvent(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetInterruptEventCount(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS inEventCode, ULWord &outCount) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetLegalSchemeNames(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | static |
GetNumericParam(const ULWord inParamID, ULWord &outValue) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
GetNumFrameBuffers(void) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetNumRecordedRegisterWrites(void) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetNumSupported(const NTV2NumericParamID inParamID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetOverlappedMode(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | static |
GetPackageInformation(PACKAGE_INFO_STRUCT &outPkgInfo) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetRecordedRegisterWrites(NTV2RegisterWrites &outRegWrites) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetRegInfoForBoolParam(const NTV2BoolParamID inParamID, NTV2RegInfo &outRegInfo) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
GetRegInfoForNumericParam(const NTV2NumericParamID inParamID, NTV2RegInfo &outRegInfo) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
GetShareMode(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | static |
GetStreamingApplication(ULWord &outAppType, int32_t &outProcessID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
GetSupportedItems(const NTV2EnumsID inEnumsID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
HevcSendMessage(HevcMessageHeader *pMessage) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
IsDeviceReady(const bool inCheckValid=(0)) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
IsMBSystemReady(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
IsMBSystemValid(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
IsRecordingRegisterWrites(void) const | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
IsSupported(const NTV2BoolParamID inParamID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
MapFrameBuffers(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
MapMemory(PVOID pvUserVa, ULWord ulNumBytes, bool bMap, ULWord *ulUser=NULL) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
MapRegisters(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
MapXena2Flash(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
mEventCounts | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
mInterruptEventHandles | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
mRecordRegWrites | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
mRegWrites | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
mRegWritesLock | CNTV2DriverInterface | mutableprotected |
mSkipRegWrites | CNTV2DriverInterface | protected |
NTV2Message(NTV2_HEADER *pInMessage) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
Open(const UWord inDeviceIndex) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
Open(const std::string &inURLSpec) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
OpenLocalPhysical(const UWord inDeviceIndex) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
OpenRemote(const std::string &inURLSpec) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
ParseFlashHeader(BITFILE_INFO_STRUCT &outBitfileInfo) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
PauseRecordRegisterWrites(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
PrepareMemoryForDMA(ULWord *pFrameBuffer, const ULWord ulNumBytes) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
ReadFlashULWord(const ULWord inAddress, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inRetryCount=1000) | CNTV2DriverInterface | protectedvirtual |
ReadRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, ULWord &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
CNTV2DriverInterface::ReadRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, T &outValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0) | CNTV2DriverInterface | inline |
ReadRegisterMulti(const ULWord numRegs, ULWord *pOutWhichRegFailed, NTV2RegInfo aRegs[]) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
ReadRegisters(NTV2RegisterReads &inOutValues) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
ReadRP188Registers(const NTV2Channel inChannel, RP188_STRUCT *pRP188Data) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
ReleaseStreamForApplication(const ULWord inAppType, const int32_t inProcessID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
ReleaseStreamForApplicationWithReference(const ULWord inAppType, const int32_t inProcessID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
RestoreHardwareProcampRegisters(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
ResumeAudio(const ULWord inFBSize) | CNTV2DriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
ResumeRecordRegisterWrites(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
SetAudioOutputMode(NTV2_GlobalAudioPlaybackMode mode) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
SetInterruptEventCount(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS inEventCode, const ULWord inCount) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
SetOverlappedMode(const bool inOverlapMode) | CNTV2DriverInterface | static |
SetShareMode(const bool inSharedMode) | CNTV2DriverInterface | static |
SetStreamingApplication(const ULWord inAppType, const int32_t inProcessID) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
SleepMs(const LWord msec) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
StartRecordRegisterWrites(const bool inSkipActualWrites=(0)) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
StopRecordRegisterWrites(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
StreamBufferOps(const NTV2Channel inChannel, NTV2Buffer &inBuffer, ULWord64 bufferCookie, ULWord flags, NTV2StreamBuffer &status) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
StreamChannelOps(const NTV2Channel inChannel, ULWord flags, NTV2StreamChannel &status) | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
SuspendAudio(void) | CNTV2DriverInterface | inlinevirtual |
UnmapFrameBuffers(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
UnmapRegisters(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
UnmapXena2Flash(void) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
WaitForInterrupt(const INTERRUPT_ENUMS eInterruptType, const ULWord timeOutMs=50) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
WriteRegister(const ULWord inRegNum, const ULWord inValue, const ULWord inMask=0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift=0) | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |
~CNTV2DriverInterface() | CNTV2DriverInterface | virtual |
~CNTV2WinDriverInterface() | CNTV2WinDriverInterface | virtual |