![]() |
This is the complete list of members for SRTCaptions, including all inherited members.
AnchorMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
anchorStr(const uint16_t inAnchor, const bool inIncludeRawValue=false) | SRTCaptions | static |
anchorTag(const uint16_t inAnchor) | SRTCaptions | static |
appendCaption(const SRTCaptionInfo &inCaptionInfo) | SRTCaptions | |
captionAtStartTime(const SRTTimestamp inStartTime, SRTCaptionInfo &outInfo) const | SRTCaptions | |
captionAtStartTime(const SRTTimestamp inStartTime) const | SRTCaptions | |
captionCount(void) const | SRTCaptions | |
CaptionMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
clear(void) | SRTCaptions | |
defaultMinimumDuration(void) | SRTCaptions | inlinestatic |
durationAtStartTime(const SRTTimestamp inStartTime, SRTDuration &outDuration) const | SRTCaptions | |
DurationMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
durationStr(const SRTDuration inDurationMS, const bool inIncludeRawValue=false) | SRTCaptions | static |
errorCount(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
ErrorMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
errors(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
getError(size_t &outLineOffset, std::string &outMsg) const | SRTCaptions | |
getTimestamp(const std::string &inStr, SRTTimestamp &outTS, std::ostream &oss=std::cerr) | SRTCaptions | static |
getWarning(const size_t inIndex0, size_t &outLineOffset, std::string &outMsg) const | SRTCaptions | |
getWindow(const std::string &inStr, SRTWindow &outWndo, std::ostream &oss) | SRTCaptions | static |
hasCaptionAtSeqNum(const SRTSeqNum inSeqNum) const | SRTCaptions | |
hasCaptionAtStartTime(const SRTTimestamp inStartTime) const | SRTCaptions | |
hasErrors(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
hasWarnings(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
isEmpty(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
lineAtOffset(const size_t inOffset) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
linesParsed(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
maxSeqNum(void) const | SRTCaptions | |
maxStartTime(void) const | SRTCaptions | |
minSeqNum(void) const | SRTCaptions | |
minStartTime(void) const | SRTCaptions | |
nextCaption(SRTTimestamp &inOutStartTime, SRTCaptionInfo &outInfo) const | SRTCaptions | |
printErrors(std::ostream &oss, const bool inIncludeWarnings=true) const | SRTCaptions | |
printInfo(std::ostream &oss) const | SRTCaptions | |
printSRT(std::ostream &oss) const | SRTCaptions | |
reloadFrom(const StringList &inSRTData) | SRTCaptions | |
reloadFrom(const std::string &inSRTData) | SRTCaptions | |
SeqNumMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
setDefaultMinimumDuration(const SRTDuration inDuration) | SRTCaptions | inlinestatic |
SourceMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
startTimeAtSeqNum(const SRTSeqNum inSeqNum) const | SRTCaptions | |
StringList typedef | SRTCaptions | |
TimestampMap typedef | SRTCaptions | |
timestampStr(const SRTTimestamp inTS, const bool inIncludeRawValue=false) | SRTCaptions | static |
totalDuration(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
totalLines(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
warningCount(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
warnings(void) const | SRTCaptions | inline |
WindowMap typedef | SRTCaptions |